Your guide chooses you to work with because of a similarity of goals and purposes.
Not all entities from the higher realms choose to be guides, just as not all of you choose to be channels.
Work on the other planes of reality is as varied as your work can be on Earth.
Guides are certain beings who are highly skilled at transmitting energy from their dimension into yours.
It takes an enormous amount of energy from our plane to reach through to yours,
and it is done most often out of pure love of humanity and devotion to transmitting higher ideals.
As you reach the higher realms, altruistic service to others is a path of rapid evolution.
We pick you because of an alignment of goals and because we love you.
Channeling is a doorway into more love; the higher realms are abundant with love.
Channeling is a connection that will stimulate, encourage, and support you.
Your guide's goal is to make you more powerful, independent, and confident.
The qualities of a perfect relationship — constant love, perfect understanding,
and unending compassion — are qualities you will find in your guide.