You can’t even imagine how far you have come in the vibrational frequency of abundance and aligning to all of the abundance that is here for you, a plentiful supply of all of the good things in life, a plentiful supply of goodness in every area of your life.
Abundance, the ability to do what you want to do when you’re inspired to do it, the ability to create what you want to create in the moment of having the inspiration to create it, the ability for what you want and what you need to show up even before you know you need it.
Abundance is so many things. Abundance is, yes, money. And you can come into absolutely having a relationship with money and the consciousness of money like you have never experienced before. As we have said, the greatest wealth on your planet now and in every time to come is consciousness. The greatest wealth on your planet is and will continue to be consciousness because in expanding this force field of consciousness that you are and elevating your consciousness you expand the force field that you are and you draw to you even more and more and more and more of all that is available to you.
We have said the most efficient and expeditious manifestations of abundance may often come in a form of exchange or presentation to you that does not require any money or an inspiration that comes to you that allows you to realize the manifestation without having to go force and effort or earn more money to receive the full manifestation of that which is inspired or desired for you, by you.
Inspiration is one of the forms of abundance that you value the most. Creativity is a form of abundance. When you are in a vibration where you are receiving inspiration, that is a level of consciousness. And when we say the greatest wealth on your planet is consciousness, it’s because your consciousness can summon intuition, inspiration, and creativity that would draw to you even greater abundance, prosperity, and wealth, a plentiful supply of the good things in life. You are worthy of that. How could you not be?
We aren’t even going to go into any reason why you are not worthy of abundance in every area of your life because quite simply and quite frankly there is no good reason. Now, we agree you get to choose your thoughts. You get to choose what you believe. You get to choose the story you tell about abundance and prosperity and wealth in your life. You get to tell the story. You do have the free will to choose, but to give us any reason why you are not worthy of abundance is just silly. It’s just silly. It’s just silly.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve carried the belief. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve told the story. It doesn’t matter what your relationship was with money prior to this moment. It doesn’t matter what your relationship has been to wealth and prosperity and abundance prior to this moment. It matters only that you perceive yourself into absolute alignment with all the abundance that is here for you and allow yourself to receive and celebrate and enjoy all of this abundance, dear master. You are worthy of abundance. Allow yourself into the vibrational frequency of your infinite abundance being realized by you.
So many times money comes back to the definition for you or determination of whether you’re abundant or not. And we agree there is an endless energetic flow of money in your environment, in your experience. And that’s a wonderful thing. It’s just like the flow of anything else—the flow of the river, the flow of energy, the flow of money. But you know energy’s always there. You know that you are either contracting or expanding, and when you’re contracting and entangled and lowering your vibration and holding yourself in limitation that you’re not fully receiving the flow of energy that’s here for you. And it’s just quite simply the same with money.
When you’re in a story or a limited belief and you’re in constriction and resistance— When you resist anything, you resist everything, but especially when you’re in resistance of money and wondering why it’s not flowing, it’s simply because you’re not allowing energy to flow, and any resistance is preventing the abundant supply of all of the goodness of life to be realized by you.
So, no different than animals are on your planet at this time, so love them. No different than the humans that are on Earth at this time. Love them. No different than the beauty of the mountains and the oceans and the butterflies and the birds. Love them. No different. Money is on your planet at this time as a form of exchange. Love it just like anything else. Love it, appreciate it, celebrate it, feel good about it, thank it, send it out in the world, bless it, and you will expand your relationship with abundance to whole new levels of creating and receiving and experiencing abundance.
傳導:Sara Landon