The January 2023 Energies  ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the january 2023 energies - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are very aware that we have been talking to you quite a bit about 2023, and therefore, we have not zeroed in so much on January of 2023 and what the energies of this current month are all about for all of you there on Earth. The January energies are about aligning you and your physical body more perfectly with the consciousness of your soul. As many of you know, your physical body has its own consciousness. Each cell in fact has its own unique consciousness, and you are not your bodies. You are your soul. As your soul, you connect with the physical body, and you are either in alignment or not as a mind, body and soul.
我們非常清楚,我們已經和你們談論了很多關於 2023 年的事情,因此,我們並沒有過多關注 2023 年 1 月,也沒有關注本月能量對地球上所有人來說都是什麼。一月的能量是關於讓你和你的身體更完美地與你的靈魂意識對齊。正如你們許多人所知,你們的物質身體有它自己的意識。每個細胞其實都有自己獨特的意識,你不是你的身體。 你就是你的靈魂。作為你的靈魂,你與身體相連,你的思想、身體和靈魂要嘛對齊,要嘛不對齊。


When you are out of alignment, you have all sorts of mental and physical issues that then create emotional ones. And so, aligning with the projection of your soul into the reality you experience is of paramount importance. When you hear people talking about alignment, they mean many different things. Sometimes they are talking about alignment with Source, alignment of the chakras, but we are talking about the way that your body synchs up with your soul’s consciousness. 
當你失調時,會遇到各種心理和身體問題,然後會產生情緒問題。 因此,將你的靈魂投射到所經歷的現實中是最重要的。當聽到人們談論對齊時,他們指的是很多不同的東西。有時他們談論與源頭的對齊,脈輪的對齊,但我們談論的是你的身體與靈魂意識同步的方式

You are of course not always focused in this reality, and when you are asleep is one of those times when you are not focused in it. And so, there are many times in which that alignment with your body and mind can get out of whack a bit. You are at a time in your spiritual evolution and your ascension journey where everything really matters so much more. The alignment of your soul, mind and body matters immensely at this time, and the energies of January are about ensuring that you have that alignment, and you maintain it no matter what. Things that happen there on Earth can of course knock you out of alignment, including things that you see, hear, experience, and even physical trauma can be traumatic enough to cause a misalignment. 
你當然並不總是專注於這個現實,當你睡著的時候就是不專注於它的時候之一。 因此,很多時候與身心保持一致可能會有點失調。你們正處在靈性進化和揚升之旅中,一切都變得如此重要。此時你的靈魂、思想和身體的對齊非常重要,一月的能量是為了確保你們擁有這種對齊,並且無論如何你都要保持它。地球上發生的事情當然會把你打亂,包括你所見、所聽、所經歷過的事情,甚至身體上的創傷都可能足以導致錯位。


Now, what do you have to do in order for this alignment to take place? That’s a wonderful question. Now that you know the energies are upon you to bring about this alignment, relax into them. Feel for them, and trust that they know what they are doing. The energies will also be encouraging you to make healthier choices for your body and for your mind, because these factors also come into play when it comes to the alignment with your soul’s consciousness. You are your soul, and for a brief period in the span of eternity, you are aligned with that particular body. Therefore, it is so important for you to recognize your nonphysical nature and the truth that you are more nonphysical than physical and always have been.
現在,為了實現這種對齊必須做什麼? 這是一個很好的問題。 既然你知道能量在你身上以實現這種對齊,請放鬆到它們之中。感受他們,並相信他們知道自己在做什麼。 這些能量也會鼓勵你為你的身體和思想做出更健康的選擇,因為當涉及到與你靈魂意識的對齊時,這些因素也會發揮作用。你就是你的靈魂,在永恆的跨度中有一小段時間,你與那個特定的身體對齊。因此,認清你的非物質本質,以及你非物質多於物質、一直如此的真相對你來說是如此重要。


When you begin to recognize that with your mind, it becomes easier then for you to have a body and experience a body in its temporary form. You are awake spiritually because you know that you are a Source Energy Being, and as a Source Energy Being, you are operating as an individualized soul. You are projecting a portion of who and what you are into this dreamlike reality that we call the physical. As you recognize that this is a temporary experience, you also must recognize that it is an experience that you can get the most out of, and that is what these energies will support. You are meant to enjoy your mind and body and enjoy your time in this life and in the physical, and now you have so much more support in doing so.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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