


Many of you are currently reporting a lack of joy or activities that hold your interest. Dear Ones, rest assured you did not travel all this way on your spiritual journey just to lose your joy. If you feel you are lacking activities that bring you joy, the likely reason for that is you are currently on the bridge between the old and the new.

Unless you are a human being that really loves bridges, the experience of being on a bridge can feel like a state of suspended animation. You are betwixt and between. You can enjoy the view, yet you really aren’t having a tangible experience of any of the areas you are travelling over. You have left the old behind and haven’t quite arrived to explore your desired destination. You may lack inspiration to do anything because part of you knows bridges are for travelling between one area and another, not for stopping and creating anything new.

So what do you do if you are currently on the 4D bridge that runs between 3D and 5D? Exactly what you would do if you are on an actual bridge. Enjoy the view that comes from a higher perspective. Stay in the now moment. Look for moments of magic and beauty but know they are going to be fleeting and that’s ok. Make yourself as comfortable as you can and enjoy the ride. Savour the excitement and anticipation that comes from getting closer to your destination and take advantage of the time you have to prepare for the new.

And most of all, know that bridges have a beginning and end and it has never been the plan for you to be perpetually stuck between two worlds. In fact, the purpose of a bridge is to help you over obstacles so you can safely arrive in your new destination. This phase shall pass and before you know it you will be fully landed in the new where your truest creations and discoveries can be made, and along with them, the joy of engagement you’ve been missing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




You can see your evolution is occurring when things you used to be drawn to no longer light you up. You didn’t do anything specific other than choose experiences, they just naturally ran their course and now you are ready for more. The fact that you are no longer satisfied with where you’ve been is not a sign of failure, but rather a clear indicator of your growth and expansion.

There can be a growing discomfort when something isn’t an energetic match to you any longer. This prepares you to let it go and be willing to embrace the new. There can also be a sense of sadness, a grief, if you will, that marks the end of one phase. You might think of it as the bittersweet feelings you experience when you sell a house that was once a wonderful match but no longer meets your needs. You know it is time to move on, but you take a moment to reflect on all the good times you had when it served you well.

All of this is quite normal as you continue to grow and evolve. What is different for the times you are currently in is you are in accelerated energies so it may seem like you have multiple endings or that things are moving faster or with greater intensity than what you are used to. This is a sign that you truly are in the shift, that you are aligning with the new, and a great new phase is opening for you to step into and explore. All is well, Dear Ones, all is well, for these are the exact times you hoped with all your heart you would have a chance to participate in and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Your ascension is based on a compilation of experiences, both external and internal. You shift internally, then express it externally. In many ways you may think of it as its own manifestation process, starting energetically first and then slowly but surely making its way into form.

You are in the body to experience the continuation of your evolution. It cannot be rushed or avoided. It will simply continue at its own pace. So any fear you have of change, or not changing, or somehow not getting it right are completely unfounded and only create resistance to the ever-unfolding wonder that is you.

Do you see? You simply cannot get it wrong so it is completely safe to trust your journey and start to find peace with wherever you are on it. That will open you to the acknowledgement and acceptance of the intricate perfection of it all, and that is the balm that will begin to make the process far more enjoyable for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




If you are a person who struggles to prioritize your own self care, it may be helpful to replace ‘self care’ with ‘balanced self inclusion’. The new term would be much more difficult to justify having resistance to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young





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