Let the Truth be Told | The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, beloved beings of light, we are the Andromedans. We come forth as a civilization to share our energy, love and peace with you now. We invite you to open your hearts to our presence so that we may gift to you all that is appropriate and necessary to aid your ascension at this time.
There is throughout the Universe of the Creator, a wave of energy and intention flowing. This energy wave holds a very specific purpose and intention, which is drawn from the source of the Creator.
This energy and intention is to let the truth be told, as the energy flows, its vibration is quickening. Every being that it connects with is it invites to open, to awaken the truth within their being and most importantly to express that truth into their reality, whether they exist on the Earth or the inner planes.
Each soul will be invited to let their truth be told; this is a very exciting ascension shift. It means that the truth of the Creator is awakening, its rumbling, and blossoming from the very depths of the essence of each person or soul.
Their essence is rising to connect with reality to be grounded, to be expressed, to be created into beauty. Those upon the Earth have the most beautiful reality to experience because you will be able to physically feel, touch, taste, sense, here and see the truth of the Creator.
This is such a tremendous gift. It is why you are in existence upon the Earth now because your soul truly wishes to sense the Creator in so many ways that are real and tangible.
As this energy wave and very pure intention flows. It is for you to call it forth into your being, to connect with it, to let that energy flow like a waterfall or a shower over and through your being, it will be like glistening light. Awakening the essence, the purity and the truth of your being.
You can imagine where the essence, the truth and purity of your being is within your body, or you can simply allow it to activate. As the energy flows like a shower over your being, we the Andromedans encourage you to repeat in your mind or out loud:
Let the truth be told.
As you repeat this statement breathing deeply, inhaling and exhaling deeply between each repetition. You will allow yourself to absorb the energy. You are allowing and encouraging the energy to flow into your essence.
This may take some time, or it may occur instantly. As it merges and mixes with your essence an activation will begin to occur. As the activation occurs you may feel a different sensation or different energy flowing from your being.
You might find that you can no longer keep your mind focused on the statement, or maybe you will have a vision, there will be something that allows you to recognize that the activation has taken place. You can enjoy that activation, and when you feel ready allow yourself to repeat:
I express the truth that needs to be told.
As you repeat this statement silently or out loud. You may feel, sense or acknowledge the energy, beginning to flow into your being and your reality. It is important to allow the energy to flow into Mother Earth, and into your Earth Star Chakra, below your feet.
This will automatically awaken more truth from your Soul Star Chakra, above your head. You may wish to repeat this statement for as long as feels appropriate then simply sit in the energy and enjoy it.
You may even feel like you need to walk, or run, or dance, or move to allow full expression of the energy and full grounding. This is a powerful activation that is coming forth to aid the ascension of all, because it is activating truth from within your being, truth that you may be unaware of, truth from past or simultaneous lifetimes and truth that serves you in this moment.
You will find that the truth influences your own personal reality first. Things that may have been illusions in your reality may fall away, or you may have inspiration that guides you upon a different pathway. The wisdom, the truth that comes forward will most likely be to serve your own ascension, rather than the greater ascension of all.
However, there will be some who receive the truth to serve many. The more you practice this activation the quicker your vibration will become, you will shimmer with light brighter and brighter. Becoming more luminous, and more empowered in your truth and your ascension.
然而,會有一些人接受真理為許多人服務。練習此激活的次數越多,振動就會變得越快,你的光會越來越亮。 在你的真理和提升中變得更加明亮,更有力量。
Please be aware that you may be guided to look at things differently and this may be challenging and even painful at times. However, it is all to bring you into alignment with your truth. The truth of your soul and the expression of the Creator through your being.
請注意,你可能會被引導以不同的方式看待事物,這有時可能具有挑戰性,甚至是痛苦的。 然而,這一切都是為了讓你與你的真理保持一致。 你靈魂真理和造物主通過你的存在表達。
It is those who are courageous and adventurous that take up this activation and allow themselves to experience it. Each soul and person, especially on the Earth seeks the truth. However, sometimes the truth is not always what you expected or desired, it is exactly what your soul needs and requires.
正是那些勇敢和冒險者接受了這種激活並讓自己體驗它。 每個靈魂和人、尤其是地球上的人都在尋求真理。 然而,有時真相並不總是你所期望或想要的,它正是你的靈魂所需要和需要的。
We, the Andromedans will leave you to contemplate our words and the activation, considering whether you wish to participate in this next phase of ascension. It is entirely your choice.
我們,仙女座人會讓你們去思考我們的話語和激活,考慮你是否希望參與下一階段的揚升。 這完全是你的選擇。
The truth always exists within you, and you always have opportunities to express your truth. The current ascension wave is simply a booster that encourages you to connect on a deeper, more intimate level with your truth and supports you in doing so at a greater acceleration.
真理永遠存在於你之內,你總是有機會表達你的真理。 當前的揚升浪潮只是一個助推器,它鼓勵你在更深、更親密的層面上與你的真相連接,並支持你以更大的加速度這樣做。
Our love is with you, eternally.
We thank you,
We are the Andromedans
Let the Truth be Told | The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson - Voyages of Light
傳導:Natalie Glasson