Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are gathering enough data to support all humans on all timelines, in all realities and universes. We have broadened the scope of the help that we are offering at this time to include those humans who do not exist in your reality, on your timeline, or in your universe right now. We want you to understand how significant that is, because as all versions of you are assisted, you benefit. You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend.
Therefore, you can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You can relax more and know that your evolution is a natural process. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to include you going through a series of trials and tribulations. It can be quite smooth and easy. As you begin to understand that your evolution of consciousness is inevitable and that it benefits al beings throughout all universes, you can also accept the idea that you don’t have to do anything at this time. You don’t have to prove your worthiness to ascend.
Yes, you are there to help, but the help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness; it is not through the completion of tasks. Now, as we have been focusing on these other versions of you, we have come to appreciate this human collective consciousness that we are addressing right now through the channel here.
We are very impressed with your growth and evolution; we know that our energy transmissions have helped, but there are also many other wonderful teachers out there who are assisting you in raising your vibration and becoming more of who you really are. You already are your fifth-dimensional selves, and in every moment of every day you are recognizing that truth and letting go of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourselves as your true selves.
Imagine that you are very hot. It is a particularly hot and humid day, and you are wearing several layers of clothing, including some pretty thick ones. The way that some humans go about cooling off is to begin the process of building an air conditioner from scratch when the easier and faster way is to just remove the layers and layers of clothing. That’s what we are telling you right now. That is the case with your spiritual evolution. It doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to go about it in the most challenging of ways. You don’t have to prove yourselves to be smart or capable of figuring out how to build an air conditioner, or anything else, from scratch.
Take the easy route, and make it a point to consciously tune in to all of those other selves and what they are receiving right now, what they have been able to achieve in terms of their vibration, and know that you are also helping every single one of these other yous. You are always being of service, no matter how it might look, and just by receiving this transmission right now, you are helping yourselves, all of your fellow humans, and all of the other yous throughout the multiverse. This is a wonderful time to be alive and in a human body on Earth, because of all of this help and all of the transformation that will follow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton