Manifesting Your Requests of the Arcturians ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of handling all of your requests, both spoken and thought. We even recommend that you write down the requests that you have for us, because you will get clearer about what it is that you want, as you are able to look at it in written form. You don’t have to earn anything, and you don’t have to be special. You don’t have to repeat the magic mantra; you just have to align with what it is you have asked for, and we are happy to be the delivery system for you, because you have chosen to focus on us instead of Yeshua, or Source, or Pleiadians. Any of a number of higher-dimensional beings can handle your requests.
我們非常有能力處理你們所有口頭與思想請求。我們甚至建議寫下對我們的要求,因為你可以以書面形式查看,從而更清楚地瞭解你想要什麼。你不需要賺錢,也不需要很特別。你不必重複咒語; 只需要與你所要求的保持一致,我們很高興成為你的交付系統,因為你選擇專注於我們而不是耶穌、源頭或昴宿星人。許多更高維度的生物中的任何一個都可以滿足你們的請求。
We all love to help you, and we all see you as worthy of receiving what you are asking for. Now, you may not agree with the timing of the delivery of what it is you have asked for, but that is something you must start getting accustomed to if you are going to be living in peace and joy. It is important that you find a way to live your lives, to be interested and excited about what it is you can do, and when you can live your life happily ever after, even though not everything has manifested that you have requested, then you would have achieved a type of spiritual mastery. If you make you make your life about manifestation, about getting what you want, and then you place limits upon it by saying it has to come in this particular timeframe, you will continue to be on a rollercoaster where you do not feel very masterful at all.
It is when your thoughts, words, and actions reflect the higher vibration that you are in, that you are more likely to receive, and then what you receive becomes the cherry on top of the life you are living. When you make something into a necessity, something that is required in order for you to be happy, or to be fulfilled, or to feel whole, that’s when you’re pushing it away because you are attempting to manifest from an incomplete state, which is a lower-vibrational state of being. Be happy now. Be fulfilled now. Find something to get interested and excited about now, and let go of those requests once you make them. Don’t think you have to keep repeating them every day or that maybe you didn’t word it just right, and that’s why it didn’t come yet. Then you’re still focused on lack.
Focus on the fullness of your spirit, your soul, your self. Focus on how much air there is to breathe all around you and how delicious it can taste if you breathe it in consciously and with that intention of receiving all that the air has to deliver to you. And let us and your guides and your other helpers do all the heavy lifting, all the work, while you find the higher vibration that is always available to you by relaxing, opening yourselves up, and letting go of attachment to anything being other than the way it is right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton