Treasure These Transformative Times | Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young


(Golden Age of Gaia)

April 19, 2023


As human beings, you often don’t realize the full significance of events until well after the fact. It will be the same with the shift you are currently going through. You have a sense of its importance, and you certainly can feel the energies shifting and moving. But the full depth of how transformative the times you are in and how remarkable it is that you are on the planet to both experience them and assist with them, won’t be truly felt for many years to come.
作為人類,你們往往在事情發生很久之後才意識到事件的全部意義。 這與你目前正在經歷的轉變是一樣的。 你能感覺到它的重要性,你當然能感受到能量的轉移和移動。 但是,你所處的時代是多麼具有變革性,你在這個星球上經歷它們並協助它們是多麼了不起,這些在未來很多年內都不會真正感受到。


We highly recommend that you allow yourself to stop every once in a while to soak it in and marvel at it all, because believe it or not, it is a time that you will look back on with wonder and fondness. We wish to remind you that any discomfort you may feel will be fleeting and forgotten in time, but your participation in the shift of consciousness on your planet will always be honoured and remembered.
我們強烈建議你、讓自己時不時地停下來沉浸其中並驚嘆不已,因為不管是否相信,這是你回首時會懷著驚奇和喜愛的時刻。 我們希望提醒你,可能感到的任何不適都會轉瞬即逝並及時被遺忘,但你參與地球意識轉變將永遠受到尊重和銘記




傳導:Shelley Young



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