The White Hats are in Control | Sananda via James McConnell

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in this time of great light that is beginning to become illuminated within the planet.


All of the many changes that are upon you, increasing now seemingly every moment, whereas before, if you think about this years ago, very little seemed to have been changing. But look now! Look at all of the great changes that are happening, seemingly not so positive.
所有發生在你身上的變化,現在似乎每時每刻都在增加,而以前,如果你回想一下幾年前的情況,似乎幾乎沒有什麼變化。但是現在看! 看看正在發生的所有巨大變化,似乎並不那麼積極。


But yet, always remember, always remember the great universal plan that is at work here, where you’ve heard many times ‘trust the plan.’ And even though it can be difficult at times to do so, continue to do so. Because as you have heard so many times: nothing can stop the plan.
但是,永遠記住,永遠記住在這裡工作的偉大的宇宙計劃,你已經多次聽到“相信這個計劃”。即使有時這樣做很困難,也要繼續這樣做。 因為正如你們多次聽到的那樣:沒有什麼可以阻止計劃。


The White Hats, the Alliance have this well in control. For it is not only those here on the Earth, but those that are above in the ships. Those many civilizations that are here to assist this entire ascension process. They are behind the scenes. Not interfering directly, although at times there is a need for that. And there has been at times. But know that as everything continues on in the moment, the great changes continue on.
白帽子聯盟控制得很好。 因為它不僅是地球上的那些人,還有那些在船上的人。 許多文明在此協助整個揚升過程。 他們在幕後。 不直接干涉,儘管有時有必要這樣做。 有時會有。但要知道,隨著當下一切的繼續,巨大的變化也在繼續。


All you need to do as a collective consciousness, and as a Lightworking Community is to realize always that this is just a part of the expression that needs to play out here, what you call a movie or a show. Just let it play itself out.
作為一個集體意識,作為一個光之工作社區,你需要做的就是始終意識到這只是需要在這裡播放的表達的一部分,你稱之為電影或表演。 讓它自己發揮作用。

Continually be aware, watch what is happening, know what is happening so that when the moments arrive where someone, one of your brothers or sisters, is seeking answers, seeking the truth, you will be there to provide that for them when they call for it, when they ask for it.


But know this. Know, as these times continue to move along, more and more will begin to be revealed to those who are ready to hear the words. Those who are ready to see what is really happening, just a you have been seeing beyond the veil.


It is time now for the veil to completely be eliminated, even though it is really not even there at this time. But if your three-dimensional consciousness that still holds that illusionary veil to this world. Let it go, now. Let it be not there any longer.
現在是完全消除面紗的時候了,即使此時它真的不存在。 但是,如果你的三維意識仍然籠罩著這個世界的幻覺面紗。 放手吧,現在。 讓它不再存在。


Because as you believe, so shall ye see; that is the promise. The promise that will take you, indeed, to the promised land. The promised land of your ascension. You are all in the midst of that ascension.
因為當你相信時,你就會看到; 這是承諾。確實,將帶你前往應許之地的應許。你揚升的應許之地。 你們都在揚升之中。


Even as the storm continues to rage, you are moving through that storm and will continue to do so. And although it will at times appear to be quite rocky, know that you are moving into a smoother part of this experience. It is coming. Just trust. Let go and be ready.
即使風暴繼續肆虐,你也正在經歷這場風暴,並將繼續這樣做。 雖然它有時看起來很不穩定,但要知道你正在進入這個體驗的更平穩的部分。 它來了。 只是信任 放手做好準備


I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.


And that you would continue to move through these times, remembering always that this system that you are in is coming apart at the seems.


And you are the ones that are bringing this down.






The White Hats are in Control | Sananda via James McConnell - Voyages of Light

傳導:James McConnell



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