What Helps You Ascend & What Doesn’t ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.
“祝福。” 我們是Thymus。我們是揚升大師集體。
We are always happy to connect with those of you who are in human form there on Earth, and we are very excited to share with you our energy and whatever insights we can offer you to help you along on your journey of ascension. You can place your attention these days on just about anything. You have access to so many thoughts, so many thought forms, and so many beliefs, and it is very much time for all of you to be discerning in what you put your attention on.
我們總是很高興和地球上人類形態的人建立聯繫,我們非常高興和你們分享我們的能量、以及可以為你們提供的任何見解,以幫助你們在揚升之旅中前進。 這些天你幾乎可以把注意力放在任何事情上。你們可以接觸到如此多的想法、如此多思想形式及如此多信仰,現在是你們所有人辨別自己的注意力的時候了。
Now, that is true for several reasons. One of those reasons is that you are seeing energies come back to you faster than ever before in human history, because with ascension occurring, that must be the case. The energies have to continue to come more quickly and to reflect back to you in much less of your time what you have been vibrating. Energies move faster for a variety of reasons. You are moving through a time of ascension. You are now in the photon belt, and you are opening yourselves up to higher consciousness. And in these higher realms, everything moves so quickly that it's instantaneous from our perspective. This is why people say there is no time in the nonphysical, or on the other side.
You need to be more attentive to where you put your attention, because there are many people who only want your attention. They don’t really want to give you something that’s going to help you, inform you, or empower you, but they know how to make sure they keep getting your attention, and they are employing those tactics because as you know, the more attention someone gets there on Earth at this time, the greater the possibility for them to gain some sort of fame or fortune.
Now, you also want to be able to use your discernment, because you are about to become fifth-dimensional beings who will engage in instant manifestation yourselves. And so, you really do want to know how you are vibrating at all times, and you know how you are vibrating when you check in with your feelings, with your chakras, with your physical body. They are all reflecting back to you what you are vibrating. Now, if you want to look at it from a longer view, you can look at the people who are in your life and how they are treating you, and you can look at other life circumstances of yours, and they too will reflect to you how you’ve been vibrating.
Changes are happening all the time there on Earth, and energies are coming in to support the ascension of humankind all the time as well. What that means is, you have an opportunity to keep up with all of those changes and all of those energies, and you do so by slowing down. You do so by slowing down your thoughts, by being present in the moment and by breathing consciously. You can activate so much within yourself in a moment of appreciation, and you can allow in so much in a moment of joy. You can become so much in a moment when you are experiencing love.
地球上一直在發生變化,能量也一直在進來支持人類的揚升。這意味著,你有機會跟上所有這些變化和所有這些能量,而你可以通過放慢速度來做到這一點。 你可以通過放慢你的思維、活在當下並有意識地呼吸來做到這一點。在欣賞的時刻,你可以激活自己內心很多東西,在喜悅的時刻,你可以允許很多東西。 當你經歷愛的那一刻,你可以變得如此之多。
So yes, do pay attention to what you are putting your attention on, because you also have all of those options, all of those opportunities, to be focusing on something that puts you naturally in a state of joy, love or appreciation. You have many examples that you can focus on as well there on Earth, because there are so many people on the planet with you, and most of them have access to the Internet. Most of them can share their success stories with you, and you can help each other in a variety of ways.
But again, you’ve got to use that discernment that you have to be able to determine who is out to help and who is out to just gain followers, subscribers, likes and so on. Now of course, you don’t have to spend any time on the Internet at all in order to be in peace, joy, love, freedom, exaltation, and to experience creativity and wonderment. You have a whole world out there just calling you to it, inviting you, asking you to come and play with all of these energies and with all of the beauty of planet Earth. Experience some of that as often as you can, and the peace and the calm that you will experience will make anything that is not peaceful and not serene stand out to you like a sore thumb, and you will set it aside. This is how you grow, evolve, and ascend consciously, and it really is just that simple.
但同樣,你必須運用這種洞察力,必須能夠確定誰是來提供幫助的,誰是來只是為了獲得追隨者、訂閱者、點讚等等。當然,現在你根本不需要花任何時間在網路上,就能享受平靜、快樂、愛、自由、興奮,並體驗創造力和驚奇。外面的整個世界正在呼喚你,邀請你,邀請你來與所有這些能量和地球的所有美麗一起玩耍。盡可能多地體驗其中的一些,你將體驗到的平和與平靜將使任何不平和、不平靜的事物對你來說、像一個酸痛的拇指一樣突出,你會把它放在一邊。 這就是你有意識地成長、進化和提升的方式,而且真的就是這麼簡單。
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton