Archangel Michael: 2021 Lions Gate;

The Emergence of the New Earth Human


Dearest Family of Light, you are approaching the Planetary New Year and the Lions Gate Portal.  This is that time in the Sacred Year when you begin a new cycle of Time and Creation.


At this time, Sirius rises in the morning sky, conjunct to your Sun, and for this creative moment your Planet has two suns, a white/gold sun and a blue sun (Sirius).  In this magical energy the Planet also aligns with the Lions Gate in the Constellation of Leo (8th August) and the Royal Star Regulus, also known as the “Heart of the Lion”, which ushers in a new cycle and timeline for Earth.
此時,天狼星在早晨的天空升起,與你的太陽合相,在這個創造性的時刻,你的行星有兩個太陽,一個白色/金色的太陽和一個藍色的太陽(天狼星)。在這種神奇的能量中,行星還與獅子座的獅子門(8 月 8 日)和皇家之星軒轅十四對齊,也被稱為“獅子之心”,這為地球帶來了一個新的周期和時間線。


This year, you have been under great pressure to raise your personal frequency and accelerate your evolution so that you can commence your new cycle at the highest frequency possible for New Earth.  This is to enable you to step into the New Earth Reality and fully activate your New Earth Human/Human Angelic Template in your DNA.  This will enable you to detach from the lower levels of chaos on the lower timeline, and to live in a Reality of peaceful and loving Community as a New Earth Human.
今年,你承受著巨大的壓力來提高你的個人頻率並加速你的進化,這樣你就可以以新地球可能的最高頻率開始你的新周期。這是為了讓你能夠踏入新地球現實,並在你的 DNA 中完全激活你的新地球人類/人類天使模板。這將使你能夠在較低的時間線中脫離較低層次的混亂,並作為一個新地球人類生活在一個和平、充滿愛的社區的現實中。 


The New Earth Human 新地球人類


Over the past years, you have raised your consciousness from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension of Light, released layers of accumulated negative energy and reactivated your original Human Angelic Template with great success.


The 3rd Dimensional Human was a Being with 7 active chakras who needed to meditate to access the Soul and Higher Self which were “above” the human body.  The 5th dimensional New Earth Human is a multi-dimensional Being of 13 active chakras which includes a direct connection to the Soul/Higher Self and the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Aspects of Self.
三維人類是一個有 7 個活躍脈輪的存在,他們需要冥想才能進入“高於”人體的靈魂和高我。第五維新地球人類是一個包含 13 個活躍脈輪的多維存有,其中包括與靈魂/更高自我以及太陽、銀河和宇宙自我的直接聯繫。


The main indication of your ascension to this state is your awareness of Solar movements and energies as you will “feel” within your Light Body and your Physical Body the flows of Plasma and Solar Light Codes as they pervade Earth’s atmosphere in the Sun’s ongoing conversation with the Earth.  You will receive the Diamond Light Codes and integrate them in a Conscious and Joyful way.


You will become aware of your Galactic heritage and your personal connection to the Stars.  In this Lions Gate transit, you will become aware of the Stellar and Galactic Masters of Light, such as the Royal Lions, and the Angelic Beings, such as the Elohim, who work with you to accomplish the Birthing of the New Earth.


The New Earth: a Heart Centered Creation of Love



The New Earth Human Angel is a Heart centred Being.  Unlike the “older version” of Humanity, which was centered in the Mind/Solar Plexus, New Earth Humans operate from the Heart.
新地球人類天使是以心為中心的存在。 與以心智/太陽神經叢為中心的“舊版”人類不同,新地球人類從開始運作。


This means that the Heart is the centre of Balance and the connection point for the Soul and Higher Self.


All decisions and choices in the New Earth are made from the Heart.  You make these choices through feeling, intuition and deep inherent wisdom, rather than by the directions of the rational mind.  The mind may provide information, but its purpose is not to make choices and decisions.  These are made at a deeper level by the Heart and Soul.


The basis of All Choices and Decisions in the New Earth is Love.


There will be no fear and control in the New Earth, but simply the Flow of Love and Creation, as you evolve and grow through your ongoing creations.


The New Earth Humans and your Relationship with Nature


The Old Earth 3rd Dimensional Human had a conflictual and aggressive relationship with nature.  He saw it as a resource to be used and plundered at will.
舊地球三維人類與自然有著衝突和侵略性的關係。 他將其視為一種可以隨意使用和掠奪的資源。


The New Earth Human sees Nature as Sacred, and respects the original purpose of the Earth as a Sacred Planet and a garden for the Joy of the Galaxy and all its Beings.


The New Earth Human Angels are Keepers of the Sacred Planetary Garden and are also Galactic Shamans.  They work with the Elementals and the Nature Spirits to create a Paradise Home for all living beings sent here by Prime Creator and the Elohim Angels.


A Galactic Shaman respects nature and works with Nature, knowing and feeling at the same time his or her Solar and Galactic connections and responsibilities.


2021 Lions Gate : Stepping Up
2021 年獅門:步步高升


At this Lions Gate of 2021, Beloved Family, many of you who were previously feeling “stuck” or “uncertain” or “unmotivated” will step up to your new responsibilities on the Planet.
親愛的家人,在這個 2021 年的獅子門,你們許多以前感到“被困”、“不確定”或“沒有動力”的人將加強對地球的新責任。


You will become  Human Angels and Galactic Shamans, you will guide people and do ceremonies to honour the Emerging New Earth.  You will become leaders who will gently guide and support your communities through the Earth changes and transitions to the New Earth Consciousness.
你將成為人類天使和銀河薩滿,你將引導人們並舉行儀式來紀念新興的新地球。 你將成為領導者,通過地球變化和過渡到新地球意識,溫和地引導和支持你的社區。


The Lions Gate will provide the tsunami of High Frequency energy that will activate these transformations and lift you into the New Earth higher timeline.


Be prepared, Beloved Ones, it will be quite an experience!




傳導:Celia Fenn




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