Conscious & Subconscious Creation Processes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in the process of creating, and we know that we are. We know that creation is a natural byproduct of existence. When you do anything, or experience anything, you are in the act of creation, because consciously or subconsciously, you are thinking that what you are experiencing is something you would want more of, or you would want to experience the opposite of what is happening in your life in that moment. Creation is not only happening when you are seeking it out. When you intentionally create, then of course, you get very detail-oriented about what you want to experience, but when you subconsciously create, you can be putting out a message that is the equivalent of, ‘something better than this, please!’
You have so many creations out there, so many realities that you have constructed, and it’s easy to forget that. It’s easy for you to think that you are at the bottom floor, that you are working with rudimentary tools, or that you are starting from scratch with only what you have available to you in the moment. The truth is you have so many creations out there already that what you are mostly doing now is fine-tuning. You are able to continue working on any creation of yours, just as a great painter can put down the brush at any time, but then they can pick it up again and continue.
This is another reason why we find it so curious that people are constantly looking for predictions about the future, and we also find it odd that an awakened person can that there is one reality, and that reality is something that neither one of you is experiencing, but they are convinced that it exists and it is affecting you and everyone else. If you don’t like a reality that you hear about, don’t then expect that it’s coming towards you and that you must experience it. Instead, use that reality you have been told about to get clearer about what you want to experience, especially if it is the polar opposite of what you have been told is the inevitable future for you and all of humankind.
這也是為什麼我們覺得奇怪以至於人們不斷地尋找對未來的預測的另一個原因,我們也覺得奇怪的是,一個覺醒的人可以知道存在一個現實,而那個現實是你們誰都沒有經歷過的。 但他們確信它存在並且它正在影響你和其他所有人。如果你不喜歡你聽到的現實,那麼不要期望它向你走來,你必須經歷它。相反,利用你被告知的那個現實來更清楚地了解你想要體驗什麼,特別是如果它與你被告知的是、你和全人類不可避免的未來相反的話。
You know when you are creating something you want by how you feel, and you know when you are creating something you will not enjoy by how you feel, and it really is that simple. If you consider yourself to be a seeker of truth, we would advise you to change that to, ‘One who wants to create a better truth, a better reality for everyone.’ You can and do create those better realities, but you have to believe in them and believe in yourselves in order to eventually experience them.
We are fortunate in that we get to experience what we create immediately, whereas you have to trust. You have to have faith, and you have to surrender and let go in order to let in all of your beautiful creations and more. And yes, there is always more, because you are not the only one creating. You have many co-creators working with you for the better future for all of humanity that most people seek at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton