The Council of Light: What Expression of Love Are You?
Beloved Ones,
You can ease the concerns of your heart, for your greatest desires will be met! You have gotten yourself into quite a tight state as you use your lesser abilities of worry and trying to understand and sort the complexities. What if you can’t?! Well, you can’t. It isn’t up to you, so why are you wasting your valuable Christed energy to manipulate outcomes in your favour? Things are already being orchestrated in your favour! Why do you not trust by now? We know as the stakes appear to keep rising, that your faith is being tested unlike ever before, but we promise that the game is no different than when the stakes appeared smaller. Your frequency determines your outcome, you know this from spiritual teaching 101. Please do not forget this important primary truth: what you emanate, you attract and you create. This should be so deeply known by you that you never waiver from its truth. If no other principle is adopted right now, this one will get you through. So what if you decided that love was your origin, your purpose and your creation? Then you will have nothing – no thing – to worry about. Nothing! So steer your efforts otherwise.
Now that we have that recalibration set, it is important for you to remember this: there is nothing outside of you as you are the spark of the Creator in human experience. So now that you are aware that you are the Creator of worlds, what is it that you are creating as part of the New Earth, the new way, the new experience? What bugs you the most about your human experience? (Other than the fact that you have been controlled and manipulated and oppressed by dark forces for millennia…) What is it that you most want to contribute to? Beauty? Health? Wisdom? Joy? Peace? What needs to be created in a new way in respect of love and all life? The time of the great recalibration has begun, and you can decide what part of it is yours. What skills do you naturally have to assist in the collective effort? What is your deepest passion and effortless expression? If there is only love, what aspect, what expression of love, are you? Begin that. Dream that. Have that occupy your Christed consciousness so that you are contributing to the highest outcome possible for your beloved human family. You may have thought that royalty or celebrity or elite wealth could provide you with the impetus to change the world…well what would you do if there were no limits to the financial wealth that supports your efforts? What would you do? Rescue the animals? Heal the sick? Create beauty? Teach the children? Reclaim the land? Beautify the villages? Farm in harmony? So you ARE all royalty now as children of God…what will you do to rebirth, reclaim and restore your beloved Mother Earth and all her inhabitants? The time for the dreaming has begun. Establish your purpose as a citizen of the New Earth and intend that you will join in perfect harmonious community to allow your contribution to flow in magical ways and outcomes. It is so and so it is!
現在我們有了重新校準的設置,對你而言,記住這一點很重要:你之外沒有任何東西,因為你是造物主在人類經驗中的火花。因此,既然你已經知道自己是世界的創造者,那麼作為新地球,新方式,新體驗的一部分,你正在創造什麼?關於你的人類體驗,你最討厭的是什麼? (除了你幾千年來一直受到黑暗力量的控制,操縱和壓迫……),你最想貢獻什麼?美麗?健康?智慧?喜悅?和平?在愛與所有生命方面需要以新的方式創造什麼?偉大的重新校準時代已經開始,你可以決定它屬於哪一部分。你自然需要什麼技能來協助集體努力?你最深切的激情和輕鬆的表情是什麼?如果只有愛,那是什麼方面,愛的表達是什麼?開始吧。夢想成真。讓那佔據你的基督的意識,以便你為自己所愛的人類家庭做出最大可能的貢獻。你可能以為皇室,名人或精英財富可以為你提供改變世界的動力……那麼,如果對支持你的努力的金融財富沒有任何限制,你會怎麼做?你會怎麼辦?營救動物?療癒病人嗎?創造美麗?教孩子們?開墾土地?美化村莊?和諧的農場?因此,你現在已經是上帝的兒女,所有的皇室成員……你將如何重生,奪回和恢復你摯愛的大地母親及其所有居民?做夢的時間已經開始。確定你作為新地球公民的目標,並希望你加入一個完美的和諧社區,以使你的貢獻以神奇的方式和成果流動。就是如此!
There is no time left for playing small. Nothing is as it was, nor will it ever be and that is cause for planetary celebration! Everything is frequency and intent now…line yours up and go! No looking back now except to clean up any of your own footprints…get on about your own business that serves the world. Nothing is a small contribution. You cannot disconnect from the quantum system now, for you are One with it!
沒有時間玩小遊戲了。 什麼都沒有,也永遠不會,這就是行星慶祝的原因! 現在一切都是頻率和意圖……排隊走走! 除了清理你自己的足跡,現在別無所求……繼續為世界服務。 沒有什麼是渺小的貢獻。 你現在無法與量子系統斷開連接,因為你與它合而為一!
We are so excited about what is being created now, and your extraordinary part in it.
We are always with you,
The Council of Light Within.
傳導:Rebecca Couch