Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy and wonder as humanity moves very rapidly forward toward the collective awakening. You have made enormous progress during these last few months, even though the stress of current world affairs is causing you so much uncertainty and anxiety. What needs to arise into people's conscious awareness to be released is arising, and is being released. Love is flowing abundantly to assist each individual in the collective to move most powerfully along their path Home to Reality.
For many of you it appears that the spiritual evolution that you are each experiencing has slowed down. It has not, it only appears to have done so because the mainstream media has been further distracting you by encouraging you to focus your attention frequently and regularly on world events, when you need to be focusing within yourselves as you set and reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises. You have set that intent many times already, but, as humans in form, you do need to reaffirm it at least once daily.
As you well know, being in form is a very limiting experience, and, time being a major aspect of your lives in form, you need to focus on being mindful from moment to moment! It takes lots of practice because each moment is different and brings you notifications and alerts that your body needs to notice and to which it needs you to respond. When you are aware of the notifications that your body offers you, and you acknowledge them just by being aware of them, then your body relaxes because it knows that you have “heard” it and that you will take any necessary action. When you do not pay attention to its alerts your body has to repeat them, and if you still remain unaware it will present you with evermore powerful ones until you do respond.These can be painful and far more difficult to deal with if you were not or could not (due to unawareness) respond previously in a timely manner.
Your bodies are totally appropriate vehicles for you to inhabit while you undergo the physical human experience in form. However, they are vulnerable to damage that can be caused in many different ways, and so it is necessary, as you grow from helpless infant to fully developed adult, for you to learn to be aware of them and honor them. Initially, in the early stages of infancy,your body is all that you are aware of, but, as you grow and start to develop an intellect, this awareness starts to be controlled and even closed off from your conscious mind as you focus your attention more intently on what is outside your body, and on the thoughts and ideas flowing through your brain, thus losing or partially losing your innate sense of awareness. You notice this , often with shock, when for instance, not being fully mindful of what you are doing,you either do not grip an object firmly enough as you pick it up and it falls from your grasp, or you grip it too firmly and break it.
As the intensity and strength of your collective awakening process continues to bring awareness of the infinite power of Love to ever greater numbers of people all across your beautiful planet, you will begin to see – if you have not already done so – signs of this Love arising in many unexpected places, as people who had previously been overly egotistical in their way of living – from the neighbor you might have judged as thoughtlessly selfish, to people in positions of power arrogantly exercising their authority – begin unexpectedly to demonstrate Love in action. You are awakening. Love is filling and bringing into alignment the hearts and minds of all on Earth. Therefore CELEBRATE !!!
Yes, I keep on telling you to celebrate, and the reason for this is because when you celebrate you raise your frequency enormously, and the intent that you set to be only loving whatever arises is greatly strengthened and intensified, so that Love flows through you and on out most abundantly to assist all in their awakening process. That is why you, you who are reading this and similar messages, are presently incarnate in what appear to be extremely unsettling and divisive times.
So, whatever may be going on in your personal lives – enjoyment, anxiety, suffering, grief, confusion, uncertainty – do please CELEBRATE. Doing so will raise your spirits, and the intensified Love flow that results will greatly assist those who seem to be deeply asleep and totally unaware that humanity is awakening.
Humanity's awakening is occurring – NOW! Remember, there is only NOW! And, therefore, CELEBRATE!!!
Your loving brother, Jesus
傳導:John Smallman
翻譯:Nick Chan