The March 2023 Energies ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星委員會。我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. We are coming through to tell you about the energies for March of 2023. This is the time for all of you to be preparing yourselves for the completion of the shift in consciousness, and we say that not because it’s going to happen tomorrow or next month or even next year. From where you are sitting right now, you would have to jump to a very different timeline in order for it to be completed in that short amount of time that we have just given you as examples. However, all of that being said, everything now is about completing the shift in consciousness for humanity, and a big component of that is letting go of third-dimensional attachments that you have picked up along the way in this life and in other lives that you have lived there on Earth.
今天我們為大家準備了一個非常可愛的傳輸。我們來這裡是為了告訴你們2023 年 3 月的能量。現在是你們所有人為意識轉變的完成做好準備的時候了,我們這麼說並不是因為它會在明天或下個月、甚至明年發生。從你現在坐的地方,你必須跳到一個非常不同的時間線,才能在我們剛剛給你的例子中那麼短的時間內完成。然而,綜上所述,現在的一切都是為了完成人類意識的轉變,其中很大一部分就是:放下你在這一生和其他生命中、你在地球上一路拾起的三維依戀。

Therefore, the energies coming in for the month of March are very supportive of you making that final release of the heaviness of an attachment, and we are talking about attachment to anything at all, even having a fairy tale romance. We are talking about your attachments to having a lot of money in the bank or your attachments to being at the frontline of the consciousness evolution movement. 

You could have an attachment to something that is very well meaning, like wanting to heal as many people as you possibly can, whether that be physically or emotionally, and it can still be an attachment. If instead, you were holding that space for everyone who needs to be healed to receive that healing that they need, then you would not be attached to being the healer in that scenario. So you can see how that weakens the attachment that you have to that particular scenario.


It is all about letting go at this point, and what you are mostly letting go of are perspectives, beliefs, identities, things that have no place in the fifth dimension. And so, they weight you down, and they keep you in a third-dimensional vibration. Now, some of you will release your attachment to a third-dimensional desire by actually manifesting that desire, and then realizing that having what you wanted is not what this journey is all about, and it never was. 
這一切都是關於在這一點上放手,而你主要釋放的是觀點、信念、身份,以及在第五維度中沒有立足之地的東西。因此,它們會壓低你的體重,並讓你保持在三維振動中。 現在,你們中一些人會通過實際顯化那個慾望來釋放對三維慾望的依戀,然後意識到:擁有你想要的並不是這次旅程的全部,它從來都不是。


This journey that you are on is about raising your level of consciousness, and you will continue to be given opportunities to do that all day, every day, but you will be more supported in this upcoming month from your friends here in the higher realms who are always seeking to help you in myriad ways. This is just one of them.
你正在進行的這個旅程是關於提高意識水平,你將繼續得到機會,整天,每一天,但在接下來的一個月裡,你會從更高領域的朋友那裡得到更多支持,他們 一直在尋求以多種方式幫助你們。 這只是其中之一。


We know how easy it is for an attachment to be made there on Earth. We see them being born every day on your planet, and we recognize the allure of them, even to those of you who are spiritually awake. And there are many of you who are spiritually awake; there are more than there ever has been there on Earth. And one of the ways that you lead people in the consciousness evolution movement is by letting go of those attachments. And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. Recognize that everyone is playing their roles perfectly right now to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and you can enjoy what you are receiving from those who guide and teach you, and let that be enough for now. 


You will ascend, and this will be the lifetime in which you do it. Remember that, and do not think of the third dimension and all third-dimensional ways as being beneath you either. They are there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, and for you to release resistance to those that you don’t find so enjoyable. But everything that is there now in your life and on your world is there as a catalyst to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and we know that the energies being provided to you throughout the month of March are going to help enormously towards that goal.
你將揚升,這將是你揚升的一生。 記住這一點,也不要認為三維和所有三維方式都在你之下。他們在那裡是為了體驗、享受,並讓你釋放對那些你覺得不那麼愉快的人的抵抗。但是現在你生活中和世界上的一切都是催化劑,讓你達到更高的意識水平,我們知道整個三月提供給你的能量,將極大地幫助你實現這一目標。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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