Dear brothers, children, friends of planet Earth! WE ARE THE ANGELS!
We are everywhere. We are in nature, we are in the air, we are in the waters, we are on land, we are in every food, in every breath you take. We have many forms, we have many functions. But among all of them, one of the most important is that we are around you, is that we are protecting you, within the limit that we are allowed.
Your vibration goes up, down, up, down, down more, up, up a lot, it's always fickle. We know that the outside world directly affects each of you, but one of our roles is to shield you from everything that comes from outside, otherwise you would not be able to bear it. Your world is a mixture of all kinds of energy. Every thought, every word, every action reverberates to the Whole. So you are immersed in this Whole.
Everything that you emanate is added to this Whole. And why doesn't it explode or grow indefinitely? Because every positive feeling emanating from you dissolves the negative part of this Whole. We cannot say that you have reached a balance, if so you would already be in the age of awakening. But we can say that you are very close, very close to reaching, to surpassing half of this scale.
So each of you has the function of emanating love, this is the most powerful feeling on the planet, in the universe. And the more you emanate love, the more you raise this amount of positive energy, because it dissolves the negative energy. Being inside this “sea of ​​energies” would not be easy for you, because you would be hit by all sorts of thoughts, mostly bad ones.
So our job is to shield you from those thoughts. What comes to you is compatible with what you emanate, these we cannot avoid. So if you emanate only love, nothing negative is allowed to enter your mind, because we don't. Now, any other low vibration feeling, the door opens and you connect with all the identical strength that is in this Whole. We cannot avoid it, because we always have to respect free will.
If you emanate Light and Love, then yes, we shield you, and you become just emanating a lot of positive energy and nothing reaches you. Otherwise, you blend into this whole cake, and depending on how much you emanate, the more you absorb, everything is proportionate. If you emanate a little, the crack will be small and the proportion of what you are emanating will enter through there. If you emanate a lot, if you vibrate anger, hate, the crack is immense and you connect to all the anger that already exists on the planet. That's how it works.
That's why people connect with those of the same vibration, because they start to live within the same environment, all vibrating the same thing. Then, you are led to vibrate in places suitable to your vibration. No one is where they shouldn't be, everyone is in the place where they vibrate, everyone is in the appropriate vibration to what is emanated by each of you.
So if you start vibrating too high, the universe itself transfers you from place to place, so that you start to vibrate with people of the same intensity, of the same vibration. That's why everyone is where they need to be. Nobody is in the wrong place, everyone is in the right place for their vibration. Change your vibrations and you will change places.
It is necessary for you to understand, this game of the universe: Do we protect you? Yes. Do you shield yourself? Yes. But for that you need to vibrate very high, and it's not enough to vibrate a single moment, must vibrate constantly. So that each day the vibration goes up and when it reaches a certain point and the constancy of what is happening, make the universe change lane, place.
So this is the big moment. You will be taken as it were..., in order to unite in the same vibration, in the same place. There will come a time when all of you will all be together, vibrating the same thing, in the same place. This still takes time, but this will be the path to the Fifth Dimension. You will not be mixed with the rest of the planet, you will be taken to specific locations where you will be protected and adapt to the Fifth Dimension.
Will you suffer? Not suffering as you understand it, will be taught and transformed into the Fifth Dimension. So, do you want this place? Do you want to go to this place? Then start vibrating only Love and Light, nothing else. And your frequency will go up and up and up each day until you are taken to where you need to be.
This is all a process, not quick, not instantaneous. Because learning is slow. No one, none of you can vibrate Love and Light 24 hours a day, but you are learning. And it is precisely because you are learning that you are raising your vibrations. You are already in a much higher range than the great humanity, it is enough for you to continue on this path, to totally disconnect from what is lived below.
The path is not easy. There are changes in habits, changes in thoughts, dietary changes. But you are following, you are trying and you are succeeding. We are here helping you, all the time, and more and more, we will be helping to ensure that any kind of crack does not happen again. Because we will shield you! But it all depends on your vibration.
So to help you, we will leave our energy here, contributing to this little walk.
“Angels are Light. Angels are protection. Angels protect according to your vibration. Angels protect with lots of Unconditional Love. Angels always protect to elevate you, to the Fifth Dimension”.
Count on us. We are beside you, not far away. We are the closest beings to each of you. Call us all the time. Ask for our help, so that we can help you to reduce the cracks of protection; and so we will. Just a request from you!
傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias