Dearest hearts - have you not seen the destruction, the obstacles being pushed out of the way? For all the debris that has accumulated over centuries is now being cleaned - swept away by the waters that reach over and above and below it seems. Water is everywhere - water is meant to clean, to cleanse and move all the debris that has been hidden for centuries. And just as the water is physically cleaning Mother Earth, so her body can release all that she has been holding onto, so shall the bodies of the humans be cleaned - similar release, just breathe. You do not have to bathe in the water to release, simply breathe, and allow the oxygen to clean out the debris you have held in your own bosoms, your own mind, your own blood, your own veins. Let it all flow out now, the negative expectations, the disappointments, the strange sense of foreboding that has been covering you as of late. Let it all wash away.
The games have been played. The winner not yet decided. But the human mind is fully guarded not guided. Release the false narratives that have been playing out - in minds of confusion, filling you with doubt. Not a single soul on the internet is telling the truth - for the truth is very subjective, allow your own truth to flow to you. Allow the heavens to open and the truth to be declared from within your own divine guidance and let go of the rest. The rest is just noise, supposition, guesses at best.
Allow your soul to rest. Put your mind at ease. Ask for guidance from those in the know, those in the heavenly realms. For those on Earth are no better than you - those on Earth are focused on what is appearing in front of you. You must take a higher stance, rising above so you are focused on the larger picture, across the divides, there is another vision of truth that lies just outside your conscious mind.
Breathe and release all that you see in the outer world. Such tragedies.
Allow your mind to be rinsed and repeat, I AM the builder of my own reality.
I AM the creator - peace be to you. For you are my creation and I AM one with you. Rely on me, connect with me, just breathe and release and allow your soul to fill with peace, love, and happiness. Just rest.
傳導:Karen Vivenzio