Ancient Ones 7/19/2023
We Ancient Ones speak. We draw near to your troubled planet of blue waters. We see the ripples that extend from your light that touch the whole. We are grandmothers, grandfathers, yet we are genderless. We show ourselves to you now in fluid light as the ancients of old returned. We are within your sphere of influences, for you have great influence that perhaps you do not yet see or realize, but we do. All watching you do. We see you in your greatness and glory. Human glory is nothing to the glory of the Almighty Source beings that you are. You do not see this.
We Ancient Ones speak with love and tenderness, with strength and courage. You are weary. Yet you are light. Light is lightweight, is it not? It is not heavy, it is not a drudgery to carry a light load. Light and light in this language have tremendous interplay. Many of your words lost their original vibration, their intention shifting like sands over the eons of times, the break-ups of cultures and the tumbling of others into the sea. We have seen your Atlantis, your Lumeria, your Mu. We have seen the Ancient Ones embodied now in spirit, together, one. Many of you are us and you will feel a kinship with us, this energy signature that feels a little bit like home. It is because it is. We of the Elohim lineage are the undercurrent of change that our embodied ones feel in this now. We feel you. You feel us. We are the same. We are family. You miss your family. This one thinks about her soul family, her planetary family, her galactic family. Why differentiate, we ask. Why differentiate at all when we are all family, when we are all one.
我們遠古存有用愛和溫柔、力量與勇氣說話。你很累。 然而你很輕/很亮。光很輕,不是嗎? 它並不重,搬運光載也不是一件苦差事。這種語言中的光與光有著巨大的相互作用。你的許多話語失去了最初的振動,它們的意圖就像億萬年的沙子一樣,隨著文化的分裂和其他人墜入大海而變化。我們見過你的亞特蘭提斯、你的列穆里亞、你的Mu。 我們已經看到遠古存有現在以精神的形式體現出來,合而為一。你們中的許多人都是我們,你們會感受到與我們的親緣關係,這種能量特徵感覺有點像家。這是因為它是。我們耶洛因血統是我們的體現者現在感受到的變化的暗流。我們感覺到你。你感受到我們。我們是一樣的。我們是家人。你想念你的家人。這個人思考她的靈魂家庭、她的行星家庭、她的銀河家庭。我們問,為什麼要區分? 當我們都是一家人,當我們都是一體的時候,為什麼還要區分呢?
It is of course because of the human spirit, the human mind, the ego structure that tries to understand and feel the ‘I’ within the all. It is part of the individual experience of light within a body, of a soul within a pair of shoes, as you go exploring with only your eyes to see what you can see and experience as an individuation of the One.
Yes we are excited for you, other aspects of us, to realize that family is surrounding you everywhere in every moment. You wonder of your twins, your families. You wonder of reunions and reuniting with your beloved ones who are but a breath away that you cannot yet see. But perhaps you can feel. Perhaps you can feel us near. Are you seeing flickerings of angel wings around you? Your soul family surrounds you all around your physical forms. We do not wish to startle or alarm, but you are very much surrounded in light and you are not alone.
是的,我們為你和我們的其他方面感到興奮,因為你意識到家人每時每刻都在身邊。你想知道你的雙胞胎、你的家人。你想知道與你所愛之人重聚,他們離你只有一口氣,但你還看不到。但也許你能感覺到。也許你能感覺到我們在附近。你是否看到天使的翅膀在周圍閃爍?你的靈魂家族圍繞在你的身體周圍。 我們不想驚嚇或驚慌,但你被光包圍著,而且你並不孤單。
You feel alone within this human embodiment, this embarking of the individual into the cosmos. A soul in a suitcase on a journey. Yet the journey is all of us interacting, reuniting, divorcing, playing, discovering, learning. And this chapter of learning of the great era of earth is complete. The Elohim never intended for the degree of darkness that has occurred. Heaven could not fathom it. Earth was truly the abyss of light in many ways. And yet this absence of light called more light to come.
And we came. And you came. Light experiencing itself in the tumults of space, of dark, of light and dark interplay. And it is a glorious orgasm of light that awaits, dear ones, you are glorious in your victory. Every time you choose love and light in your daily interactions, when you choose a kind word over a harsh criticism, the light advances further. And your hearts open up a little more on your planet. And the ripples spread further, and the blue waters ripple with more light. (I am seeing shimmering blue waters and feeling them laughing). The water is alive, galaxygirl. Just as your animals and plants hold consciousness of course your water holds consciousness as well. Work with the water. Just as you work with the light. Water bends light to enhance its travels into the depths. All work together.
我們來了。你來了。光在空間、黑暗、光與暗相互作用的混亂中體驗著自己。這是一個光榮的高潮在等待著,親愛的,你在你的勝利中是光榮的。每當你在日常互動中選擇愛和光,當你選擇善意的話語而不是嚴厲的批評時,光就會進一步前進。你們的心在你們的星球上更加開放。而漣漪進一步擴散,藍色的水面泛起更多的光芒。(我看到波光粼粼的藍色海水並感覺到他們在笑)。水是有生命的,銀河女孩。正如你們的動物和植物擁有意識一樣,你的水當然也擁有意識。與水一起工作。就像你使用光工作一樣。水會彎曲光線以增強其進入深處的能力。 大家一起工作。
We Ancient Ones are returned. We are you, many of us, fractals of us, of the original creators of this project to ensure its transition is smooth into the light. Continue making your beautiful ripples of light. Continue keeping your hearts open. In the days to come many will wish to close their eyes and close their hearts. Closed fists cannot grasp the open hands beside them. Keep yourselves open to absorb the love, light and friendship that is all around.
We Elohim see. We Ancient Ones know. We are older than your time can explain. We are. We have always been. We are the Ancient Ones, returned. Feel our love for you and be at peace. Feel the family codes streaming in, upgrading the hope within you into joyful expectation of great things to come. Feel the light body within you stretch just a bit more, expanding into more of yourself. It is time. We see you. We are you. We love you. We are the Ancient Ones.
~ galaxygirl