Physical & Nonphysical E.T.s & First Contact ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


physical & nonphysical ets & first contact - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are always very happy to assist humanity with the evolution of your consciousness. That is our primary goal in connecting with all of you, and for those of you who still do not realize this, we are nonphysical. We do not have physical bodies, nor do we have ships that we can land there on Earth. However, there are physical Arcturians and there are ships that are Arcturian, and you may connect with other beings who come from our star system originally. Some people assume that we are all of the Arcturians, but we are not. We are just one grouping of nonphysical consciousness that has a unique perspective that we want to teach all of you. Now, there are other physical e.t.s with ships as well who are connected to humanity in very real ways, and they are the most appropriate ones to be making first contact with all of you. 
我們總是很樂意協助人類進化你們的意識。這是我們與所有人聯繫的主要目標,對於你們中那些還沒有意識到這一點的人來說,我們是非物質的。我們沒有肉體,也沒有可以降落在地球上的船隻。然而,有物理的大角星人,也有大角星人的飛船,你可能會與最初來自我們星系的其他存有聯繫。有些人認為我們都是大角星人,但我們不是。 我們只是一組非物質意識,具有我們想要教給你們所有人的獨特視角。現在,還有其他擁有飛船的外星人,他們以非常真實的方式與人類相連,他們是最適合與你們所有人進行首次接觸的人。


Of course, there are Pleiadians and Tall Whites, and other beings who are assisting you and who do so from behind the scenes, even though they do have physical bodies. But the nonphysical support that you all have is enormous, and it far outweighs anything we could do for you in the physical realm. Many of you look to the skies, and you look to e.t.s to come and rescue humanity from itself. You think that the purpose of extra-terrestrials is to come and take all the good ones away to another world, possibly another Earth, or you think that it is the purpose of e.t.s to come and do away with all of the inequities, all of the systems, governments, corporations, and heads of these entities so that humanity can thrive without the interference of lust for greed and power.


So as we come to you in this nonphysical form, or non-form, and we give you teachings, we know that some of you get frustrated. We know that some of you feel that things are so unfair there on Earth that our teachings are a little too woo-woo, a little too much like a fairy tale, but that’s just because you don’t know how powerful you are. If you knew that you were creating all of it, and you were doing so for your own expansion and evolution, then you would look more to yourself to be the one to release humanity from bondage, and you would recognize that those who are extra-terrestrial and in physical bodies are waiting for all of you to recognize how powerful you are, because they don’t want to be seen as gods and saviors. They want you to see them as equals. They want you to recognize that you have as much to share with them as they do with you.
因此,當我們以這種非物質形式或非形式來到你們面前,並給你們開示時,我們知道你們中一些人會感到沮喪。我們知道你們中的一些人覺得地球上的事情太不公平了,以至於我們的教義有點太過分、太像童話,但這只是因為你不知道自己有多強大。如果你知道你正在創造這一切,並且這樣做是為了你自己的擴展和進化,那麼你會更多地期待自己成為將人類從束縛中解放出來的人,你會認識到那些額外的 - 地球和物質身體正在等待你們所有人認識到你們有多麼強大,因為他們不想被視為神和救世主。他們希望你平等看待他們。他們希望你認識到,你們可以與他們分享的內容、與他們與你們分享的內容一樣多。


So please do not put all of your eggs in the basket of the e.t.s bringing their advanced technology to solve all the problems of Earth. It doesn’t work that way. You must seek inner peace, balance, compassion, and unconditional love within yourself, and do so joyously to raise your level of consciousness to the point where you are even ready to stand face-to-face with one of these higher-vibrational beings that you will see as your friends and colleagues when they do land.
所以請不要把你所有的雞蛋都放在外星人的籃子裡,外星人用他們的先進技術來解決地球上的所有問題。 它不是那樣工作的。 你必須在自己內心尋求平靜、平衡、同情和無條件的愛,並快樂地這樣做,以提高你的意識水平,使你甚至準備好與這些更高振動的存在之一、面對面地站在一起,當他們著陸時,你會看到你的朋友和同事。

That’s your goal; that’s your mission; that’s your purpose; that’s what this life is all about. It was never about the light defeating the dark, and it has always been about the light choosing to be the light in spite of the presence of the dark, and therefore integrating the dark within and assisting the dark out there to see the light within them. And you can do that right now. You don’t have to wait until everyone else is doing it. You don’t have to wait for critical mass, for 144,000 individuals to be doing it all at once. You can do it right now and change everything, and that’s what we are here to teach you.
那是你們的目標; 那是你的使命; 那就是你的目的; 這就是生活的意義所在。這從來都不是關於光明戰勝黑暗,而一直是光明選擇成為光明,而不顧黑暗的存在,因此整合內在的黑暗,並協助外面的黑暗看到他們內在的光。你現在就可以做到。不必等到其他人都這樣做,不必等待達到臨界質量,因為 144,000 個人可以同時完成這一切。你現在就可以做到並改變一切,這就是我們在這裡教你的。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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