Crystalline Consciousness & Your Light Bodies ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


crystalline consciousness & your light bodies - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are your number one fans, your biggest supporters, and the ones you can always turn to in a time of crisis. We are always available to you, even if you have no sense of us, no feeling of our presence. You can take our word for it that we are non-local. We do not have a location in space/time, because we are nonphysical. That means we are consciousness.


Everything is consciousness expressing itself as energy, and that includes all of you. That means when you have some sort of physical ailment, an illness, or an ascension symptom that is troubling you physically, it serves you very well to remember that you are not just skin, bones, organs, hair, and muscle, with blood pumping through you. You are so much more. You are consciousness expressing as energy, and some of that energy has merged with that physical body to give you a sense of belonging in a particular place.


You are mostly localized in the expression of your consciousness. When you can admit to yourself that you are more than your physical body, it becomes easier then to heal your body. When you recognize that you are the consciousness that is creating the experience of a body, you can change that experience. When you feel into the expansiveness of your eternal and infinite nature, that makes it easier to alter something as small and temporary as a physical body.


This is what we invite you to do. We invite you to feel your infinite and eternal nature, while staying in your body and feeling yourself more as a light that is shining from within the physical body that you think of as yours. Change your perception of self and change everything.

There are many people who are eager to have a light body, a crystalline body, and we want you to know that the best way to get there from where you are now is to acknowledge that you are the light that will be expressing in a different form. It will be you, not the body, that makes the big difference in the way you experience yourself and your life. Don’t hold back. Don’t wait for everyone else to be ready for the shift in consciousness. 


Let the light of your true beingness shine and transform yourself from the inside out. You can melt away any blockage, any trauma, any stuck emotion, by remembering that you are the light, and you can put yourself on an entirely different timeline with a different past and a different future at any time in any day, because you are more like us than you know. 
讓你的真實存在之光閃耀並從內到外改變你自己。 通過記住你是光,你可以融化任何阻塞、任何創傷、任何卡住的情緒,你可以在任何一天的任何時間將自己置於一個完全不同的時間線上,擁有不同的過去和不同的未來,因為你比你所知的更像我們。

We have just decided not to be merged with a physical form, and yes, that does make it easier for us to maintain a high vibration. But you can do it too. We know that you can. We know that you are becoming those light-bodied beings, but we also know that there is no time like the present to feel into the truth of who you are and to heal every aspect of who you have been.
我們剛剛決定不與一個物理形式合併,是的,這確實使我們更容易保持高振動。 但你也可以做到。 我們知道你可以。 我們知道你正在成為那些光體存有,但我們也知道沒有時間像現在這樣,去感受你是誰的真相、並療癒你曾經是誰的每一個面向。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton


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