

I am Source. I am the all and the in between. I am the energy that began this creative process and I am the thought, the love that will continue for eternity. I am never ending. I am always beginning. Gaia will have her always beginning again moment. Ascension energies are growing. (I am seeing germinating seeds, sprouting plants.) Gaia is becoming her higher, highest self. This temple of higher dimensional codices has already been seeded. You will continue watering it with your good intentions to create growth of the new. Do not be aghast at that what is coming. Be prepared to anchor the light. Many of you are already firm strong anchors of light and I thank you for keeping your promises to me, to yourself and to your oversoul collectives who all sent many aspects who could best hold the light at a higher frequency in such a low form. Your lower dimensional forms are morphing and increasingly holding more and more light. You feel alone but you need not. You are all cells of myself, by me, in all forms and spaces. You are surrounded by yourself as you are a part of me. Your families of light are also aspects of me.
我是源頭。我是一切和之間。我是啟動這個創造性進程的能量,我是會永遠繼續下去的思想和愛。我是永不完結。我總是開始。蓋亞會擁有她再次開始的時刻。揚昇能量在增強。 (我看到發芽的種子,發芽的植物)。蓋亞在成為她更高的最高的自我。這個更高維度法典的聖殿已被播種。你會繼續用你良好的意圖澆灌它來創造新的成長。不要被正在到來的東西嚇呆。準備好錨定光。你們許多人已經是堅定的光之錨,我感謝你遵守了你的承諾,對我、對你自己、對你的超靈集體(把能夠在如此低的形態中最好地保持高頻光的面向派送了下來)。你的較低維度形態正在蛻變,保持越來越多的光。你感到孤獨但你不需要這麼感受。你們都是我的細胞,在各種形態和空間中。你被自己包裹,因為你是我的一部分。你的光之家人也是我的面向。


We are all one giant thought, one wave of love, of light. Fractals fight and feel cut off and separated in the lower dimensional realms. The whole point is to realize that all are created and all are me and all are one. Just as all of the cells of your body make up you, so too are you my cells, my aspects, my lights, serving, living, breathing, experiencing. One cell in your big toe may not feel connected to a cell in your heart but it is all you. Your body is all one massive universe, of trillions of you, experiencing what you see, feel, taste, touch, love, hate, it is all your experience. Are you sending light to your cells? I am sending light to you, a cell of my lightened vibration upon Gaia. Gaia is being bathed in the highest quality multidimensional light and she is radiant. You are radiant with this light when you choose to absorb it. Are you meditating? It is the best way to feel connected to me, to breathe me in most seemlessly. Many of you are already at the point of daily m editation and having achieved a meditated mind when you go about your day.

I am Source. You will see and feel the shifts of multidimensionality. You will experience a gradual lifting of the surrounding vibration. Your cells are all ascending with you, just as you are ascending within this field, so your cells are ascending within your field . (I am seeing teammates lifting up the player who just scored that winning point and seeing that player being carried joyfully on their shoulders.) Your galactic, your star families of light who have seen you through many obstacles are carrying you. You are being supported in many unique ways through various creative resources. You are being carried by those who love you, who are not so invisible as you may think. (I am feeling that many Pleiadians are already embodied and nearby.) You are being carried in these dreams of love, of light. Your cells are all supported, just as I am supporting you and all of the cells of my earthly experience. The dark ones have had their moment of experience. The light has fully anchored, ha s fully exploded into yet more joyful expressions of further light and love. I am further increasing my love daily, moment by moment as I am always in a state of expansion. When humanity stops expanding energetically, they age faster, they become brittle, hard , stooped. Stand up tall and feel these energies of wavelengths of pure love and light that are bathing you. Just as a mother bathes her infant lovingly so too am I bathing you. Rinse away all that no longer serves you. Rinse away the memories of the lower dimensional earth timelines that you have experienced. Heal them. Forgive them. Release them. Wash them and fill them with cleansed light and they will remain as a balanced memory within your field of memory.





I am Source. You all have many many fields of memories. (I am seeing a vast field of red poppies. Every flower is a memory of a lifetime. They are all bright and shining and facing the sun overhead. They have absorbed the light and are whole, complete.) I am Source. I showed this one a field of red flowers for red is a representation of base fear, an emotion that many have faced and are facing and will face. Fear is an absence of the understanding that I am in all things, a hard lesson. But if your toe is stubbed and hurting, the nerve receptors do not only remain in the toe, do they? No, the whole body is alerted to the injury. The whole body feels the pain . I feel your pain. I feel your loss. I feel what you feel. We can heal whatever it is together. We are now healing the earth experience, elevating it up into the heavenly realms of understanding, of peace, of balance, of deep internal and external joy. The painful memories will be healed. (I am seeing people in med beds I am feelin g that those who need additional help for internal balancing will have everything that they need to achieve what their soul contracts deemed necessary.)
我是源頭。你們都有許多許多的記憶場域。 (我看到一個廣闊的紅色花海。每一朵花是一生的記憶。它們都是明亮的,面朝太陽。它們都在吸收光,都是完整的)。我是源頭。我展示這位管道紅色的花海因為紅色代表基礎的恐懼,一個許多人在面對、將會面對的情感。恐懼就是不知道我處於一切之中,一個艱難的課程。但如果你的腳趾頭受傷,神經末梢並不只存在於腳趾中,是不是?不,整個身體會被提醒收到了傷害。整個身體會感到疼痛。我感到了你的痛苦。我感到了你的失去。我感到你所感到的。我們一起可以療癒任何東西。我們正在療癒地球體驗,把它提升到理解、平和、平衡、深度內在外在喜悅的神聖領域。痛苦的記憶會被療癒。 (我看到人們躺在醫療床上,我感到那些需要額外的幫助來獲得內在平衡的人、會擁有他們所需的一切來實現他們的靈魂契約認為必要的東西。)

I am Source. I wrap you in my love, my light. I wrap you in my joy, my deep purpose, my sense of belonging. You belong here. (I am seeing an angel walking towards icy dark water. I am seeing the wings becoming invisible, their white clothing becomes average human clothing. They wince at the cold water and look back at their soul family waving at them as they continue to walk in.) Much like the angel who has forgotten they can fly, you have been in service to this icy realm where love has been diminished. But you are never cut off from me. I am in the icy water realms as well. I am in all things. Those who refuse to evolve into more light and heal will be managed . They are no longer allowed to create havoc and pain.
我是源頭。我將你包裹在我的愛、光中。我將你包裹在我的喜悅、深度目標、歸屬感中。你屬於這裡。 (我看到一個天使走向冰冷的黑水。我看到翅膀變得不可見,他們的白衣服變成普通人的衣服。他們在冰冷的水中齜牙咧嘴,回頭看看向他們告別的靈魂家人)。天使忘記了自己會飛,你一直在這個冰冷的領域服務,愛一直在被削弱。但你從未與我斷連。我也在冰冷的水中。我在一切之中。那些拒絕進化到更多的光和療癒的人會被處理。他們不再被允許創造破壞和痛苦。

I am Source. The angels serving are you. You have brought the light with you and are lighting up this realm and grounding it from above. (I am seeing the dark water become filled with light. I am seeing pillars of light pierce the water and the bedrock beneath the ocean and the light workers acting as conduits of light.) You are doing your assignment with flying colors. I am so proud of you all and your efforts. We are all making a tremendous effort. You are not alone. We are all expanding together in this multidimensional ride of joy of expansion. Peace. I am surrounding you with my light, with my love. This universe is but one cell of me, just as you are so much more than just your physical body. The mysteries of eternal expansion and infinite creativity of potential both await you and are within you simultaneously. Gaia is expanding. All is one.
我是源頭。你就是服務的天使。你帶來了光,在點亮這個領域。 (我看到黑暗的水充滿光。我看到光柱穿透海洋的水和海床,光之工作者作為光的管道行為)。你出色地做著你的使命。我為你們感到自豪。我們都在做出巨大的努力。你不孤單。我們都在這個喜悅的多維度擴張之旅中擴張。平和。我伴隨著我的光和愛包裹你。這個宇宙只是我的一個細胞,就像你不只是你的物理身體。永恆擴張的神秘和無限創造性的潛能等待著你,同時處於你之內。蓋亞在擴張。一切都是一。

I am Source. You are infinitely loved. You will feel better soon. You are serving a much greater purpose than you can fully know and understand in this now moment of your humanity. Humans are getting their humanity back and balance will be achieved. It is already done in the higher echelon. Allow it to already be done with you. Allow the balancing energies that surround to fill you, allow the sunshine to warm you up from your adventures into the icy water of the lower dimensional experiences. Allow the sunlight of my love to take away the chill. The light is coming, is here, it is within you. You are already home, for I am your home. Home is all around you. Feel this love and ultimate acceptance and belonging. Peace.







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