The February 2024 Energies ∞
The Pleiadian High Council of 7, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
We are very engaged with humanity, and we have been from the very start. We know exactly where you are vibrationally in each and every moment, because of our connection to the human race and because we are ninth dimensional. That means we are nonphysical, and we can tune in to whatever consciousness we would like to. We also were physical at one time and did participate in the seeding of your planet with the physical beings that now dwell upon it.
We did not contribute all that is around you there on planet Earth, but we did our fair share. We want you to know that as you embark upon the month of February, you can expect a lot more galactic energies to be coming in. They are coming in to prepare you for more e.t. contact, and they are coming in to remind you that you are from the stars. You all have roots in our star system, one way or another. And so, as you look up at the night sky, and if you can see our system in your night sky, access more of that which is Pleiadian within you by opening yourselves up to the energies that we are delivering.
Now, we are not the only beings throughout this beautiful galaxy of ours who are offering transmissions to humanity throughout the month of February. You are going to receive activations and upgrades that will also bring more of your extra-terrestrial DNA into alignment and into service. You are meant to know yourselves as whole beings. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional beings. You are meant to know yourselves as collectives.
現在,我們並不是這個美麗銀河系中唯一在整個二月向人類提供傳播的生物。你們將收到激活和升級,這也將使你們更多的外星 DNA 對齊並投入使用。你們應該瞭解自己是一個完整的存在。你們應該認識自己是多維度的存在。你們應該要作為一個集體來瞭解自己。
You are your souls, and so all of these other lifetimes, that from your perspectives you have already lived, are also your lifetimes and in another way they are not. You are there to live that life and to benefit from all of the living of life that the other aspects of you are doing. And so, you are not just there to pay off the karmic debt of these other aspects of you. You are also there to benefit from all the good karma and all of the wonderful gifts and abilities that these other aspects of you have attained.
Therefore, the month of February really is about putting more and more of the pieces of you back together again so you can know yourselves as your whole selves, and you can begin to operate more as such. That of course brings your consciousness closer to home, closer to who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, and that is why e.t. contact is important for all of you. It is a reminder of how much more you are than your human physical selves living lifetimes there on Earth.
因此,二月實際上是讓你們越來越多的部分重新組合在一起,這樣你們就可以瞭解自己的整體,並且可以開始更多地運作。這當然會讓你們的意識更接近家鄉,更接近你們作為源頭能量存有的真實身份,這就是為什麼 e.t. 聯繫對你們所有人來說都很重要。它提醒我們,你比在地球上生活的人類肉體自我重要得多。
We also want you to know that some of you who are receiving this transmission can expect for more of those contact experiences that you do want by the end of the month, and many, if not most of you, can expect those e.t. contact experiences by the end of 2024. We are all embarking on this coming together that is happening throughout our galaxy, and we will all do our part to contribute to it and to ensure it happens in the easiest and most joyous ways possible.
我們也想讓你們知道,你們中的一些接收此傳輸的人、可以期待在本月底之前獲得更多你們確實想要的接觸體驗,並且許多人(如果不是大多數人)可以期待這些 e.t. 到2024 年底,我們將實現接觸體驗。我們都在著手實現整個銀河系正在發生的這一事件,我們都將盡自己的一份力量,為之做出貢獻,並確保它以最簡單、最快樂的方式發生。
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. And that is all.
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton