Un-Complicate Your Life with These Steps ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are being as concise as we can possibly be with all of you. We are at times simplifying things to make them clearer to you, but of course we acknowledge that you live in a complex world and that you have complex lives. We know that even though you have the knowledge that you have, the application of that knowledge can be tricky to say the least. It is important sometimes for you to walk away from the complexity of a situation. We are not saying that you need to walk away permanently, but we are saying that when you feel overwhelmed, when you feel that something has become too complicated for you, that is a time for you to set it aside. Let it go. Focus on something else. Go do something else.
我們盡可能簡潔地與大家交流。有時會簡化事情以使它們對你來說更清楚,但是我們當然承認你們生活在一個複雜的世界中並且生活很複雜。我們知道,即使擁有你所擁有的知識,至少可以說應用這些知識可能很棘手。有時,遠離複雜的情況對你來說很重要。我們並不是說你需要永遠走開,而是說當你感到不知所措、當你覺得某件事變得太複雜時,就是你把它擱置一旁的時候了。放手吧。 專注於其他事情。 去做點別的吧。


Sometimes problems take care of themselves, and this much we know is true from observing all of you. Sometimes you get the solutions to those problems when you are doing something fun, when you have let go to such an extent that you are able to let in that brilliant idea. When you are in the middle of a conversation, an argument you might call it, where you don’t seem to be getting anywhere, that is another time that we recommend that you set aside that argument. Don’t believe for a second that if you keep arguing, things will get better, the other person will eventually get your point, or you will somehow win the argument. 


Instead, leave it be and let it go, and get outside, and breathe some fresh air, and go for a walk. When life gets complicated, you need to un-complicate it. You need to go back to the basics. Remember who you are: Source Energy. Remember that you create all of this. Remember that you create it so that you will grow and expand spiritually, and therefore it all serves you. Do some deep breathing, and go connect with nature or an animal. Sometimes you just have to unburden yourselves because you have encountered something that is too complex, too complicated for your mind to be able to figure out on your own.
相反,順其自然,隨它去吧,到外面去呼吸新鮮空氣,然後去散散步。當生活變得複雜時,你需要化繁為簡。你需要回到基礎。記住你是誰:源頭能量。 請記住,你創造了所有這些。請記住,你創造它是為了在精神上成長和擴展,因此這一切都為你服務。做一些深呼吸,與大自然或動物建立聯繫。有時你只需要卸下自己的負擔,因為你遇到的事情太複雜了,太複雜了,頭腦無法自己弄清楚。


That’s when you need to surrender. That’s when you need to ask for help, and that’s when you need to do the thing that you know relaxes you the most. It is so much easier to access a positive thought when you are already in a positive vibration. And it is so much easier for you to access a negative thought when you are already in a lower-vibrational emotion. Therefore, do not expect yourself to be able to come up with the most brilliant thought, the most brilliant solution, when you are in the midst of feeling really bad. It is good for you to acknowledge this. It is good for you to acknowledge that you are not always at your best, and when you are not at your best, that is not the time to be making decisions about your life. 


Feel good first, and then re-examine the situation, and see if there is a better way of looking at it, a new perspective that comes to you from that higher-vibrational place. You are all making so much progress, and that is why you present yourselves with the bigger challenges that you do. And those bigger challenges sometimes require you to surrender. Let them go, and find a way to calm yourselves down, to get into a place of peace, a place of calm, a place where that which is going to serve you can come to you effortlessly. And when you demonstrate to yourself that this is in fact true, you will be walking away from those complicated situations more often and playing more, and you will be enjoying your lives, which is so important for all of you who have agreed to be there, holding a higher vibration for all of humanity.
首先感覺良好,然後重新審視情況,看看是否有更好的方式來看待它,從那個更高振動的地方來到你的新視角。你們都取得如此大的進步,這就是為什麼你們要面對更大的挑戰。而那些更大的挑戰有時需要你臣服。放開它們,找到一種讓自己平靜下來的方法,進入一個平和的地方,一個平靜的地方,一個可以為你服務的東西、可以毫不費力地來到你身邊的地方。當你向自己證明這是事實時,會更頻繁地擺脫那些複雜情況,玩得更多,會享受你的生活,這對所有同意在那裡的人來說都是如此重要 ,為全人類帶來更高的振動。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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