Pleiadian Collective: The Earth School | Received by Judith


Beloved Friends Of The Great Planet!



Many Of You Understand The Purpose Of The Soul’s Plan To Experience Duality And Love In Patterns Of Change While The Akashic Grows In Rhythms Of Light And Power!



Others Feel Pain And Despair As The Perception of Blame and Deflection Overrides The Lessons To Be Gleaned As Resentments Form. If Only These Souls Would Take A Look From A Higher Perspective And Understand That Earth Is A School For Higher Learning!



You Cannot Fail Except In Your Own Perception. Mistakes Can Be Viewed As Lessons If You Are Willing To Change And Learn! Why Fall Into The Same Ditch Over And Over When The Same Steps Can Take You To Another Path!

除非你自己認為,否則你不會失敗。如果你願意改變與學習,錯誤可以被視為教訓! 當同樣的步驟可以帶你走向另一條道路時,為什麼要一遍又一遍地陷入同一條溝渠!


The Endless Variables Are Created With Each Choice Made. Choose Wisely As Your Next Decision Could Alter The Greatest Outcome! Indeed You Are Living Your Choices From Long Ago!

每一個選擇都會產生無盡的變數。明智地選擇,因為你的下一個決定可能會改變最好的結果! 事實上,你正在按照很久以前的選擇生活!


Create Your Path By Choosing The Next Best Position In Your Movements. Keeping Things Simple, This Choice Will Be Specific For Each Soul In Form. If Calming Down And Focusing On Intent Is Achieved By Listening To Music, This Is The Greatest Choice For Your Next Best Decision. If Taking A Hot Bath Brings Serenity And Relaxation, Then Pursue This Simple Action!



Many Will Begin To Understand That Learning And Creating From The Moment Of Now, Will Bring Multiple Ideas To Promote Peace And Spiritual Focus With Precise Choices.



Knowing That You Planned To Arrive In The Earth School For One Final Chapter Will Allow You To See The Blessing Of Being With Such A Great Number Of Souls In Form! With A Unity Of Spirit You Are Here To Learn And Expand To Greater Limits Of Possibilities!



You Are A Member Of The Earth School! The Greatest Learning Experience In The Cosmos! Find Your Strength And Resolve In The Light Of Unity And The Peace That Awaits In Sheen!

你是地球學校的一員! 宇宙中最偉大的學習體驗! 在團結之光和光中等待的和平中,找到你的力量和決心!


Connecting With The Higher Self Is Necessary For All Souls To Understand Real Peace And Wisdom From The Divinity Each Carries On Their Journey Of Light!



As One Awakens In The Earth School, The Longing For Their Home Of Origin Will Be Understood And A Greater Awareness Of Spirit Will Be Felt As A Constant Longing That Can Only Be Satisfied By Going Within!



No Being Is On Earth Without Divine Assistance And The Ability To Transcend All Obstacles With A Change In Perspective! Indeed You Are Sacred Light With Expanded Consciousness And Intelligence Through Millennia.

地球上沒有任何存在、沒有神聖的幫助和通過改變視角來超越所有障礙的能力! 事實上,你是神聖之光,擁有數千年來擴展的意識和智慧。


Play Your Roles As Planned! Dance Your Dance Until All Veils Fall At Your Feet!

按計劃發揮你的角色! 盡情跳舞,直到所有的面紗都落在你的腳下!


See The Light And Play In The Beams Until Peace Covers You Completely!



Then The Earth School Ends And Paradise Begins Just As You Planned!


Well Done Beloved Ones! Well Done Indeed!

做得好,親愛的一們! 確實做得好!


We Love You So!




文章來源: Pleiadian Collective: The Earth School – Era of Light



    創作者 Amber 的頭像


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