I come on the wings of love! Thank you from the higher dimensions for the Lightwork that you are involved in at this time. We are so grateful for those of you who take the time each day to make the calls for assistance to the people and animals of the lands that are suffering from the activities that have changed their lives so drastically. Please include them and Mother Earth in your prayers and decrees and assist them in the great work of clearing the rubble and rebuilding their homes and their lives. Much Light from the hearts of humanity everywhere upon the Earth is shining in response to the countless devastations that occurred in many locations across the planet.
This response from all of humanity is heralding the greater unfoldment of the energy of love that is now streaming down upon everyone and everything on the Earth in ever increasing intensity. Humankind is realizing that there is no longer distance between places upon the Earth or between peoples. They are answering their hearts call to remember that it is only upon the Earth plane that there is division between souls, and that outward appearances hold no relevance in the heart of God. Each person is an individuation and representation of the Infinite Creator manifesting through them. As this remembrance and realization takes hold in each heart, greater changes will take place in the awareness and consciousness within each soul.
As each soul remembers the purity, love and goodness that each human person truly is, there will be a greater outpouring of those qualities from every human heart. This will bring forth great power from within, for love is the greatest and only force in existence. Love will change all that requires changing and love will do this in the most inspiring and uplifting ways. The hearts of humanity have opened to the higher energies of love and Light now inundating the Earth and all her inhabitants. This acceptance will expand this energy, this great force, into every endeavour that each individual initiates. The innate kindness and nobleness of humankind comes shining through and your world is being changed forever.
There is much that is coming forth at this time and it is necessary for you to maintain your center and hold your Light in the very place that you are situated at this time. We have said before that where each Lightworker is at this time, is where they have agreed to be in order to have their Light and radiance be of the greatest assistance to the people in their communities, whether this Light is recognized or not. For just by being who you are, you add great good to your world and all the inhabitants. It is the awakened heart that now moves into action across the surface of the Earth, initiating great changes in all facets of life upon the Earth, in all institutions that have been established in previous generations. All will be changed, some changes will take place quickly and others will gradually take place as humanity awakens from their long sleep.
These are the days that you volunteered your participation for. These are the days that will move your world into the shining and pristine new world that is called Heaven on Earth. Rest assured that the majority of humanity will end up living their individual Heaven on Earth while experiencing the oneness of life with the Infinite Creator of our entire Universe and beyond. Truly this is the most exciting time to be alive and manifesting upon your planet and being part of the changes that come forth. We are with you in energy, strength and solidarity, for we are all in this together.
I AM Melchizedek.
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff