(Golden Age of Gaia)
Jesus Sananda speaks of what is truth and encourages us to speak the words of truth which “must” be heard through the emotion and actions of Love during this time of the shift.
耶穌·薩南達(Jesus Sananda)講的是真理,並鼓勵我們說出在這一轉變時期通過愛的情感和行為“必須”聽到的真理之詞。
I am Jesus. I am Jesus Sananda. I am Jeshua, brother of your heart and brother of your soul. And, yes, I come forth this day simply to hold you, to walk and to be with you, to encourage you.
The words of truth must be heard. Now very seldom either in or out of form will you hear us use that word “must.” I use it this day to indicate to you that rapidity of the changes that are taking place, the benchmarks and the catalysts. And the catalysts, dear friend, for the completion of this shift are the words of truth and the emotion and actions of Love. What else is there?
When I have walked the Earth as Jeshua, and you have walked with me, I dare say that my words were not always popular. And they certainly weren’t always politically correct. And there were times when either my Mother or The Magdalena, my beloved one, would say to me “Can’t you just keep your mouth shut?” And sometimes I would even say it to myself, but I couldn’t because that was why I walked the Earth. It was to talk about the truth. And the truth wasn’t about war or money or greed or lust, political hierarchies or biblical hierarchies – it was about Love. It was about healing through Love. It was about sharing with Love. It was about tearing down the old and allowing the new to emerge. And, my beloved ones, that is exactly what you are doing. And how you do that is through the speaking of truth.
Now truth is always, always tempered with compassion. I have observed some people on your human plane, and they say, “Well it’s only the truth;” and it is so cruel. That is not what truth is. Truth is a reaching out. It is looking at the divinity. It is looking at the mirror in the person who is so unlike you and looking at that mirror until you see clearly that you are looking at me, you are looking at you, and you are looking at All. This shift is not about who is right and who is wrong. It is not about who has the best information. It is about Love. It has never changed.
So what I ask of you, my brothers and sisters, I ask for you to join with me and to let me join with you – during this time together in Love – to let all the self-criticisms go, to let all the judgment go, and to allow yourself to be who you are because I know you. And I know what you are capable of, and I know what you are capable of creating. Often you will underestimate yourself, but I never underestimate you. You have held the center for so long, you will not give up now. So I welcome you, and I ask of you: Let the truth flow. Let go of your mind and your ego, and let the truth flow.
Go in peace. Farewell.
傳導:Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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