Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt & Your E.T. DNA ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are so very happy with the progress that we feel you making there on Earth as a collective of beings. You have taken yourselves so very far since the times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt, and you have done so with very little interference and very little intervention on the part of extra-terrestrials. In fact, you have done so very well for yourselves there on Earth in spite of the way that physical e.t.s can somehow and someway get involved in your spiritual evolution. 

This time that you are living in now is the time for you to step up and show your readiness to be a part of the galactic community, of which you are a part. It is not time for e.t.s to just land their ships and disrupt your natural evolution, as they did during the times of Lemuria, Atlantis, the Egyptian Empire, and other times throughout your history.


You would have done fine just on your own, because even without physical e.t.s coming and landing their ships, you still have that extra-terrestrial DNA inside of you. Some of you have a lot more of it than others, but everyone there on Earth has some, and that e.t. DNA gets activated by all sorts of occurrences that have nothing to do with you actually being visited for face-to-face contact. Even UFO sightings are not entirely necessary to give you the activations of your e.t. DNA, but living your lives and having all of the experiences that you have, these are the best ways for you to access what is buried deep down inside of each and every one of you.
你們獨自就可以做得很好,因為即使沒有實體外星人到來並登陸他們的飛船,你體內仍然有外星人的 DNA。你們中有些人擁有的比其他人多得多,但地球上的每個人都有一些,而那個外星 DNA 會被各種與你實際被訪問、以進行面對面接觸無關的事件活化。甚至不明飛行物目擊也不是完全必要的來活化你的外星人DNA,但過著你們的生活並擁有你所擁有的經歷,這些是你訪問深埋在每個人內心深處事物的最佳方式。


You’ve all been higher-dimensional beings, and you can all become so much more than you could at any other time in human history, and that is because every part of you is evolving to keep up with the energies that you have upon you, energies that have more to do with your sun and the photon belt than they do the beings and collectives like ourselves and what we are capable of sending you.


It was always a part of the plan for you all to evolve on your own, because the Earth experiment is part of a much bigger story, a story that was initiated by Source. And you are the aspects of Source that are best equipped to bring humankind into that higher level of consciousness that we, and others, refer to as the fifth dimension. We want you to feel proud of what you have accomplished and what you will accomplish. And we want you to know that once again you have everything that you need inside of you, and you always have.
它始終是你們所有人進化計劃的一部分,因為地球實驗是一個更大故事的一部分,一個由源頭發起的故事。你是源頭的面向,最適合將人類帶入我們和其他人稱之為第五維度的更高意識水平。 我們希望你為自己已經取得的成就和將要取得的成就感到自豪。 我們想讓你知道,你又一次擁有了需要的一切,而且你一直都擁有。


You are not going to repeat what happened on Lemuria, Atlantis, and in Egypt. You are going to go far beyond what those ancient civilizations where capable of accomplishing, and you are going to do it because of what is inside of you. This we know to be true.
你不會重複在利木里亞、亞特蘭蒂斯和埃及發生的事情。你將遠遠超越那些古老文明能夠完成的事情,而你將這樣做是因為你內在的東西。 我們知道這是真的。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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