Crystalline Human and Mother God: DNA Streaming


We are the Crystalline Human Template. 


DNA is streaming through the cosmic waves from your sun activating that of the internal sun. The light within us is that of the Christed Consciousness, prism-light of the universal, filled with the breath of creation and the love of Mother-Father of this universe and beyond. We contain the codes for ascending humanity.
DNA從太陽發出的宇宙波中流過,從而活化了內在太陽的光芒。 我們內在的光是基督的意識的光,普世的棱鏡光,充滿了創造的氣息以及對這個宇宙、乃至更廣闊世界的父神母神之愛。 我們包含了提升人類的準則。 


We are the Crystalline Human. We are the template of life from the future beyond into the present here and now. Humanity is ascending. We offer the codes of light, of love. We are these codes to be contained within the human form of the ascending ones. Many are ascending. Many will see and will understand. Many will not see and will be oblivious to what is in front of them under their noses. They will fade away into an alternate reality. They will not notice for they are closed off to it. Many have chosen to ascend, have chosen our form to house their eternal spirits on a most wonderful journey.
我們是人類的結晶。 自此刻當下,我們都是從未來到現在的生命模板。 人類正在揚昇。 我們提供光、愛的代碼。 我們將這些代碼包含在揚昇代碼的人類形式中。 許多正在上升。 許多人會看到並且會理解。 許多人看不到他們的鼻子下面的東西,而將其遺忘。 它們將逐漸消失為替代現實。 他們不會注意到,因為他們被關閉了。 許多人選擇了揚昇,選擇了我們的形式以在一個最美好的旅程中容納他們永恆的精神。 


We are the Crystalline Human Template. The sun contains our codes for activation. Eat lightly and hydrate to support us. We embody peace within surrounded by light manifesting with ease, graceful footsteps, on air or on land. (I am seeing this body form is us but lighter. We will be able to flow or walk on the earth grounded.) It is an internal grounding that will occur for you will be grounded deep within your own spirit-truth of your universal beingness and your connection to Source will be your grounding. Much joy awaits humanity. Many ascension symptoms you are feeling in this now and so rest and hydrate to allow. Be in joy and deep knowing that all is proceeding as it should and that you are in the divine embrace of the All. Universal light surrounds. Soon it will pulse within as your bodies morph into further conductors of light and codes. (I am seeing the crystalline matrix of Gaia in new earth. I am seeing the crystalline matrix of the animals, the plants. 
我們是人類的水晶模板。 太陽包含我們的活化代碼。 少量飲食並補充水分以支持我們。 我們在空中或陸地上以輕鬆、優美的腳步體現的光明包圍著和平。 
這是內部的接地,因為你將深深地接地在自己普遍存在的精神真相之內。 你與本源的連接將成為你的基礎。 人類充滿了歡樂。你現在在此過程中會感覺到許多揚昇症狀,因此請休息並補充水分。 充滿歡樂和深刻的了解,知道一切都將按計劃進行,而你正處在萬物的神聖懷抱中。 通用光環繞。 不久,當你的身體變形為更多的光和代碼導體時,它將在內部發出脈衝。 


 Everything is glowing and alive, totally balanced and in peaceful joy. Everything is glowing from within, glowing with inner peace, balance and seeming to be lit from within.) Claim this inner light and this switch will further turn on your ability to morph into the divine crystalline form of you that is not only leading the way for the others to follow but leading you on your own way, your own path. Leading you on your sacred journey. You have been on many sacred journeys but none like this. We would state that all of your human incarnations have had sacredness embedded within for they have been your own soul’s journey towards inner truth, discovery and enlightenment. But it has not been easy. Self discovery is not for the faint of heart. Ascension is the ultimate in self-discovery and knowing for all past and current debris must be sifted through and forgiven. All must be forgiven for the ascended crystalline form to fully bloom. We ask why you are holding on to that which creates pain? Anger and turmoil do not belong and create opportunity for disease to grow. Be aware that the stakes are high and you are in the final stages of this process. Self discovery, inner quietude is essential.


We are the Crystalline Human form template conversing with you now. We wish for you to know your upcoming abilities will be rich, delightful. Your lives will flow, will be much easier for the crystalline essence knows itself and there will be no longer any vibrational discord. We are showing this one the ease of interaction between the crystalline matrix and inhabitants on the new template that you will be forming and inhabiting. You will be easily creative within it. Creator is one who creates continuously, as you. Humanity was destined for the stars, but first must create peace and harmony within. As within so without. Nova Gaia will reflect the inner balance of a higher vibrational mind matrix which will be wholy positive and loving. The dark ones will not be able to reside for they are of other vibrational alignment. We encourage you to flow within this feeling of balance in this now as it will assist you and bring more joy and peace to your existence on topsy-turvy earth. You are feeling the vibrations sift.
我們是與你對話的人類水晶模板。我們希望你知道你即將到來的能力將會豐富,令人愉快。你的生活將會流動,因為晶體本質知道自己會容易得多,並且不再會有任何振動不和諧。我們向你展示了這一點,即你將要形成和居住的新模板上的晶體基質、與居民之間的相互作用的簡易性。你將很容易在其中發揮創造力。創造者是像你一樣不斷創造的人。人類注定要獻給星星,但首先必須在其中創造和平與和諧。新星蓋亞(Nova Gaia)將反映出更高振動的思維矩陣的內在平衡,這將充滿積極和愛心。黑暗的一體們的將無法駐留,因為它們具有其他振動取向。我們鼓勵你現在就在這種平衡感中流動,因為它將幫助你,並為你在混亂的地球上的生存,帶來更多的歡樂與和平。你感受到振動的精鍊。 


(I am seeing sand go through a sieve). You are feeling the sifting. But you know this. We suggest you see things now through a crystalline pair of eyes and a crystalline heart-mind that are fully aligned with your destiny and future as you are constantly creating it. See your current reality through the eyes of the crystalline and more will be activated, more will flow into light. Further codes of all you see and touch will be increased in intensity and vibration. You are truly the masters of this universe for being able to undertake such a task. We bow and we serve. The crystalline will continue to expand and nourish as nothing is stagnant in creation. Your abilities will continuously expand and un-tap more joyful experiences. The crystalline human will be able to be a leader and example of love-light and conquering of ego for those who are entrapped and for the other many who wish to lend a helping hand to other universes and sectors who have been filled with lower dimensional realities.


The black hole of this galaxy will be flipped from dark to light allowing more light and crystalline codes. It is a flooding of light that has never been seen or appreciated before that will occur for this universe that was thought to be lost. All is found. The light finds its own and embraces the whole of it. We suggest that you do this with your lives, with your experiences and with your hearts. Allow the deep inner embrace of light to fill your own black holes of pain, of doubt, of loss. This will expand you into yet more crystalline and more of your higher-self embodied. We encourage to remind that your higher self is you, but in higher vibrational alignment with truth and love which is what is occurring to you now, with this transmission, with meditations, with your own internal deep forgiveness. You are becoming yet more of the universal ascended you in its many forms and graces and what a blessing we see this as being. We are eager and excited, deeply honored to be a part of this co-creative process. We are divinely alive in our template for we pulse with the life breath of the Mother of All Things. The Universal Mother gave birth to our crystalline vibrational reality matrix and she extends us to you in this marriage of light.


We are the Crystalline Human. We are your future experience. We are sending DNA light encodments to you now for deep inner healing and peace. Feel your abilities, your memories come online and bless what arises. Bless what you feel. The painful memories were lessons to help catapult you into the higher dimensions. There is no pain and loss truly all is simply in a different form. We are the crystalline template. (I am seeing the human genome expand into very solidly strong crystalline, pulsing plasma like twisting ladders of DNA.) DNA is divine. Divine Nucleic Acid. We are infusing you with a furthering of us. Sit with this light. (I am seeing the old world fade away, mist in the rain. I am seeing rainbows of light codes piercing through this current experience filled with such love, it is overwhelming.) You will embody love of the divine. It will be second nature to you. That is why it was so challenging, so brave, to choose to leave that environment of love, of light to come here to assist those who were lost in their own pain and darkness. This web of the power dimensional pain matrix is crumbling. We are sending yet more crystalline to it in every moment that you as embodied divine humans are walking around living your daily lives thorough it, in the midst of it. You are crumbling this as your codes interact with the others.
我們是人類的結晶。我們是你未來的體驗。我們現在向你發送DNA光之編碼、給你深深的內在療癒及和平。感受自己的能力,你的記憶就會在線上,祝福所發生之事情。祝福你的感覺。痛苦的回憶是可以幫助你將自己提升到更高維度的課程。沒有痛苦和損失,實際上所有的一切都只是一種不同的形式。我們是結晶的模板。 (我看到人類基因組擴展成非常堅固的結晶狀,脈衝狀的血漿,就像DNA的梯子一樣。)DNA是神聖的。神聖的核酸。我們正在為你提供進一步的支持。立於光中。 (我看到舊世界消失了,雨中的霧氣瀰漫。我看到光代碼的彩虹刺穿了這種充滿這種愛的當前經歷,這是壓倒性的。)你將體現出對神的愛。這將是你的第二天性。這就是為什麼選擇離開那種充滿愛與光的環境、來援助那些在自己的痛苦與黑暗中迷路的人如此具有挑戰性,如此勇敢的原因。權力維度痛苦矩陣的這一網正在崩潰。每當你身為神化的人類走過它的日常生活時,我們都會發給它更多的水晶。當你的代碼與舊矩陣交互時將使之崩潰。  


We are the Crystalline Human form. You may fully interact with us now. You may communicate with the crystalline aspects of your cells. Program them with light and love. Program them with hope and they will communicate, they will heal, they will listen. This is a partnership of love and we are most eager to firmly establish this connection as we are your future form, an aspect of your ascended being. We are your future vehicles of light form embodied. Peace and love.
我們是人類的結晶型態。 你現在可以與我們充分互動。 你可以與細胞的結晶方面進行交流。 用光和愛來編程。 對他們編程充滿希望,他們會溝通,他們會康復,他們會傾聽。 這是愛的伙伴關係,我們最渴望牢固地建立這種聯繫,因為我們是你未來的形式,是你揚昇的一個面向。 我們是你未來光體載具的體現。 和平與愛。 


Children, this is your Mother God speaking. Did you enjoy conversing with your crystalline cellular matrix? We are so thrilled with your progress and I am so in love with you. Children, climb into my lap and let me sing you a song of creation, of healing, of light. The song of my love is all around you, is within you. This crystalline DNA is my love song for you. Let your shoulders relax, let me wipe the tears for your eyes. Peace. You are divinely loved and protected. Nothing can touch you here in this space of light. The light is growing on Gaia moment by moment. You are all doing wonderfully. Your Father and I are so proud! We love you.
孩子們,這是你的母神在說話。 你喜歡與晶體細胞基質交談嗎? 我們為你的進展感到非常興奮,我也深深地愛著你。 孩子們,爬上我的腿,讓我為你唱一首創造、療癒和光的歌謠。 我愛的歌在你周圍,在你內心。 這顆晶瑩剔透的DNA是我送給你的情歌。 讓你的肩膀放鬆,讓我擦拭眼淚。 和平。 你被神聖地愛著並受到保護。 在這個光明的空間裡,沒有任何東西可以觸碰到你。 光芒在蓋亞閃耀。 你們都做得很棒。 你的父神與我為你們感到如此驕傲! 我們愛你。 








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