JANUARY 14, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which is as we have previously stated, your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message.


The Divine plan continues to unfold regardless of efforts by some to keep the status quo. Do not mourn the loss of people, places, or the things that fulfilled you in the past or attempt to restore them to what they once were. Because consciousness is the creative substance of form, and because every person is an expression of Divine Consciousness, outer forms must automatically dissolve or change as consciousness changes.


Everything a person is energetically in alignment with flows harmoniously but spiritual evolution changes and refines a person's energy which in turn puts them out of alignment with much that they were previously in alignment with--certain people, places, causes, beliefs, foods, likes/dislikes etc).


Evolution is also causing many to no longer align with the metaphysical and spiritual practices they have believed to be important and necessary but are now beginning to feel "old". You must be willing to release anything that no longer resonates with you regardless of how important it may have once been in order to move to new levels.


The world is manifesting a great deal of chaos as ancient and long ignored pockets of dense energy surface for individuals as well as the earth in order to be acknowledged and eliminated. In previous times of war the majority would stand firmly and without question behind whatever their country told them--"My country right or wrong, my country". This is no longer true.

世界正在顯現出大量的混亂,作為個體和地球的古老且長期被忽視的密集能量表面的口袋,以便被承認和消除。在以前的戰爭時期,大多數人都會堅定地、毫無疑問地支持國家告訴他們的任何事情——「我的國家對或錯,我的國家」。 這不再是真的。

Technology is allowing the world to witness the pain and suffering of others across the globe. This has resulted in increasingly more receptivity to activities and ideas of service and compassion that in reality are expressions of spiritual oneness but to most seem to be simply the desire to help or serve in some way. Compassion, donating what is needed, reaching out, and activities of service are in reality spiritual oneness interpreted on the third dimensional level.


Most do not yet understand that the compassion and care that they are beginning to feel for people and animals is flowing from within them and not from advertisement and messages from outside sources. Awakening to compassion represents the first steps toward conscious awareness that all life is God life, expressions of the One Divine Consciousness/God individualized as infinite form and variety.


It is important that you allow you intuition to guide you when serving individuals or groups in some way. Learn to discern the difference between wants and needs. There are some living fully from a three dimensional state of consciousness that take advantage in the belief that somehow they are entitled to have whatever they want and as much of it as they can get. Always remember that in reality these individuals are Divine beings but do not let yourself be manipulated by three dimensional games. This is empowerment.




Third dimensional consciousness believes that love is an emotion, a feeling of attraction to someone, something, some activity, or some place and it often is. This is a very limited interpretation of love which in reality is the energy that flows between and connects all individualizations of the ONE. Love is the glue that holds everything in perfect order and harmony-roses coming from rose bushes, apples from apple trees, the sun rising and setting each day,and the tides moving. Love is God in action.

第三維度意識相信愛是一種情感,對某人、某事、某項活動或某個地方的吸引力的感覺,而且常常如此。這是對愛的一種"非常有限"的解釋,實際上愛是在合一的所有個體之間流動和連結的能量。 愛是讓一切保持完美秩序和諧的黏合劑——玫瑰叢中生出玫瑰,蘋果樹上生出蘋果,每天日出日落,潮汐移動。愛是神在行動。

Many individuals continue to be stymied, blocked, rejected, or even punished if they seek to understand or experience love from "outside of the box"--to live differently from their society's "accepted" beliefs, to partner with an "unapproved" person, or worship differently from family traditions. When a majority believes something, it becomes solidified as collective consciousness and universally accepted. However, as concepts based in error fall away, so too will today's many limited concepts about love.

許多人如果試圖從「跳出框框」理解或體驗愛——以不同於社會「接受」的信仰的方式生活,與「未經認可」或與家庭傳統不同的崇拜的人合作,就會繼續受到阻礙、阻止、拒絕,甚至受到懲罰。當大多數人相信某件事時,它就會固化為集體意識並被普遍接受。 然而,隨著基於錯誤的概念的消失,今天關於愛的許多有限的概念也將消失。

Recognize the small evidences of the ascension process. Many Self-help books are beginning to promote the idea that real change and solutions lie within the person themselves. Teachers on all levels are beginning to incorporate the importance of quiet time for better clarity. People are recognizing and standing up to the stupidity of war and many young but evolved souls are reaching out to and teaching those entrenched in the past about new ways of seeing the world.


People will continue to "fall in love" but it will be on a new and higher level even as the world continues to promote the idea that every person is half of a couple and can't be happy until they find their other half. Increasingly more are waking up to the fact that this concept of relationship is obsolete and are choosing instead a higher sense of relationship, one in which two people already aware that they are whole and complete choose to stand together looking in the same direction. Relationships will be a matter of choice, not need.


Changes will unfold in this coming year because much that is familiar is on the verge of breaking down. Those who through ignorance or a desire for power attempt to hold old energy in place will be disappointed because at some point their efforts will simply no longer work as they once did because people are waking up. One with God is a majority and like it or not, every soul is destined to wake up to reality.


Don't ever believe that you are stupid or un-evolved simply because you do not accept or fully understand some of the changes that may come. Learn to be an observer, trusting your intuition because some changes, those made from a three dimensional level do not represent a higher level and will not remain. This is how evolution works--stepping,falling, getting up, and stepping until at a certain point the soul no longer needs to learn this way.

永遠不要因為你不接受或完全理解一些可能發生的變化、而認為你是愚蠢的或未進化的。學會成為一個觀察者,相信你的直覺,因為一些變化,那些從三維水平產生的變化並不代表更高水平,也不會保留。 這就是進化的運作方式——邁步、跌倒、站起來、再邁步,直到某個時刻靈魂不再需要以這種方式學習。


Current beliefs about the "best" healthcare, government, business, education, and law will at some point change for the better and wiser as collective consciousness spiritually evolves. You will witness chaos, resistance, and conflict in some old and long established institutions that have thrived and been held in high esteem simply for being who and what they represent, much of which is now becoming obsolete.


Ego is the sense of a personal self-hood separate from God and other life forms. Individuality is not ego. Everyone is entitled to their preferences as an individual with free will because everyone is an individualized expression of God. This does not mean you shouldn't feel pride in your accomplishments, but rather that you always remember where accomplishments flow from.

小我是與神性和其他生命形式分離的個人自我意識。個性不是自我。作為一個具有自由意志的個體,每個人都有權利享有自己的偏好,因為每個人都是上帝個人化的表達。 這並不意味著你不應該為自己的成就感到自豪,而是意味著你始終記得成就的來源。

You are on earth to be the Light. Not to do, but to be. Trust your intuition with regard to every aspect of your lives. Any messages, channels, or teachings being promoted as new and higher must reflect oneness or they simply remain three dimensional in spite of any new packaging.


Always remember that you are not a material body with consciousness but are and always have been consciousness utilizing material body while in the denser energies of earth. Your real home is on the other side and your real body is made of Light. You came to earth for a short time to assist others and personally evolve. You are God individualized. This is the whole message, the whole journey, the whole truth.

永遠記住,你不是一個有意識的物質身體,但在地球更密集的能量中,你一直都是使用物質身體的意識。你真正的家在另一邊,你真正的身體是由光構成的。 你來到地球很短時間是為了幫助他人和個人發展。你是個人化的上帝。 這是整個訊息、整個旅程、全部真相。

We are the Arcturian Group 1/14/24

我們是大角星集團 1/14/24




文章來源: Newest (onenessofall.com)

傳導:Marilyn Raffaele


    創作者 Amber 的頭像


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