The 5th-Dimensional Portal & Energies Upon You ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very sensitive to the energies there on planet Earth, and we have noticed an awakening of many humans that has opened up a gigantic portal over your world. That portal is, and has been, specifically designed for the delivery of fifth-dimensional energies to you. These fifth-dimensional energies are an invitation to each human being who is awake, and they have the capability of raising consciousness to new levels. You can harmonize and synchronize with these energies easily. All you have to do is acknowledge them, relax, and open up to let them in. These are the energies that not only raise your level of consciousness, but also affect your physical body to give you the DNA upgrades and activations that you desire and to make available to you more of your light body.
我們對地球上的能量非常敏感,我們已經注意到許多人類的覺醒已經為你們的世界打開了一個巨大的門戶。該門戶現在是,並且一直是專門為向你們傳送第五維能量而設計的。這些第五維度能量是對每個醒著的人的邀請,它們有能力將意識提升到新的水平。你可以輕鬆地與這些能量協調和同步。你所要做的就是承認它們,放鬆並敞開心扉讓它們進來。這些能量不僅會提高你的意識水平,還會影響你的身體,為你提供想要的 DNA 升級和激活, 讓你更多地使用你的光體。
As you feel for the fifth-dimensional energies that are upon you right now, recognize that they do feel familiar to you, and that is because you have all been fifth-dimensional before. You are using your presence in the fifth dimension right now to call you forth into it. The idea of simultaneous time is challenging for many humans to comprehend, and therefore we won’t get into the details of it too much, but we will tell you that this is real. You really are already fifth dimensional and have been fifth dimensional before. You are inviting yourselves back to a place that is familiar to you and yet has changed.
當你感受現在在你身上的五維能量時,認識到它們確實讓你感到熟悉,那是因為你們之前都在五維。你現在正在使用你在第五維度的存在來召喚你進入它。 同步時間的概念對許多人來說都很難理解,因此我們不會過多地討論它的細節,但我們會告訴你這是真實的。你真的已經是第五次元了,而且以前也曾是第五次元。你在邀請自己回到一個熟悉但已經改變的地方。
And those of you who are part of the Awakened Collective are meant to accept the invitation before everyone else does, so that you can pave the way. You were born to remember; you were born hardwired to receive more of these types of energies, to awaken, and to activate your spiritual gifts and abilities. Not everyone was. Some people had to choose to play the role of those who would awaken more slowly, but everyone there on Earth is on the same level. It just doesn’t look that way, because they are playing their role so beautifully. But there is an awakening switch within each and every human, and there are a variety of ways in which that switch can be flipped to the on position.
你們中那些覺醒集體的人注定要先於其他人接受邀請,這樣你們才能鋪平道路。你生來就是為了記住; 你生來就注定要接收更多這些類型的能量,喚醒並激活你的精神天賦和能力。不是每個人都是。 有些人不得不選擇扮演那些覺醒較慢的角色,但地球上的每個人都處於同一水平。只是看起來不是那樣,因為他們扮演的角色非常漂亮。但是每個人內心都有一個覺醒開關,可以通過多種方式將這個開關撥到開啟位置。
You chose a path for yourselves that was both easier and more difficult at the same time. It is about to get easier on all of you who are awake, because we are all moving into this time of the great universal ascension together, and you know that it’s happening. You understand when you’re going through something that it’s about something bigger than it appears to be. And as you accept the invitation of the fifth-dimensional energies, you are fulfilling your mission, your purpose, and your destiny.
What you do and what you say in that fifth-dimensional state automatically invites others to join you. You will find that many are willing and eager to accept your invitation, and they just needed it to come from another human being. You all are capable of receiving those invitations from energies, from higher-dimensional planes, and that was part of your blueprint, your agreement, and now as you help others to find their way to that fifth-dimensional consciousness, you are completing the mission that you set out to complete so that you can have more fun and be more playful as fifth-dimensional beings of light and love.
你在第五維度狀態下所做的和所說的、會自動邀請其他人加入你的行列。你會發現很多人願意並渴望接受你的邀請,他們只是需要來自另一個人的邀請。 你們都有能力從更高維度的能量中接收這些邀請,這是你們藍圖的一部分,你們的協議,現在當你們幫助其他人找到通往第五維度意識的道路時,你們就完成了使命、你開始著手去完成,這樣你們就可以作為光與愛的第五維度存有獲得更多樂趣和更多嬉戲。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton