Lightworkers: This is Your Purpose ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have attained so much wisdom throughout our existence, and we know that the wisdom we impart to all of you helps you to lead better lives, but we also know that wisdom is derived life experience. We want you to understand that you are meant to have all of the life experiences you are having. These experiences are not meant just for your spiritual evolution, but rather, you are meant to access the wisdom from those experiences and use that in order to help others who are going through something similar. Something else that experience gives you that nothing else can is your ability to feel compassion for another who is going through that same experience.
在我們的存在過程中,我們獲得瞭如此多的智慧,我們知道傳授給你們所有人的智慧可以幫助你們過上更好的生活,但我們也知道智慧是衍生的生活經驗。 我們想讓你明白,你注定要擁有你正在擁有的所有生活經歷。這些經歷不僅僅意味著你的精神進化,更確切地說,你應該從這些經歷中獲取智慧並利用它來幫助正在經歷類似事情的其他人。其他經歷給你的東西是你對經歷同樣經歷的另一個人感到同情的能力。
It is one thing to teach another how to pull themselves out of a lower vibration, and it is quite another to feel compassion for that person without joining them in that lower vibration. Those of you who have experienced yourselves in a lower vibration, and we suspect that is all of you, know just how little you tend to know when you are in that state. You have access to lower-vibrational thoughts, you take lower-vibrational actions, and you tend to solidify lower-vibrational beliefs.
Therefore, as a helper, a healer, and a guide, as a lightworker, there is no point in you joining someone in their lower-vibrational state. You do not help them by doing so. Feeling compassion for someone and also sharing your wisdom is the best way to be of service there on Earth. You are not meant to fix everyone else’s problems. You are not meant to distract them from their negative emotions long enough so that they can have a smile on their face. You are meant to show others how you did it, and explain to them the steps to pulling themselves out of their darkness, and you are meant to do that with compassion.
因此,作為幫助者、治療者和嚮導,作為光之工作者,你加入處於低振動狀態的人是沒有意義的。你這樣做並沒有幫助他們。對某人感到同情並分享你的智慧、是在地球上為那裡服務的最佳方式。你並不是要解決其他人的問題。你不應該讓他們從負面情緒中轉移足夠長的時間,讓他們的臉上露出笑容。 你應該向別人展示你是如何做到的,並向他們解釋將自己從黑暗中拉出來的步驟,你應該懷著同情心去做這件事。
Now, why is the compassion necessary, you might wonder? It is your way of growing spiritually through the experience of helping another. If all you do is write books and create courses, and tell people to take steps x, y, and z, you have not then expanded. You have not then been able to demonstrate an ability to hold yourself in a higher vibration while simultaneously helping someone who is currently operating in a lower-vibrational one. Therefore, your ability to hold your vibration is of paramount importance to your journey.
現在,你可能想知道為什麼需要同情心?這是你通過幫助他人的經歷在靈性上成長的方式。如果你所做的只是寫書和開設課程,並告訴人們採取步驟 x、y 和 z,那麼你還沒有擴展。那時你還不能展示出一種能力,讓自己保持在更高的振動中,同時幫助目前處於較低振動中的人。因此,保持振動的能力對你們的旅程至關重要。
Now, many of you have often wondered why you had to choose such a challenging path in your lives. You wonder why you fail at this relationship or that business venture, and some of you assume that there is a faulty belief at play, that you have some programming that you have not released yet. And those things may be true, but if you look at the bigger picture of your spiritual growth, you also need to have experiences where you lose something or someone to then be able to have compassion for another who is going through that particular struggle in their lives.
When others have hardships, you must be able to dispense that wisdom from a place of also understanding where they are, or you will not be able to connect with them appropriately. You do not want to just sit in your ivory tower and dispense your wisdom practices and healing modalities. You want to be able to reach down and grab someone by the hand to pull them up, to show them that you care, that you love them, that you actually want to help them with their current set of circumstances.
That also brings you into a greater state of unity consciousness, which is also a step towards knowing yourselves as Source. You could say that every purpose throughout the entire universe is for the being or the collective to know themselves as Source. Therefore, you want to remember that as you teach, as you help, as you heal, you are doing so for another aspect of that which is you. And as you hold that awareness, the other or others can feel it. They will feel seen, heard, understood, and known by you, and then they have a greater chance of being helped.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton