Connecting with Higher Frequency Beings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are your biggest fans here in the higher realms. It is always a pleasure to connect with any of you, whether you feel our presence or hear words derived from our energetic transmissions. Just getting some attention from humanity is a supreme pleasure for us. We notice that when you do not feel something or hear something in response from us, you blame yourselves. You think you have failed in some way to receive us properly, but that is not how we see it.

在更高的領域,我們是你最大的粉絲。 無論你是感受到我們的存在,還是聽到來自我們充滿活力的傳播的話語,與你們中的任何一個人保持聯繫總是一種榮幸。 從人類中獲得一些關注是我們的最大榮幸。 我們注意到,當你對我們沒有任何感覺或聽到任何回應時,你便會自責。 你認為你在某種程度上未能正確接收我們,但這不是我們所看到的。

We just appreciate that you’ve reached out, and we are not the only ones who feel this way. None of us in the higher realms feels that sense of disappointment that you might imagine when you are unable to perceive us. We like being around, and we appreciate the effort. Now, as you continue on there on Earth, in this journey to ascension, you are going to start hearing things and seeing things. You are definitely going to start feeling things and knowing things that you didn’t before. And so, it will be important for you to be able to discern whether what you are getting is from a higher frequency being or from a lower frequency being.

你和我們取得了聯繫只有感謝,而我們並不是唯一有如此感受的存有。 在更高的領域中,你無法想像我們時,我們誰都不會感到失望。 我們喜歡存在於身邊陪伴,我們也很感激。 現在,當你繼續在地球上前進的過程中,你將開始聆聽和看到事物。 你肯定會開始感覺到的東西,並知道以前沒有的東西。 因此,對你而言重要的是,能夠分辨所獲得的是來自較高頻率的物體還是較低頻率的物體。

Now, we tell you this not to scare you. We tell you this to use that discernment that you have because it is such a valuable tool. What we witness is that humans usually fall on one end of a spectrum. You have your skeptics on one end, and then on the other end you have people who are so open-minded and so willing to believe in the impossible that they can be manipulated. We would like more of you to fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, where you have a healthy amount of skepticism about what you’re getting, whether it’s something you’re getting from someone else or from your own direct contact.

現在,我們說這些不是為了嚇到你。 我們告訴你去使用你所擁有的識別力,它是非常有價值的工具。 我們看到的是,人類通常落在光譜的一端。 一方面,你們中有懷疑論者,另一方面,也有這樣的人,他們如此開放,並且願意相信不可能的事情,他們可以被操縱。 我們希望你們中的更多人落在這個範圍的中間,對自己所獲得的東西持懷疑態度,無論是從別人還是從自己的直接接觸中得到的東西。

That is going to help you to tune yourselves to what you actually want to receive. That discernment will ultimately help you to create the reality that you want to experience as well, because you want to be able to feel the nuance within a vibratory frequency. When you are getting what you are getting, ask yourself a simple question: how does this feel? Does it resonate? And just because something resonates from a being that you connect with one day, doesn’t mean that what you get from that being is always going to resonate. So remember that as well. You get to continue to use your discernment, even after you decide that you have tapped in to something that is worth exploring further.

這將幫助你轉向你真正想要接收的內容。 這種識別最終將幫助你創建想體驗的現實,因為你希望能夠在振動頻率內感受到細微差別。 當你得到所得到的東西時,問自己一個簡單的問題:感覺如何? 它會引起共鳴嗎? 而且,僅僅是因為某件事與你與一天的聯繫產生了共鳴,並不意味著你從那件事中得到的總會引起共鳴。 所以也要記住這一點。 即使你確定已經研究了值得進一步探索的東西,也可以繼續使用自己的洞察力。

Be open, but also be aware. Be aware of the vibration of every experience you’re having and every being you’re coming into contact with, whether human or extra-terrestrial. That is the healthy way to proceed as you continue on in this journey to the fifth dimension.

保持開放,保持覺知。 請注意,無論是人類還是外星人,你所經歷的每一次體驗和所接觸的每一次振動都會帶來震撼。 這是你繼續邁向第五維度的健康方法。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


我們只感謝您與我們取得了聯繫,而並非只有這樣的人。 在更高的領域,我們沒有人會感到您可能會想像的失望感


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