Trust in This Law of the Universe ∞
The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You know what lights you up and brings you joy at this point in your life, and you know that sometimes you have to set an intention to put aside the time to do that which is going to raise your vibration. You know that at times you can make a decision to go with the thing that is more responsible for you to do in terms of action taken, and you also know that if you have faith, if you trust in the laws of the universe, then doing that which brings you the most joy is in fact the most fruitful action to take. You know that so much can happen when you are following your bliss, and you know that the things that have to get done always do get done, but you may need to remind yourselves of these things when you are in the process of deciding what to do next in your lives.
At this point on your spiritual journey, you have probably heard us and others like us saying that you need to follow your heart. You do have internal guidance, and internal guidance is always there. You are more likely to feel that guidance and know what that guidance is telling you when are meditating on a regular basis. So you could put at the very top of your priority list, number one: meditate. Number two: wait for inspiration. And number three: act on that inspiration.
You need to have faith and to trust in order to follow through with number three. It doesn’t always come easy to you because of how many people there are telling you that you should be doing this and your shouldn’t be doing that, and you have to be responsible. And of course, those people are living their own self-fulfilling prophecies. They might be safe and they might be getting by, but they always look a bit tired, a bit worn out. And you want to do that which gives you energy.
People often ask Daniel here if channeling so much is exhausting for him, and he always tells them that it’s the opposite. He gets more energy from doing this than from doing just about anything else. You know what those things are for you, and maybe you need to make a list to remind you during those times when you are not feeling inspired, when you are feeling a bit disconnected or down in the dumps. And you can have that list on your phone, or in your wallet, or taped to your computer screen.
Remind yourself of what gives you energy, what lights you up, what brings you a state of joy, because nothing is more important than your vibration, and your vibration is something that is always within your control. Circumstances, not so much, but your vibration you can shift, and when you trust in this law of vibration, you can absolutely see the results of trusting in following your bliss. Being in the flow means things happen easily for you, things fall into your lap, helpers show up, and you don’t have as many things on your Things-To-Do-Today list. You will have more faith and more trust when you put what we are saying to the test, and every single one of you can, no matter what you might think to be the case. Prove to yourselves that what we are saying works, and you will lead a happier life.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton