How 11/11 is Carrying You into a Glorious 2023 ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

how 11.11 is carrying you into a glorious 2023 - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are very pleased to be able to offer you this progress report for humankind. We hear you wondering whether humanity is doing all right, whether you are making it possible for yourselves to ascend to the fifth dimension. And really, you just need to ask yourself that question, as humanity will always be a reflection of you. Ask yourself whether you feel worthy of ascension and what you believe is holding you back from ascending right now. Your answers will be interesting to say the least. But in spite of your doubts, there is enough faith within the Awakened Collective to carry a positive vibration through your day.


You are affecting the rest of humanity with the knowing that you have that you are all headed to a better place, a better version of humanity and Mother Earth. Your ability to connect to higher consciousness is a big part of that journey. That is what Daniel here has demonstrated to all of you time and time again. He has shown you what is possible, and many of you have discovered you have the ability to do so yourselves. This is what we have indicated the 11/11 energies were all about, and they are still upon you. You are still benefitting from the energies that support you in reaching beings and collectives in the higher realms.
你正在影響其他人,因為你知道你們都在前往一個更好的地方,一個更好的人類和地球母親版本。你連接到更高意識的能力是該旅程重要組成部分。這就是這裡傳導者(丹尼爾)一次又一次向大家展示的。他已經向你們展示了什麼是可能的,你們中的許多人已經發現自己有能力做到這一點。這就是我們所指出的 11/11 能量的全部內容,它們仍在你身上。你仍然受益於支持接觸更高領域的存有和集體的能量。


The energies are also, of course, to support you in reaching within yourselves, where you will also find everything, everyone, and every being and collective throughout the universe. You are at the midpoint now of the month of November, and the tail end of the 11/11 energies, and you are ready to bring these connections that you are making to the higher realms to the next level. You are ready to go into the Solstice energies with your heads held high, with your arms, hearts, and crown chakras open wide open, and you are ready to bring in the energies, the consciousness, the wisdom, and the teachings that will carry humanity into a glorious 2023.
當然,這些能量也會支持你到達自己的內在,在那裡你也會找到整個宇宙中的一切、每個人、每個存有和集體。你現在正處於 11 月的中點,也是 11/11 能量的尾聲,你已準備好將正在建立的與更高領域的這些聯繫提升到一個新的水平。你已經準備好進入冬至能量,昂首挺胸,你的手臂、心和頂輪敞開,你準備好引入能量、意識、智慧和教義,這將帶來人類進入光榮的 2023 年。


The potentials of 2023 are immense. You will see more e.t. contact within humanity on the personal and group level, and the potential is there for a mass landing of ships that will be the first domino to fall in the completion of your ascension to the fifth dimension. It is happening, and it is because of your willingness to connect to higher-frequency energies that it is possible for this version of humanity to make that leap. If you feel that you are not connecting to a higher consciousness at this time, then again ask yourselves the question of why. Do you believe it is possible for you, and do you believe us when we tell you that it is not only possible, but it does happen from time to time? 
2023 年的潛力是巨大的。你會看到更多的地外存有。人類內部在個人和團體層面上的接觸,以及飛船大規模登陸的潛力,這將是你們完成提升到第五維度時倒下的第一張多米諾骨牌。它正在發生,正是因為你願意連接到更高頻率的能量,這個版本的人類才有可能實現這一飛躍。如果你覺得此時沒有連接到更高的意識,那麼再次問問自己為什麼。你相信這對你來說是可能的嗎?當我們告訴你這不僅可能而且確實時常發生時,你相信我們嗎?


You just want to be able to get to that heightened level of consciousness on your own and on purpose, and you can and you will because you are awake and because you have the desire to do so. Having the desire is always your way of telling yourself that this next step on your journey is an inevitable one. Take each step with the knowing that you are going in the right direction, that everything is going according to plan, and that you are ascending in the perfect timing for yourself and for the entire human collective.
你只是想自己有意識地達到那個更高的意識水平,你可以,而且你會,因為你是清醒的,因為你有這樣做的願望。 擁有渴望始終是你告訴自己旅程的下一步是不可避免的方式。 踏出每一步,要知道你正朝著正確的方向前進,一切都在按計劃進行,而且你正在為自己和整個人類集體揚升進入的最佳時機。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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