
We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones. You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.
我們在你睡眠的時候把新的代碼傳輸到你存在的細胞中,親愛的。 你被授予了力量,擁有所需的工具帶來蓋亞的解放。

We have given you the means to "beat your enemies with their own weapons" as you could say in your human language.

There's a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.
此刻蓋亞上有著很多東西在發生。 這是黑暗與光之間的最終戰鬥。

Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.

As you become informed your enemy loses power.

This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.
這個光已經改變了你的頻率。 現在取決於你要不要保持這個頻率並成為"頻率的守護者",這樣其他人能夠更容易訪問這個頻率。

Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.

Share your light with them. Inform them.
分享他們你的光。 告知他們。

We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.

Your task is to do this peacefully.

Leave the information there for them to reference when they are ready to receive and then move on.

You have signed up for this. You are prepared for it. The time is upon you now.
你報名就是來做這個的。 你準備好了。 時間已經到來。

The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reigns, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.
當一個人開始質疑自己的現實和統治者的動機,他們開始從三維矩陣系統揚昇到4D。 星體領域。

This process is what we call awakening.

This is what is happening to Gaia's peoples at the moment.

This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.

The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.

The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.
系統在崩潰。 沒有回頭路。

You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.

This is your time.

Do not fear.

We are here with you.

You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.
你可以在夜晚看到我們的光之飛船,你可以在心中感到我們。 我們已經開始與你接觸。 敞開心來看到跡象。 隨著蓋亞的解放繼續,我們會更加接近彼此。

This is the victory of light over darkness.

We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light.
我們深愛著你。 我們是你的光之家人。


傳導:Aurora Ray



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