JULY 31, 2022
Dear ones, be patient as you observe a world where chaos and violence seem to have become the norm. Every person spiritually awake or asleep, is effected by the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time and as a result, some of those unaware of earth's ascension process are acting out.
Those who have built their inner foundation on false narratives of duality, separation, and two powers feel confused and fearful as they observer many of their long held beliefs about right living questioned and even changed.
Individuals are beginning to think for themselves, which is a sign of empowerment. The result of this is that increasingly more individuals are feeling a need to engage in protests and activities both for and against many long accepted beliefs about right and wrong. Some consider certain issues to be an affront to what is right while at the same time just as many disagree.
Many of these present day conflicts between right and wrong originate in energies of old rigid religious beliefs and doctrines that remain alive and well in the cellular memory of many. As new ways of seeing everything begin to manifest, those who erroneously believe that they have all the right answers about God and man feel threatened. This is actually part of the ascension process for many.
Advertising continually promotes concepts of what is needed for happiness through the constant bombardment of paid messages through all forms of media. Drugs will make you feel better and healthier. Families and individuals will become content and conflict free if they choose to eat certain foods, support certain businesses, or use certain products. Subliminal messaging continues to push individuals into buying products or services they don't need but suddenly feel they must have.
Advertising and promotions are legitimate methods of explaining products and services but much of today's advertising is based in taking advantage of the restlessness and confusion so many are feeling. Products guaranteed make one feel better, be happy, and have a better life are simply more examples of the belief that your good lies outside of you and some things may actually work--for awhile.
廣告和促銷是解釋產品和服務的合法方法,但今天大部分廣告都是基於利用許多人所感受到的不安與困惑。有保證的產品能讓人感覺更好、更快樂、生活更美好,這只是更多的例子,說明你的好仰賴你之外的事物,有些事情實際上可能會奏效—— 一段時間。
Every person yearns for that sense of wholeness and completeness that is only found through realizing ONEness--that they are already complete and whole because they are not a part of, but the full expression of God. Many ignorantly spend their whole lives seeking fulfillment-- through attaining more money, having a "perfect" partner, accumulating lots of "stuff", good sex, being handsome or beautiful, holding positions of power, and hundreds of the ways continually being promoted as paths to happiness.
The rich and famous are envied and emulated in the belief that if one copies them, they too will have the status, love, and sense of completeness that the one they emulate seems to have. The "rich and famous" have just as many problems and heartaches as everyone else. Frequently their chosen life lesson was to learn that fame and fortune doesn't bring fulfillment and an end to the yearning for wholeness as they thought it would. Rather, many have discovered that rather than bringing fulfillment it has brought the end of their personal freedom.
富人和名人被羨慕和效仿的信念是,如果人們複製他們,便能擁有他們所效仿之人似乎擁有的地位、愛與完整感。 “擁有財富和名氣”的人和其他人一樣有許多問題與心痛。通常,他們選擇的人生課程是:學習名利並不如所想像的那樣帶來滿足和結束對完整的渴望。相反地許多人發現,與其帶來滿足感,不如說那些事物帶來了他們個人自由的終結。
The overriding message of the three dimensional state of consciousness is: "You will never be good enough" and because you have lived so many lifetimes under the influence of this, it will continue to intrude into your mind even after you have come to more deeply understand who and what you are. When these types of thoughts come (they can take many forms) you may be tempted to believe them, but take time to stop, recognize, and allow them to flow through and into the nothingness that they are.
In spite of what conditions or situations you may be facing at this time, never forget that you can and will never be other than what you really are--a spiritual being having three dimensional experiences at this time. You are the manifestation of ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Godhead embodying all the qualities of this ONE Infinite Godhead. Evolution is simply the process involved in attaining the consciousness of this.
無論此時面臨什麼樣的條件或情況,永遠不要忘記,你可以也永遠無法成為其他的—— 一個在此時擁有三維體驗的精神存有。你是無所不在、無所不能、無所不知的神格的顯現,體現了一體無限神格的所有品質。進化只是達到這個意識的過程。
Most have chosen to evolve on earth because it is where they first began to form the beliefs and energies they are now clearing and is familiar. Not all evolve on earth, there are others who have chosen to evolve on other planets where the density is much less. Earth being an intense and difficult school is not for the fainthearted. Three dimensional energy is heavy, dense, and slow causing the majority of those living in it to completely forget who and what they are.
大多數人選擇在地球上進化,因為這是他們第一次開始形成他們現在正在清理和熟悉的信念與能量的地方。 並非所有人都在地球上進化,還有其他人選擇在密度低得多的其他星球上進化。 地球是一所緊張且艱難的學校,不適合膽小的人。 三維能量沉重、密集且緩慢,導致大多數生活在其中的人完全忘記了他們是誰和他們是什麼。
Many of those who graduate from the "Earth School of Evolution" will be teachers and guides for those learning on other three dimensional planets. Graduates of earth's "School of Evolution" are well prepared and fully aware of the pitfalls and problems that arise from living a state of consciousness that does not remember who it is. They--you will make wonderful teachers.
You are going to see things happening in the outer scene that reflect a lessening of the "power over" energy that has dominated earth for a very long time. As increasingly more light enters into and becomes part of collective consciousness it cannot help but effect the minds and consciousness of the majority. The old guard is dying even though it does not yet know this and things appear to be "business as usual" because much has not yet manifested into material form.
Mercy, a word heard rarely in today's world, is state of consciousness that expresses as gentle forgiveness and love. Mercy respects and allows others their free will but does not stand back and allow them to torment, abuse, or degrade self or others. Mercy knows the true identity of every person but is comfortable allowing others to experience the repercussions of their choices.
Mercy understands that a person is only capable of living and acting from their present attained state of consciousness and so easily sees through appearances. Mercy stands with hand ready to grasp the hand of anyone sincerely reaching for help but does not feel a need to forcefully drag someone unwilling to leave their chosen "gutter experience" out of it. (Doing this can and often represents ego on the part of the one doing the dragging who believes that they can and must "save" everyone according to their concept of saving.)
慈悲明白一個人只能從他們目前獲得的意識狀態中生活和行動,因此很容易看穿外表。慈悲站在那裡,隨時準備抓住任何真誠地尋求幫助的人的手,但並不覺得有必要強行將不願離開他們選擇的“陰溝經歷”的人拖出。 (這樣做可以而且通常代表了拖拖拉拉的人的小我,他們相信可以而且必須根據他們的拯救概念“拯救”每個人。)
Mercy lovingly allows another to fall flat on their face if that is the wake up call they need but remains silently alert to their needs not their wants.
Mercy reflects a state of high resonating consciousness able to see and act not by saying to someone; "Oh poor you." but rather through its ability to look into every pair of eyes and silently acknowledge; "I know who you are dear one, you are the Christ, son of the living God in spite of all you are pretending to be."
慈悲反應了一種高度共鳴的意識狀態,能夠看到和行動,而不是對某人說; “哦,可憐的人。” 而是通過它所注視每一雙眼睛並默默承認的能力; “無論如何,我知道你是誰,親愛的,你是基督,永恆的上帝之子。”
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