Your Andromedan DNA & Humanity’s Surge ∞
The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very happy to connect with humanity.
You are surging right now with your vibration, your frequency. You have been reaching new heights there as a collective, as you always will, but there are certain spikes in the collective consciousness and your overall frequency, and we would like to tell you about it. You are finally getting to the point where you can receive what is being offered to you. Now, some of you have come to know that there is much to be received through your own spiritually transformative experiences, while others have simply given up on taking lots and lots of actions in their lives, and in that giving up they have let go, and in that letting go they have opened up. Some of you have decided that the purpose of your life is to live it, and you are following your bliss.
There are myriad ways in which humans have been opening up to receive the high-frequency energies that are coming to you not only from your galactic friends and family members, but also from those in nonphysical realms who you would call Archangels, ascended masters, and so on. You don’t even have names for most of them. And so, what does this mean for humankind at this time? It means you have everything that is required of you to live the life of joy, freedom, fulfillment, creativity, abundance and love that you want to live. So why would you then not be living that type of life? Well, it must be because you have yet to tune in to all of that high-frequency energy that has now been downloaded inside of you.
人類已經開放了無數種方式來接收高頻能量,這些能量不僅來自你們的銀河朋友和家人,還來自那些非物質領域的人,你們稱之為大天使、揚升大師。你甚至不知道他們大多數人的名字。那麼,這對此時的人類意味著什麼呢?這意味著你們擁有想要的快樂、自由、滿足、創造力、豐盛與有愛的生活所需的一切。 那你為什麼不過那種生活呢? 嗯,這一定是因為你還沒有調準所有現在已經下載到你體內的高頻能量。
Things will happen in your lives that will challenge you, and this is as it needs to be, but from where you are right now, you can face those challenges with so much more of the skills and abilities that are innate within you. You can access more of your connections that you have to your helpers, because you have downloaded so many high-frequency energies. You are opening up to more of your spiritual gifts as well, and you can simply tune in whenever you want to in order to get the information that you need, the approach that you need, the idea that you need to move forward in your life in a very positive way.
We are being sensed by more and more of you all the time, and it is not just us. There are other Andromedans out there as well who many of you are sensing, and you are acknowledging your connections to us and showing a willingness to play with us and to receive what we have to offer. We will tell you this about Andromedans: we love art, and we love to work with music, sound, color, and movement. We are inspiring more of your creatives to bring forth more Andromedan energy, to activate more Andromedan DNA, and to remind you of where you have been in this beautiful galaxy of ours.
我們一直被越來越多的人感知到,而且不僅僅是我們。你們中的許多人也感覺到了其他仙女座人,你們承認與我們的聯繫,並表現出願意與我們一起玩並接受我們所提供的東西。我們會告訴你們關於仙女座人的事:我們熱愛藝術,喜歡與音樂、聲音、色彩和動作打交道。我們正在激發你們更多的創造力,以帶來更多的仙女座能量,激活更多的仙女座 DNA,並提醒你們、在我們這個美麗的星系中曾經身處何處。
We are the Andromedan Council of light, and we have enjoyed serving all of you.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton