The Lyran Contribution to the 2-22 Energies ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We have been working with humanity from the very beginning, but we have been very much behind the scenes in our offerings of assistance. Others from star systems in our galaxy have helped humanity quite a bit, and at times that help has become interference and has actually taken away from your ability to naturally evolve into the beings you will ultimately become. But worry not, because help is on the way. The Lyrans have given us permission to share with you the energies that they are providing for the February 22nd portal. The energies being sent by the Lyrans are for helping you all to release the traumas you experienced on Lemuria and all traumas experienced with extra-terrestrial beings. 
我們從一開始就與人類合作,但在提供援助方面一直處於幕後。來自我們銀河系恆星系統的其他人為人類提供了很多幫助,有時這種幫助變成了干擾,實際上剝奪了你們自然進化成你最終將成為的人的能力。但不要擔心,因為幫助正在路上。天琴座已允許我們與你分享他們為 2 月 22 日門戶提供的能量。天琴星發送的能量是為了幫助你們所有人釋放在列木里亞經歷的創傷、以及所有與外星人經歷的創傷。


These energies are hugely important in the coming contact experiences that you all have as individuals and as a collective. Therefore, we are very happy with this offering by the Lyrans, as they are once again taking initiative in helping humanity to grow and evolve, but they are not interfering. They are not interfering because these energies don’t just do everything for you. They support you in releasing your own trauma. They create a space, a container, in which that can happen, and they help to activate your excitement for extra-terrestrial contact. The Lyrans also want you to know that the energies will give you Lyran DNA activations.
這些能量在你們作為個人和集體所擁有的即將到來的接觸體驗中非常重要。因此,我們對天琴座的這次奉獻感到非常高興,因為他們再次主動幫助人類成長和進化,但他們沒有干涉。它們不會干擾,因為這些能量不只是為你做所有事情。他們支持你釋放自己的創傷。他們創造了一個空間,一個容器,在那裡可以發生,他們幫助活化你們對外星接觸的興奮。天琴座也想讓你知道,能量會給你天琴座 DNA活化。


And so, as you continue on with your journeys of ascension, recognize that all that has ever been done to humanity is going to be healed. It is going to be reversed; you are going to receive tenfold in the positive everything that has been projected to you that has been negative. Now, we don’t want to play into any victimhood type of mentality here, and so we just want to remind you that all that has ever happened to humankind has been to give you a unique experience, an experience you chose before you were born into each and every incarnation. Therefore, nothing has ever gone wrong there on Earth, and you are not a prison planet. You are not being controlled all the time. Certain limitations needed to be put into place so that you could all have the experiences you wanted to have. 
因此,當你繼續你的揚升之旅時,要認識到對人類所做的一切都將被治癒。它將被逆轉;你將收到十倍於正面的所有投射給你的負面信息。現在,我們不想在這裡發揮任何受害者的心態,只想提醒你:人類所發生的一切都是為了給你一種獨特的體驗,一種你在出生前進入每一個化身所選擇的體驗 。因此,地球上從未出現過任何問題,你們也不是一個監獄星球。你並不是一直都在被控制。某些限制需要到位,這樣你們都可以擁有想要的體驗。


And there had to be those who would play that role for you, and those beings are now looking to shift all of that and actually help. The Lyrans never had an intention to do harm. Many of the beings that interfered with the normal and natural development of your consciousness never intended to do any harm. But just like you, they had to have certain experiences that would help them to grow, and sometimes being the unintentional villain in someone else’s story is an experience that a soul wants to have. Or in the case of these e.t.s, many different souls. 


Once again, recognize nothing is ever going awry there and there are no mistakes. You will continue on your journey of ascension without any interference and only with the help of your friends from other star systems who love you very much and who feel responsible for you. And we do hope that brings you some solace and helps you to relax so that you can receive the full benefit of these 2-22 energies that are now upon you and will continue to be upon you throughout the remainder of the month of February. Please dip in to all of them and enjoy!
再一次,認識到那裡沒有任何問題,也沒有錯誤。 你將在沒有任何干擾的情況下繼續你的揚升之旅,只有在來自其他星系的非常愛你、並對你負責的朋友的幫助下。我們確實希望這能給你帶來一些安慰並幫助你放鬆,這樣你就可以充分受益於2月22日的能量,它們現在在你身上,並將在2月的剩餘時間裡繼續在你身上。 請盡情享受所有這些吧!


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton


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