Realizing Unconditional Love | Kenneth Schmitt


Consciousness is the prime essence of everything, and everything arises from consciousness. It is universal. Quantum Physics has shown that there is only one consciousness, and within it arise an infinite number of fractals that all share the same consciousness. Each of us is one of these fractals of fractals of fractals. Each subatomic entity is one of these fractals. Every part of us is an aspect of the whole. Every part of each human has the same DNA. We are unified beings in a unified universe. All are held within the same consciousness. This is the consciousness of a supreme Being, who expresses us to realize infinite Self.
意識是一切事物的主要本質,一切都源於意識。它是普遍的。 量子物理學表明,只有一種意識,其中出現了無限數量的分形,它們都具有相同的意識。我們每個人都是分形的分形之一。每個亞原子實體都是這些分形之一。我們每個部分都是整體的一個方面。每個人的每個部分都有相同的DNA。我們是統一宇宙中的統一生物。 所有這些都保持在同一意識中。這是至高無上的意識,他表達了我們實現無限的自我。


We, in turn, express ourselves as humans, forming a species consciousness, within which we manifest our personality and physical presence. We have access to universal consciousness, just as every cell of our body has access to the consciousness of our whole person. This unified consciousness has a magnetic attraction for every molecule and cell of our body, as well as everything that we believe belongs to us. We extend our conscious presence into the empirical world as far as we believe that we can. If we believe and realize that we experience only loving relationships, they fill our lives with their quality.
反過來,我們將自己表達為人類,形成了一種物種意識,在其中我們表現出我們的個性和身體存在。 我們可以使用普遍的意識,就像我們身體的每個細胞都可以訪問我們整個人的意識一樣。這種統一的意識對我們身體的每個分子和細胞都具有磁吸引力,以及我們認為屬於我們的一切。盡我們所能,我們將有意識的存在擴展到經驗世界中。如果我們相信並意識到我們只經歷了慈愛的關係,他們就以他們的質量填補了我們的生活。


We have different ideas of what love is, but it has an essence that we can know and feel. It is the creative essence of universal consciousness. It expands and enhances life everywhere and always. It is infinite in its presence and pervades our awareness beyond ego-consciousness. Infinite love expresses itself in positive, high-frequency vibrations beyond our comprehension, filling us with ecstasy and wisdom beyond thought. It is our essential Being, which we can know and feel beyond all personal limitations, and it pervades our eternal presence of awareness and gives us fulfillment of every desire of our heart.


Through our heart-consciousness, we can fulfill our destiny by creating experiences that enhance human consciousness and expand universal consciousness. By being aware and in alignment with the vibrations of our heart, we express unconditional love as a radiance from our energy signature. It imbues our imagination and emotions with its presence.


Our participation in this energetic field is voluntary and intentional. Because humans currently do not realize the power of love, those who choose to live in alignment with its vibrations in every moment must have strong intention and deep understanding, but once we begin to live in its vibrations, we feel and know that this is our natural state of being, and it feels so good!




傳導/作者:Kenneth Schmitt






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