

And, perhaps that is a good thing, because many people have tried to establish dominance in this area, but fortunately, none of them have succeeded! And your entire political process is still “up for grabs,” so to speak. There is a great deal of fighting and backbiting, and “grabbing for power,” which is going on at the present time in your country. And we are awaiting to see the outcome of this, just as you are, in order to know what the future may hold, because we are unable to predict certain things like this when, obviously, it is within human control, and people are very changeable! They can change their minds, because of that “small thing” called freedom – which you know about so well !


And so, the best that I can tell you at this point in time (August 20, 2020) is that there WILL BE great change within your country in the coming year! But, in WHICH DIRECTION it will proceed, I cannot predict at the present time, because all of this is, and will be – for quite some time – in a state of flux. And that is precisely why your LIGHT is needed now, dearest ones, to focus the power of your consciousness on having DIVINE GOVERNMENT manifest in the United States of America, because it is so needed now! So much has gone awry in this country. There has been so much backbiting and deception behind the scenes, until you hardly know what is going on in your government at this point in time!


But you WILL! At some point in time, you will have a good description of this activity coming out, but perhaps not ALL the facts – revealing the entirety of what has transpired. But you will have a very good idea of​​ what has, indeed , brought you to the present circumstances in this country. And we want to be very clear, as we are communicating with you, to tell you that – as soon as will we know the outcome of certain things which are being worked upon now – that I will then be in a much better place to give you what we hope would be an accurate description of the coming year.


But there is no way to know which side will be predominant – which side will, in effect, be in control of your country in the coming year, because this is such a big process of determining the fate of the United States at this time. There are so many powerful elements which are “jockeying for power.” And, of course, we do not have control of this type of thing!


We are the “observers” of much of this, as you will be observing it, as well. But what I can tell you is that you will be surprised by many of the things that happen, many of the shifts of power among the “ players” in this vast drama.


Those who seem to have the ascendancy at any one point in time – given enough time, they will be “dethroned,” and there will be a shift in power. And then, new people will sit upon the seats of power. But I am talking very “long range” here, so I'm not speaking about your current election that is coming up (November 2020).


But I want to say a word about that, because, in many ways, the outcome of that election will determine the course of history of the United States for a very long period of time in your country, so this is an important election – unlike any other! And we, of course, do not determine who is the winner and who is the loser in these types of things! That is up to YOU​​! It is up to the people who comprise the population of this country.


But what I CAN tell you is that what it APPEARS may happen, is not what will IN THE END happen! Because there are so many manipulations! There is such a “cloak of secrecy” over much of what is going on, that even you do not know the truth of what is happening! And I don't expect YOU WILL – for a very long time!


And so, nothing is foreordained – the powers are shifting back and forth, and changing daily at the present time. Everything is “up for grabs,” so to speak! And we await the final decision – just as you do!


But it will be important for this country, because some people have your best interests at heart – and others do not, obviously! We hope the better factions win – and do take power! But we do not know, and therefore we cannot speculate.


There is such a dichotomy in what is happening now, because on the one hand there is great good in this country, in the hearts of many people. But on the other hand, there are many who wish to destroy this country! And so, there is great danger, in some ways, that only the most ignorant would disallow! Having, hopefully, taken stock of this situation – just by watching what is going on – this is one of the most important elections in the history of the United States , at this point in time! It is divinely inspired, in many ways, in those who are participating.


Nevertheless, nothing can be taken for granted, because there are so many “behind the scenes” manipulations by powerful forces in your government – which are hidden areas of power. You think you know who runs this government – you do NOT! And this will be coming to the fore, these levels of knowledge that I am speaking of – but it will be many years before this is fully revealed to the human population! And then there will be another great shift and change in the circumstances of this country!


So, we can see all of these vast changes coming on the horizo​​n, but you did ask us about this specific year that is coming for you shortly (2021), and I will tell you that, to the most part, IT IS AN UNKNOWN – because of the magnitude and force of these OPPOSING SEATS OF GREAT POWER!


And we do not control these things, so you see that this is out of our hands completely! We OBSERVE – just as you do! But it is so important that we are endeavoring to have some input into the process – to, perhaps, AFFECT THE OUTCOME – even though we are not allowed to directly influence something like this. Still, we are allowed communication with people.


And so that is what we are doing now, by saying, that is the great focus of our operations. It is communications – not with individuals – but through the higher levels of the human consciousness, to enhance the effects of great and powerful thoughts – symbols – on the human consciousness – such as FREEDOM! And the EXPERIENCE OF FREEDOM in your country, which has somewhat “fallen by the wayside,” or fallen out of favor with some lately.


And so, it is in many ways, a BATTLE FOR HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS – a battle for control, which will then allow things to affect the outcome of this election – which is the MOST IMPORTANT THING that I can see which will affect all the circumstances that you will be experiencing in the coming year that you have asked about.


And so, this is a strange and unusual situation that you are looking at, and confronting! And we are, as well! Because so much of what is possible, or the “probable realities,” which could occur in 2021, are dependent upon things which are completely out of our control – and out of human control, to a great degree! So this is a very interesting type of occurrence, and I can't say that I have seen anything exactly like this occur for any of your prior election cycles. But many are watching this – and not just those of earth, I will tell you!


So many “far-flung civilizations” are observing very carefully what is happening on the earth in regard to where you are now – these current events, and, of course, the election that is fast approaching! Because they know, as do we, that the effects of this will be felt long and hard for a very long time on earth!


And yes, we are very concerned about this! I'm not going to tell you that it is not, in fact, this way! Many are concerned about it, because of the possibility of the ascendancy and control of some of these elements which do not have your best interests at heart! They are HIDDEN, dearest ones, at the present time! You do not SEE THEM! You're not even AWARE THAT THEY EXIST! AND YET THEY DO! And they desire control of this country. That is what they are working toward – that is the focus of their activities. I have never seen so much hidden activity importantly affecting the fate of a country! And it would be fascinating to watch, if it were not of such DIRE IMPORTANCE FOR THIS COUNTRY!


And so, all I can tell you at the present time is that we are very intently watching this situation, and all of these different activities which are taking place -- by all of the different players in this scenario. If you could see what is actually happening, you would be amazed, you would be dismayed – as we are. But it is fascinating on a certain level, because it involves evolution in consciousness for your planet – for your country – and for all of you, as “inhabitants” of the earth! You are all going to be affected by this – your very lives WILL be affected by who wins in this election! IT IS THAT IMPORTANT ON THE EARTH!


But we are all going to have to WAIT – to see what the outcome is – because, as I have said, there are so many forces, that everything is in a powerful state of flux, change, ebb and flow – as power shifts back and forth between these powerful elements in your government – and in many of the other aspects of life on earth.


And so, that is all I can tell you at the present time regarding the question that you have asked. And I can tell you to heed Portia's words, because her words HAVE and WILL HAVE tremendous significance in your lives as they continue – IF you pay attention to what she has said, and HEED HER WARNINGS AND HER DIRECTION, because she has given you some excellent information today!


And we are both so happy to be with you today, and to have this unique opportunity – both to speak with you and, hopefully, to advise you in how you might continue on a higher path in your responses to all of this material, and all of the circumstances which are certainly happening, and certain to take place and continue into future time on your planet.


It is, indeed, “Two Worlds Colliding,” – two great forces colliding! No one knows the outcome – as of yet! And so, you will not completely know it, even after the election. But this will give you some indication of which way it is heading!


We wish you all the best – all of you, who are so kind to attend these events and receive our messages. We wish we could give you better news on what is headed your way, but we know that, whatever it is, you will be able to deal with it – in your usual style and grace, because of the intelligence that you maintain, and the balance, and the equilibrium in your lives.


And so, we will bring this dissertation to a close now, because I believe I have given you the salient points on this subject. But do not lose hope, dearest ones, because sometimes when the days seem the darkest, there is a great resurgence of light! And that is what I expect is going to happen, and that is one of the most important things that I can tell you about this entire time-frame. It is that there will be a huge and unexpected cause for gratitude and joy , and a more positive outlook on this country coming very soon for each of you.


So let that be our word to you today! I hope you have benefited from hearing what we have had to say. Until next we meet, our love to all of you, and our best wishes for your continuing freedom on this planet! Adieu, dearest ones.



Our Message to the Lightworkers!


Dearest Ones. It is so important that you know the power that you have, in choosing your responses to all that you see happening! You don't need to be on the same levels as these lower energies. Many people don't know this , and they are drawn into fighting and negativity! We would urge the students to be aware of your emotional levels and the focus of your attention. Keep these things set at a very high point.


Yes, the negativity is happening! Just LET IT BE! This strategy is simply what the dark energies use in trying to take control of your consciousness and reduce your effectiveness as light workers! Remember, and this is for ALL OF YOU! Your job is to be the light workers! That means, you connect with Light! Not darkness, fear, or “doom and gloom!”


The process you are in now might accurately be referred to as “The Re-Founding of America,” since it is the “return of a cycle” in your history. In many ways, you are back at the founding of this country on the principles of freedom, opportunity, justice, and mercy. These are the qualities of the Seventh Ray, and we are known as the Co-Directors of the Seventh Ray of Divine Perfection.





傳導:Star Hinman
翻譯:Nick Chan

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