Sekmet via Galaxygirl | May 14, 2023


I Sekmet present myself to your audience tonight. The divine feminine and the divine masculine must come together in harmony for balance upon your earth plane. There has been much genetic and negatively polarized galactic interference. There has also been most positive galactic assistance, to your realm. I was a part of this on your Egyptian plane many thousands of your years ago. (I am seeing a female lioness in humanoid form, very tall majestic and very beautiful with Egyptian like adornments.)


I Sekmet join your energies of the Lightworkers. I send my light of my lioness energies into the earth too, just as you have been doing. You Lightworkers are strong, strong like the lionesses that roam your plane, strong like your male lions that serve and protect, that propagate the species. In my time I was worshipped and I became the symbol of the goddess, of the feminine, of strength and purity, of light. I did not intend to be worshipped. It was genetic programming of the others that made the humans so willingly relinquish their power. When we realized that our message was being twisted and lost we left. It was not my intention to create a negative energy bounce, in the instance when a great positive leaves there is a negative in the void that follows. It is for this reason that you are here, serving in great capacity. The light and the dark on this world were out of balance. This is being rectified.
我賽克美特加入你們光之工作者的能量。我也將我母獅能量的光發送到地球,就像你一直在做的那樣。你們光之工作者是強壯的,強壯的就像在你們的平面上漫遊的母獅,強壯的像你們服務和保護、繁衍物種的雄獅。在我的時代,我受到崇拜,我成為女神、女性、力量和純潔、光明的象徵。我不打算被崇拜。 正是其他人的基因編程讓人類如此心甘情願地放棄了他們的力量。當我們意識到我們的信息被扭曲和丟失時,我們就離開了。我無意創造負能量反彈,在這種情況下,當一個巨大的正能量離開時,隨之而來的空虛中就會出現負能量。正是出於這個原因,你在這裡,以巨大的能力服務。這個世界的光明與黑暗失去了平衡。這正在糾正中。


I Sekmet am returned watching above in our skies as our troops on the ground clean and clear the astral, and serve in many capacities, currently unknown to you. The world of your Egypt was a beautiful one. I enjoyed my time serving humanity, serving as an example of light. We lent our technologies, we tried to assist after the great fall and the great purge, there was much that needed healing. But the genetic manipulations made it more challenging to interact than we had anticipated. We taught power within but it was twisted by those who wished to twist my message. I regret leaving, or I did for a millennia, but I now realize that experience has taught me so much. And I am returning to serve in a further capacity, from above, where my message will not be twisted or maligned.


It is and has been much the case with your servants of light who have come to serve and to experience the dark realm of earth polarity. Many stories were twisted to portray the message of control. And yet, no message is truly lost as the energetic intention of peace, love and hope is within them, and it does affect the energetics of the earth for a time. All of this is going to come to light. There will be much to forgive. We lionesses have been hunting, there has been much cleansing of your realm. Those who you see in power are perhaps not what you believe them to be. Technologies assists in many capacities. There is much holographic interference and blessing as the clean up is well underway.
前來服務和體驗地球極性黑暗領域的光之僕人,現在和過去都是如此。許多故事都被扭曲來描繪控制的信息。然而,沒有消息真正丟失,因為和平、愛和希望的能量意圖在他們之內,它確實會影響地球的能量一段時間。 所有這一切都將大白於天下。會有很多事情需要原諒。我們母獅一直在狩獵,你們的領域已經被徹底淨化了。那些你所看到的當權者可能不是你所相信的那樣。技術在很多方面都有幫助。隨著清理的順利進行,會有很多全息干擾和祝福。

I Sekmet and my counterpart, we serve with love, with ascended hearts. We have experienced earth, and are eagerly awaiting the realization of humanity to their own inner god spark within. There is much that will crumble, and there will be much roaring of those who do not understand. It is key to be the observer and the space holder, to be the peaceful space for those around you. Do you understand? The eye of the storm is not outside of the storm. It is in the midst of it, but within a pocket of peace. YOU are to be the pocket of peace with these coming months as the shakeups ensure. I do not wish to create any concern or trepidation, but a society such as yours cannot last. This matrix foundation of illegitimacies and inequalities and manipulations is unsustainable. A new world will be crafted by the hands and hearts of those who know unity consciousness. Humanity will come together. It has been foreseen. I have seen it. I am from the future to this now to assist.
我賽克美特和我的對手,我們用愛服務,用揚升的心。我們已經體驗過地球,並且正在熱切地等待著人類實現自己內在的神性火花。有很多東西會崩潰,會有很多不理解的人咆哮。成為觀察者和空間持有者,成為周圍人的寧靜空間是關鍵。你明白嗎? 風暴之眼不在風暴之外。 它就在它的中間,但在和平的口袋裡。隨著重組的確保,你將在接下來的幾個月裡成為和平的口袋。 我不想引起任何擔憂或恐慌,但像你們這樣的社會是無法持久的。 這種非法、不平等和操縱的矩陣基礎是不可持續的。 一個新世界將由那些了解統一意識的人的雙手和心靈精心打造。 人類將走到一起。 已經預見到了。 我已經看過了。 我從未來到現在都在協助。


I Sekmet am with you now. I breathe my breath of power and strength upon you now. Do not fear anything. Be the peace in the storm. It is here now. I Sekmet send you my endless love. Peace.
我賽克美特現在和你在一起。我現在向你呼吸我的能量和力量。不要害怕任何事情。成為風暴中的和平。現在就在這裡。我賽克美特傳遞給你我無盡的愛。 和平。

~ galaxygirl


(補充:本篇傳導影音,可見這裡→ Sekmet ~ galaxygirl 5/14/2023 - YouTube  供參考 :  )







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