New DNA Upgrades & Activations ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing all of you and have been connecting with other collectives here in the ninth dimension to see how we can be of greater service to you. We get perspectives from Sirians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, and so on, and we collaborate with them to bring forth the best possible energies that will assist you on your journeys. We know that we can’t do it for you, but we are here to support you, to guide you, and to teach you in all the ways that we can. We want you to know that the structure of your DNA is changing and the energies upon you right now are about those DNA upgrades and activations.
我們一直在觀察你們所有人,並與第九維度的其他集體聯繫,看看如何為你們提供更好服務。我們從天狼星人、昴宿星人、仙女座人、天琴座人等那裡獲取觀點,我們與他們合作,帶來最好的能量,為你們的旅程提供幫助。我們知道我們無法為你們做到這一點,但會竭盡全力支持、指導並教導你們。我們想讓你們知道,你的 DNA 結構正在發生變化,現在你身上的能量是關於那些 DNA 升級和活化的。
You are meant to know yourselves as galactic beings, as starseeds. These DNA upgrades and activations are about helping you to remember and also helping you to tune in to what it is that you have mastered in other star systems across the galaxy. Our star system is one where many individuals have incarnated to explore spirituality in all the ways it can be explored. A visit to the Arcturian star system is very much a visit within the self. We are also excited to see you activating your Sirian, Pleiadian, Lyran, Andromedan and so on DNA, because we know how much you have gleaned from your lifetimes in all of the star sysmtes in our galaxy, and our co-creators in this endeavor all agree that the timing is right for these activations and upgrades to occur for all of you, not just those of you who are asking for them.
你們應該知道自己是銀河存有,星際種子。這些 DNA 升級和激活是為了幫助你記住、並幫助你調整到你們在銀河系其他恆星系統中掌握的東西。我們的恆星系統是許多個體轉世以各種方式探索靈性的地方。參觀大角星星系很大程度上就是一次自我內部的參觀。我們也很高興看到你激活天狼星、昴宿星、天琴座、仙女座等 DNA,因為我們知道你在我們銀河系的所有恆星系統中,以及我們的共同創造者在這一努力中收集了多少信息所有人都同意,對於你們所有人來說,這些激活和升級的時機是正確的,而不僅僅是那些提出要求的人。
The timing of all of this coincides with the work that humanity has done on itself to grow and expand in your love and compassion. The desire that you have to experience more of the nonphysical and the galactic also play a role in your ability to receive what is coming to you from above energetically. Some people will subconsciously resist these energies and not receive the full effect of them, but those of you who are aware that the upgrades and activations are coming can open up more to them and to the energies that support them, and you can feel for the changes within yourselves that occur as a result. This allows you to tap in to more of your abilities, more of your gifts, and more of your memories that will make it easier for you to have full and open e.t. contact in the next several years.
You do not just come from one star system, no matter what you have been told and no matter what you think. You are everything. You are this universe, and that includes all star systems in this galaxy and all galaxies, and so you do not have to pigeonhole yourself into identifying with just one star system, and you can feel into the expansiveness of the truth that you are all the starseeds combined and so much more. We are happy to assist you in coming to these realizations, as we are so much more than just The Arcturian Council and have also been all across the galaxy ourselves. We know what a beautiful galaxy it is to travel through and be a part of, and we are happy to awaken that sense within all of you as well.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton