


Many of you understand it is highly beneficial for you to operate from a higher vibrational state. Meditation, walking in nature, and doing things that bring you joy, are all examples of activities that can help you shift your energies into a supportive state of alignment.

What you might not realize is the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, will also do that for you. In fact, we would go so far as to say that it is a more sustainable system to help you stay in that higher vibrational state because as you get more accustomed to using the Divine Combination it will become your preferred operational system, not something that you only do on occasion for a short period of time.

Because it becomes a way of being, it can create much more profound and lasting change for you, in a shorter period of time. It will allow you to stay in alignment long enough to see where your soul has been trying to lead you all along and for your greatest discoveries, meetings, and manifestations to be made. It will allow the unfoldment of your truest you, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Dear Ones, let us reassure you that you are making progress in leaps and bounds. The combination of healing and releasing the old along with the progression of your own embodiment process is working together to create true momentum in your transformational processes. All you must ever do is keep being authentically you by following your truest matches one now moment at a time. Your conscious awareness is the gift of presence and from that space mistakes can never be made. If you allow yourself to trust your innate wisdom and the purpose of your beingness, the unfoldment will serve both you and the whole beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




If you are experiencing an ongoing challenge or theme in your life, you also carry the full potential to master that theme. In fact, that is exactly why you are experiencing it. You want to see that you can also come out the other side of that challenge in a new, more empowered way. You chose the theme because it is on your to-do list to master it, and you are ready to do so.

Let us give you an example that might make it easier for you to understand because it won’t feel so personal. Think of a video game. When you are playing a video game, there is often a great challenge for you to get through before you move on to the next level. You come up to the challenge because you are ready for it. Going through the challenge opens the next level for you.

You don’t see it as punishment or unfair, you simply see it as your next challenge to master. You also know with complete certainty that you have developed the skills to do it. It never enters your mind that you can’t do it. You realize you must be able to get through it because there are more levels to explore beyond it. And you also know the next level comes with new skills and tools, and new areas to explore and enjoy.

The same it is with your life. The challenges allow you to know yourself better and discover the capabilities you have and to move forward in a new, empowered and expanded way. And what is so wonderful is your growth and experiences serve not only you but also the whole and are exactly what is driving the shift that is occurring on your planet. You are intrepid pioneers of empowerment and we are with you every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




What you talk about is what you would like to become. What you do is who you are. If you talk about peace but don’t make peaceful choices, you are not aligned with what you truly wish to experience. If you talk about love but don’t take opportunities to connect in a loving way, you are still experiencing a divide between where you are and where you would like to be.

Your choices become the energy you hold. They place you on a specific path which will hold the lack of or more of the experiences you truly wish to have.

Talk/dreaming is a pre-movement practice. Surrendering into intentional action is flow. It is tangible movement. Your conscious actions, no matter how small, are the magic ingredients that turn your dreams into reality.

Do you see? If you wish to experience more of something, incorporate it into your actions however you can and it will grow. The tiniest bit of action is a powerful energetic declaration because you will have shifted your desire from maybe happening one day to the essence of what you hold today. Stay in that space and the unfoldment will lead you to more and more of that experience until you are truly living the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




We spoke yesterday of the importance of taking action to incorporate the energy you wish to experience more of, even if it’s the tiniest bit, into your life. This is the act of becoming. Be it, even in the smallest amount, and the greater experience of it will naturally come.

A lot of you get caught up in the idea of waiting until there is divine timing. This is, in a sense, giving your power away. It is waiting for an external to dictate the conditions of your life. By starting to be the energy you wish to experience more of, it becomes irrelevant whether the externals are supporting the full expression of it right now or not because your internal state will always ultimately supersede external conditions.

What does matter is that you took empowered action to be the change and to indicate the direction you wish to go. You step into being the energetic leader of your life expression in this way, and the universe will respond in kind to this clear declaration of your free will and highest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




If you talk endlessly about something and never take action to move toward it, we highly recommend you get curious about why that is.

Are you afraid? If so, what of? Are you worried you will fall into ego if you are successful? Slow, conscious steps will not allow that to happen. Are you worried your life will change? It will, and it will change for the better as all change is designed to take you into a fuller expression of yourself. If your soul has been beckoning you forward in a direction it is because it will create positive expansion for you. Are you worried that you don’t have what it takes? Again, small conscious steps will assure your success. Are you worried you will get too much attention if you do? It is safe for you to be seen and recognized for your efforts. In fact, your taking action may very well inspire others to step into their dreams, too!

As humans, your mind will often tell you that your efforts must be all or nothing. Your inner wise one knows empowered change comes from integrating energy a bit at a time and allowing the unfoldment to take it from there. Why not start to love yourself forward toward that dream in small steps that are easy to incorporate? Before you know it, those steps will accumulate into a momentum that will carry you forward with comfort, grace, and ease.

Do you see what we are saying? It is absolutely within your capability to move into the experience of your dreams and have it be an enjoyable process to do so. The real discomfort comes from not listening to your heart and denying where your soul has been trying to lead you all along because your truest desires exist to light your path and help you find your way forward into your highest, most satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young








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