The Energies of August 2022; Self Ownership
Beloved Ones,
As we grow in personal power and discernment, we begin to understand the importance of disengaging from all distractions and retrieve into the depths of our being, communing with our Illumined Self, to understand what is taking place in ourselves and bodies, for as we evolve in our evolutionary path, we no longer need of so much of the outer noise and false guidance. We learn that all we wish to know is within, realizing that only we have the key to unlock all the answers for our unique path.
August is a very important month for us to regain sovereignty through the personal inner work that we do, and through discernment, which is pivotal for us not to fall into old patterns, false beliefs, and other outer false sources of information that are eager to distract us from our unique mission of assistance.
During August is pivotal that we do not let these outer disturbances keep us away from what is authentic, and from what we are here to do, a mission of selfless assistance first towards the awakening of ourselves, and secondly to help others who ask for our guidance, for we can never interfere in other’s journey.
We are immersed in an intense wave of constant change, in which letting go is essential to adapt to change. A change that comes from our conscious desire to evolve and that involves being prepared to only keep that which serves our journey. We all are going to leave behind many things, many people, and many situations that maybe we are not ready yet to leave. The important thing is to keep that which enriches our soul and serves All to our mutual desire to heal and ascend.
As everything is always a confirmation of what we are experiencing, at all levels, August is a 5 universal month. This is the peak of the change that we have been integrating and that we pass now to stabilize, during the last months of the year. Number 5 is the so-called changemaker. However, all changes in truth come from within. This is a month in which we bring this creational phase from within, from an inner space of peace, discernment, and clarity, into our outer reality. It is a frequency that accompanies us to learn how to transform from within all that we wish to change in the outer.
因為一切總是對我們正在經歷事情的確認,在各個層面上,八月是我們一直在整合的變化的頂峰,我們現在通過它來穩定,在一年的最後幾個月。 5是所謂的變革者。然而,真相的所有變化都來自內部。在這個月裡,我們將這個創造階段從內部,從和平、洞察力和清晰的內部空間帶入我們的外部現實。它是伴隨我們學習如何從希望在外部改變的一切內部轉變的頻率。
All previous changes created are going to manifest and begin to flourish in the physical. This is a phase for us to observe what we have given birth to, and begin to redirect anything that is not aligned with our authentic soul desire.
As you know in tarot, the card that represents the number 5 is the Hierophant. The Wise Man is a metaphor for a Higher Intelligence who guides us through change and who reveals Truth to all who are ready to listen. This is indeed where we are now, in a stage of deep revelations and self-mastery, a passage to show us clarity in all situations of our human experiences, and the road to enlightenment, which is always a challenging path, not free of obstacles, but worth it to walk.
正如在塔羅牌中所知道的,數字 5代表的牌是聖王。智者是一個更高智慧的隱喻,他引導我們通過變革,並向所有願意傾聽的人揭示真相。這確實是我們現在所處的位置,在一個深刻的啟示和自我掌握的階段,一個展示我們人類經驗的所有情況的清晰的通道,以及通往啟蒙的道路,這始終是一條充滿挑戰的道路,並非沒有障礙,但值得一走。
In truth all is meant to help us in our chosen journey, everything even that, which we consider “bad”, helps us see where we are not being the LoveLight beings that we are. Furthermore, number 5 symbolizes self-liberation, liberation from cults, religions, old programs, and everything that keeps us small and in fear, which is everything that was created by humans, in a lower state of consciousness. We always have the perfect essences for us to align with them and begin to disengage from old beliefs and ways of being, it is our final choice to continue in the old or be brave to step into new horizons.
事實上,一切都是為了在我們選擇的旅程中提供幫助,即使是我們認為“壞”的一切,都可以幫助我們看到我們在哪裡不是我們所是的愛與光的存有。此外,數字 5 象徵著自我解放,從邪教、宗教、舊程序和一切讓我們渺小與恐懼中解放出來,這是人類創造的一切,處於較低的意識狀態。我們總是有完美的本質讓我們與之對齊、並開始脫離舊的信仰和存在方式,是繼續舊的還是勇敢地踏入新的視野,是我們最終的選擇。
As we enter into the month of August the energies from the Lions Gate will intensify, and many will begin to feel the impact they have on our bodies, especially if you are one working with DNA rehabilitation and other evolved ascension work, as consciously aligning with them, learning how to direct the energies properly into specific parts of our bodies, is how we create the physical shift required for us to transform ourselves.
隨著我們進入八月,來自獅子星門的能量將增強,許多人將開始感受到它們對身體的影響,特別是如果你是從事 DNA 康復和其他進化提升工作的人,因為有意識地與他們學習如何將能量正確地引導到我們身體的特定部位,這就是我們如何創造我們改造自己所需的物理轉變。
As this is a vast subject, I have already shared on my page more information, for those who feel guided about the Lions Gate, as Guides give us some tools, crystals, and other information for us to cope with them, the best we can, although as I always say, we are all unique and the impact they have on us will vary from one person to another.
由於這是一個龐大的主題,我(本篇原作)已經在我的頁面上分享了更多信息,對於那些對獅門感到受引導的人,因為指南為我們提供了一些工具、水晶和其他信息來幫助我們應對他們,盡我們所能 ,儘管正如我常說的,我們都是獨一無二的,它們對我們的影響因人而異。
We have many other important planetary forces helping us to reclaim the love that we are, as it is the first step towards sovereignty. We have the Sun already in Leo, with a New Moon at the end of July in this same sign, together with Venus entering into Leo as well on August 11th, and a wonderful Full Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius, helping us to liberate ourselves from personal restrictions, and begin a path of conscious creation.
我們有許多其他重要的行星力量幫助找回我們所是的愛,因為這是邁向主權的第一步。 我們的太陽已經在獅子座,七月底的新月在同一個星座,金星也在 8 月 11 日進入獅子座,以及水瓶座 19 度的美妙滿月,幫助我們將自己從個人限制解放,開始有意識的創造之路。
When Venus resides in Leo, it is said that it is all about how passionate we become in our relationships, etc. To me, if we look from a higher perspective and begin to align with the essence of the Planets, we will realize that in truth it is not so much about the human interpretation we give to them, but about what they really are about, as a unique living organism.
Venus in Leo is about turning this love, confidence, care, and passion towards ourselves, becoming empowered beings, in love with the Divine Aspect within, so we can begin to give the same we hold within, which even though many still try to mislead, has nothing to do with narcissism, but with respecting and honoring Source’s will to manifest uniquely in each and every one of us. This is what we shall recognize and love, not the 3D aspect of ourselves, which in truth is also as divine as anything else.
We are the first ones who need our affection, love, and care, and if we cannot be authentic and loving towards the self, what can we give to others, if we are empty of all these attributes inside?
Another important planetary influence that we have on August 20 is Mars entering into Gemini. Mars will remain for seventh months in Gemini, until March 25, 2023. This is going to be a great shift that will affect us uniquely and that will give us the opportunity to focus on our mental body, healing and clearing it from distortions, debris, and false programs.
8 月 20 日,另一個重要的行星影響是火星進入雙子座。火星將在雙子座停留第七個月,直到 2023 年 3 月 25 日。這將是一個巨大的轉變,它將對我們產生獨特的影響,這將使我們有機會專注於我們的精神體,從扭曲、碎片中治癒和清除虛假程序。
However, you should first discern, see where you are in your journey, your personal micro cycles, as the most important ones, and lastly, where it falls in your chart to see the real impact that it will have on you, as universal meanings will not always serve for our personal experience, as we all are in different stages of our ascension journey.
The next day we too have a significant event, that even though many will not take into account for being an asteroid, all within Creation has the same importance, for All affects us equally, as All is part of who we are. We have Vesta retrograde entering Aquarius. Vesta represents the Divine Flame within us, our creative spark, and what moves us towards the things we wish to give birth, to in our physical reality.
Vesta in Aquarius invites us to liberate this feminine creative essence, but above all, to direct Vesta’s feminine healing energy to restore ourselves, utilizing our Divine Feminine healing essence to be more compassionate, kind, and benevolent.
On July 22, the Sun will enter into Virgo. the purifier by excellence. We passed from the very intense energies from Leo to be soothed by the Virgo ones, for it is with Virgo that we regain the purity of our being, retrieving our crystalline lovelight being the essence, rebirthing into who we truly are.
With Virgo, it is also a time for us to clear our twins’ energies and relationships, and eliminate the cords that still link us to others and that we shall let free, allowing others to live within freedom, and our own selves, for as long as we are tied to people who have already fulfill their mission with us, and vice versa, we are not entirely free, especially to engage ourselves and precious energy in another conscious and balanced relationship.
From another cosmic perspective, when the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires, ones that are always aligned with being of assistance, for Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All.
Virgo will bring purification. It invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected in everything we do in our dense realm. And even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering that we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal – bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.
At the end of the month, we also have Uranus, the planet of change that will be retrograde, for those who resonate with it, from August 24. This confirms the changing essence that we have had since the beginning of the summer, for we have been non-stop working with our bodies, shifting, dissolving, clearing, healing, and activating them, for months now, and it is just the planetary confirmation of that which has been occurring within many of us, for a while.
在月底,我們還有天王星,這顆將逆行的變化之星,對於那些與它產生共鳴的人,從 8 月 24 日開始。這證實了自夏季開始以來我們所擁有的變化本質,幾個月來我們一直在不停地與我們的身體一起工作,轉移、溶解、清理、治癒和激活它們,這只是對我們許多人在一段時間內發生的事情的行星確認。
We are in a very important phase for us to work with our DNA. If we desire to truly heal and shift old patterns, there is no other way than to go within our template and heal, clear, and restore everything that we have unintentionally created or all that has been programmed upon us.
我們正處於一個非常重要的階段,我們可以使用我們的 DNA。如果我們渴望真正治癒和轉變舊模式,除了進入我們的模板並治癒、清除和恢復我們無意中創造的一切或所有已經編程在我們身上的東西之外,別無他法。
The next day, we have Mercury in Libra. This is about bringing balance into our mental plane, although at this time is going to have more impact on the collective mind, helping them to bring more diplomacy, at a time when there are many conflicts arising, as well as global equilibrium.
This is going to be a month for us to keep dwelling on the illumined and peaceful essence of our Soul, for there are many distractions that can make us fall apart and come back into old states of being.
The most important to contribute to a more peaceful and loving planet is to precisely create this same frequency from within and remain there as long as possible, even though as humans, there will be challenges that may often make us oscillate between two different frequencies.
We end this intense month by having two important planetary events, the first one on August 27 with a New Moon in Virgo. After the fiery wave we are still integrating and the many energies that we have been co-creating with, Virgo comes, especially with the Sun in this same sign too, to help us and our bodies to detox, purify them, and what is most important, after a long period of integration, stabilize the many energies that we embodied and that need to be now anchored properly and harmonize within our bodies, as it is what concludes the entire healing and activation process that we have had.
我們以兩個重要的行星事件結束這個緊張的月份,第一個是 8 月 27 日的處女座新月。在我們仍在整合的熾熱浪潮以及一直在共同創造的許多能量之後,處女座來了,尤其太陽也處於同一星座,幫助我們和身體排毒、淨化,而最重要的是,經過長時間的整合,穩定我們所體現的許多能量,這些能量現在需要在我們的身體內正確錨定與協調,因為它是我們所擁有的整個癒合和激活過程的結束。
The second important event will take place on August 29, as we have the True Node semi-sextile Chiron. The True Node is about our personal evolution on this earth, on both a physical and a soul level. It is where we are heading, what we have created, and where our creations are taking us at the moment.
第二個重要事件將在 8 月 29 日舉行,因為我們有北交點半六分位凱龍星。真正的節點是關於我們在這個地球上的個人進化,在物質和靈魂層面。它是我們前進的方向,我們創造了什麼,以及我們的創造正在把我們帶到哪裡。
It is about the future timeline that we are forming, with every thought, feeling, and act, in this Now moment. On the other hand, Chiron has a very healing essence per excellence, when both co-creates, we are being invited to heal, from the present, past timeliness, or parallel ones as I prefer to call them, as when we awake our multidimensionality, and consciously and intentionally choose to heal in the present, this same healing extend to other parallel timelines, helping us heal at all levels, in all dimensions, and all aspects of who we are.
We no longer need to dig into the past, as there is nothing there for us anymore, but to learn how to heal in the present, properly, so we are also healing what we call past selves. So, we are healing ourselves and helping our own future generations to heal as well too.
We have a wonderful month ahead for us to continue our journey of DNA rehabilitation, healing, and clearing, for the current energies come to help us burn away the old, so we can move ahead without constantly focusing on the past, as it is what the majority of the times bring into the present unwanted situations and outcomes.
我們有一個美好的月份來繼續DNA 康復、療癒與清除之旅,當前的能量會幫助我們燒掉舊的,所以我們可以繼續前進,而不必一直專注於過去,因為專注過去大多數時候都會帶來不想要的情況和結果。
We are here to learn, remember, how to become sovereign beings, which does not mean doing it all by ourselves, for we are here too co-creating with others. However, co-creating is precisely what comes from being independent beings, rather than co-dependents, reuniting equally to create something that will benefit All. This is the main difference between who we used to be, and who we are becoming now.
我們在這裡學習,記住,如何成為至高無上的存在,這並不意味著我們自己做這一切,因為我們在這裡也與他人共同創造。 然而,共同創造正是來自於獨立的存在,而不是共同依賴的存在,平等地重新團結起來,創造出有益於所有人的東西。 這是我們過去和現在的主要區別。
It is all a personal choice to continue allowing others to govern our lives or to take charge and begin the conscious creation of our own life experiences.
I wish you All a wonderful and loving August, Beloved Ones!
Within Infinite Love,
**By Natalia Alba
作者:Natalia Alba