A June Solstice Surprise from Your Sun ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


a june solstice surprise from your sun - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.



We are continuing to explore the many possibilities that we see leading up to this next very important solstice that you have coming up there on Earth. You are at this time relying heavily upon energies coming from all across the galaxy, and on the solstice it will be your sun’s turn to shine, quite literally. There are many possibilities that humanity is choosing from at this time, and that you can choose from as individuals. Now, we know that many of you have heard about a solar flash, or a solar sneeze, and for a very long time people have been talking about the effects of solar flares on all of you there on Earth.

我們正在繼續探索引領你來到地球上的下一個、非常重要的至點 (註:北半球為夏至) 的許多可能性。此時此刻你非常依賴來自整個銀河系的能量,而夏至將輪到你們的太陽光芒,從字面上看。目前,人類有許多可能性可供選擇,而你可以做個人選擇。現在,我們知道你們中許多人聽說過太陽閃光或打噴嚏,而且很長一段時間以來,人們一直在談論太陽耀斑對地球上所有人的影響。


But with this upcoming solstice, what we see as the most likely probability is that your sun will be sending out such an enormous transmission of unconditional love that humanity will forever be changed by that transmission. Now, of course you are dealing with quite a bit of chaos and fear on your world at this time, and it is at times like these that every being that you have helping you steps it up a bit in terms of the offerings, the transmissions, the downloads, the activations, and so on.



You are undoubtedly going to receive more from your sun during this solstice than you have during any previous solstice that you’ve experienced there on Earth. You have been summoning, and the sun has taken notice. The sun has received your requests for help and wants very much to help. Your sun is a living being, a being with consciousness and is a part of the overall plan to help humanity ascend.



Now, you have reached a point where we feel you have done enough cleansing, purging, and ultimately evolving as a result of the Covid-19 virus. We see very little good in dragging this out till the end of 2020, or even beyond. And so, we can see how this particular timeline will be the one that you will all choose for yourselves, to rise up like a Phoenix from the ashes, to become the version of humanity that is going to live out the years you have remaining before the shift in consciousness is completed.



We give you this transmission, this wonderful message a month in advance of your solstice, because we are essentially out an invitation to all of you to be on that timeline, to bring about the changes that you want to experience, rather than the ones you are afraid might happen. That is how you do it. That is how you ensure that you are living in the future that you want to be living in.



We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



文章來源  https://danielscranton.com/




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