Your Many Paths to Ascension ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are illuminating many paths to ascension for each and every one of you. There is not just one. There will not be one experience of ascension, as that would not serve Source’s desire for a variety of experiences. You, as souls, desire a variety of experiences because you are little chunks of Source Energy, so why would Source be any different from you as the individual chunks? You crave variety of experience, and so does Source. Therefore, there will be as many different experiences of ascension as there are beings incarnate at this time throughout the entire universe and throughout the entire multiverse. This is why we say we are illuminating many paths to ascension; it is because there isn’t just one.
我們正在為你們每一個人照亮許多揚升之路。不只一個。不會只有一種揚升/轉變體驗,因為這無法滿足源頭對多種體驗的渴望。作為靈魂,你們渴望各種體驗,因為你們是源頭能量的一部分,那麼,為什麼源頭會與作為單獨部分的你們有任何不同呢?你們渴望各種體驗,源頭也是如此。因此,整個宇宙和整個多元宇宙此時有多少化身的存有,就會有多少種不同的揚升體驗。這就是為什麼我們說我們正在照亮許多揚升之路; 這是因為不只一個。
You get to decide which path you take, and we will always encourage you to take the path that feels the best, that has the most opportunities for joy and expansion. And we know that you want the same for yourselves, but we also know that it is easy to sucked in to someone else’s story of what ascension will be like for everyone or for the percentage of the population that is going to ascend. We would like for you to forget about everything you’ve ever been told and instead tune in to your ideal path and feel into what it feels like. Now, as you do so, you invite others to join you, but they don’t have to join you on your path. They can take their own good-feeling path to a higher level of consciousness, because we are all different. Therefore, you don’t have to tell people that you have found ‘the way’ and try to get them to join you on ‘the one and only path.’
Instead, you give everyone permission to be themselves and to follow the path of joy by doing so yourself. Now, along the way, of course, you are going to encounter the themes, the issues, the karma and the trauma that you came to experience so that you can release all of your negative energy, your judgments, your fears, and so on, around those experiences. But you might as well encounter those little potholes on the path of greatest joy for you, and we want you to know that you get to decide what your joy is as well. You are there to experience it all, not just the good stuff, but all of it, in order to then choose the stuff that you deem to be good for you, good as far as you are concerned, and joyous, of course.
When you make those choices, and you continue to focus on the choice you have made, you manifest that reality, you experience that path, and you get to have more joy because you have chosen to be yourself, your whole self, rather than to follow along with what everyone else is doing or what most people are believing is necessary for you to do or to partake in, in order to get to the next level of consciousness. All you have to do is be yourself and follow your feelings.
Now, of course, you have heard about the differences between service to self and service to others. Well, guess what? When you’re joyous, your service to others matters more. It creates a bigger impact on the lives of those you seek to serve than when you are doing so out of guilt, out of obligation, or out of a feeling that you have to do it in order to be the better version of yourself that others have told you about. Inspire others with the way you live your lives, and they will inspire others, and those will inspire others, and so on and so on. That’s the path of joy, and all the paths of joy are what we are illuminating with our messages to you and with the energies that we send.
當然,現在你已經聽說過服務自我和服務他人之間的差異。嗯,你猜怎麼著? 當你快樂時,為他人提供的服務就更重要。它對你尋求服務的人的生活產生的影響、比你出於內疚、義務或出於必須這樣做才能成為比別人更好的自己的感覺、而這樣做時更大。已經告訴過你了。 用你的生活方式激勵他人,他們也會激勵他人,那些人也會激勵他人,等等。 這就是快樂之路,所有快樂之路都是透過給你們的訊息和我們發送的能量來照亮的。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton