What We See Humans Doing on Many Timelines ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to be existing where we exist right now, and we acknowledge that. We acknowledge both the beauty of our existence and the privilege of our positioning in this universe. As we have mentioned, we get to receive help and we get to give help out to others. That brings us a tremendous amount of joy. We know that many of you have been opening up to receive more of the help that has always been coming to you, and we also know that many more of you are stepping up to become the helpers that you truly are.
The way that we ascend as a universe is by coming together. Therefore, anything that feels to you like it is a movement towards coming together with any other is going to feel good, and anything that is a movement towards separation, segregation, moving apart, is going to feel bad. You would be going against the grain if you were to choose a path of separation, especially at this time, but if you choose a path of integration, of coming together, you will feel very good. Coming together means that you are setting aside differences. It means that you are seeing yourself in another, and it also means that you have accessed more of your compassion for another human being. These are all very good things.
我們提升為一個宇宙的方式是聚集在一起。因此,任何讓你感覺像是朝著與任何其他人聚集在一起的運動都會感覺良好,而任何像是朝著分離、隔離、分開的運動都會感覺不好。如果你選擇一條分離的道路,你會背道而馳,尤其是在這個時候,但如果你選擇一條整合的道路,走到一起,你會感覺很好。 走到一起意味著你正在擱置差異。這意味著你在另一個人身上看到了自己,也意味著你對另一個人有了更多同情心。這些都是非常好的事情。
If we were physical human beings living on Earth at this time, we would make a list of all the ways in which we can come together with our fellow humans. We would also be looking for ways in which we can forgive, we can let go of resistance, and we can put aside differences so that it is possible to come together with another being or group that we had previously saw as the enemy. We truly are all in this together. This is a group event; it is a collective experience that we are having. And therefore, seeing yourselves more as members of a collective than as individuals helps you immensely.
如果我們此時是生活在地球上的人類,我們會列出所有可以與我們的人類同胞聚在一起的方式。我們也會尋找可以寬恕的方式,可以放棄抵抗,可以擱置分歧,這樣就有可能與我們以前視為敵人的另一個人或團體走到一起。我們真的在一起。這是一個集體活動; 這是我們的集體經歷。因此,將自己更多地視為集體的成員而不是個人,這對你有很大幫助。
If you want to go with the flow and go with the easier path, you will look for and even create those opportunities to help others, to come together with others, to unite, to see beyond differences. You can all do this, and we have seen it. We have looked down those timelines, and seen exactly what we are describing here. We also know that none of you who are receiving this message has to convince anyone else to do the same. When you do it, you will be aligning with the world and the human collective on that world who is also doing it. And so, there is no preaching necessary, and there is no converting necessary. As the slogan goes, just do it, and you will see the results in your world and in your life, and we guarantee that.
如果你想順其自然,走更容易的路,你就會尋找甚至創造機會來幫助他人,與他人走到一起,團結一致,超越差異。你們都可以做到這一點,我們已經看到了。 我們查看了這些時間線,並確切地看到了我們在這裡描述的內容。我們也知道,收到此消息的你們都不必說服任何其他人也這樣做。當你這樣做時,你將與世界和那個世界上也在做這件事的人類集體保持一致。因此,沒有必要講道,也沒有必要皈依。 正如口號所言,只管去做,你會在你的世界和生活中看到結果,我們保證這一點。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton