

Greetings, dear ones. I am Observer, and I join you this day with great pride. You have moved your planet already. You’ve moved the outcome of many things that were ready to take place, and more is happening every day. It’s fascinating to watch as we bring you ideas. Yes, we give you concepts. But all we’re really doing is bringing them to your attention, for you are the conscious creators. Take those ideas and bring them into your being. To be able to manifest and bring them into your life in some way, work with them to express that love. It’s truly a magical time. We know there are many difficulties on planet Earth. But these are also the times when the human heart rises, when you see more stories of heroism. You’ll see more and more stories of the heart take place, which bring out the true light of planet Earth.

Yes, it’s a beautiful time to be there. So with that, dear ones, know that each and every one of you have a piece of this. There are many things that are going to take place in the next few years. There are critical moves that will affect all that is, not just planet Earth. Why? Because you’re all connected, everything is connected. When you are able to actually use and feel that connection, and working with it on a regular basis, there is nothing that you cannot do. And that time is here now. There are all these challenges on planet Earth, with more to come. The reality is that when you step up, you create something unique. You can create where you live; you can create the environment that you work with every day. And we invite you to do exactly that. These are the times for you to create your world around you. Often you create your own sacred space, perhaps a room in your house where you meditate. Or maybe you even have a very sacred space in your office, where you can just close the door and be by yourself for a few moments. Let us elaborate on your base belief systems, for you can actually see many of them in your environment. That’s true. Take a look around, noticing all the things that are on your desk and the pictures that are on your wall. Consider the words that you’ve said or written, saying “This is me, this is who I am.” And then dare to change. Dare to move other things into those spaces, and to bring in new thoughts. Dare to manifest from a higher position even than you have before.




The time is now, dear ones, for the magic that you have created is starting to manifest over and over again. On top of that, you’re getting help. We’ve mentioned this before, but it is starting to happen more and more. You’re on a free choice planet, people cannot just come to planet Earth and say, “Oh, I’m going to help! I’m going to go in and fix things.” Well, that doesn’t work. It simply is not possible to do on a free choice planet. There were beings there in the beginning of planet Earth, six parental races that actually formed the physical bodies you use today. Of those six parental races, only four are left. The others are gone for the time being, although they will return. They will reincarnate in unison as you tend to do; you tend to reincarnate in groups. There are times when spirits incarnate together to accomplish things that you may not even be aware of consciously. Well, that’s happening now. There is an alignment taking place to offer more direct help, but they have to figure out how they can help without interfering. They are actually able to reach into your world sometimes. Not to change things or alter your path, to give you ideas, to open doors and let you feel the wind of the new energy.




Those are the things that we do from this side of the veil, we bring you opportunities. And we tell you, you have had more opportunities in recent times than you ever had before. For that you can thank the difficult times, because the difficult times are when humans come alive. They see something and they move past it one heart at a time, yet also in unison. You’re about to reach such a level of awakening on planet Earth. And it’s interesting, because you may strongly be on one side of a political argument or social issue or another. Although now it may even be almost impossible to talk about, when you take the next step up none of that matters. None of that is even important when you look at the larger picture, because all of those things are self-correcting. Oh yes, sometimes it takes a few years or other times it takes a hundred years, but they always self-correct. That is humanity, for you balance you. You challenge and balance the energies. You have help, dear ones, be aware of it. Know that you’re safer than you think. And that these are the times for you to speak your heart. Not that you have all the answers, because hopefully you’re still searching and open to possibilities. But it’s time for your heart to be heard. You’ve carried in something from Home that only you could carry. It’s a beautiful time to be here.

Soon we will bring you the next level of the game, that next part that you can all create together. Know that when you hold hands, dear ones, you create exponentially. It happens at an incredible pace and all it takes is a connection that you already have. To strengthen that connection you simply need to acknowledge it and grow it, and know that you’re never alone on this planet. Not ever. And quite honestly, we wish you’d stop trying so hard to be alone. We’re here around you all the time. We hold you when you can’t hold yourself. We help you re-member when you can’t. And yet we don’t actually direct you, for that’s your job. Our job is simply to be here to help you re-member who you really are and why you came to Earth. These are grand times, dear ones, and you are very grand beings. We sit before you with the greatest of honor, for your place has been reserved. Welcome Home. Know that you’re never that far from us. We’re right over your shoulders. It’s with the greatest of honor, we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together as you now step





傳導:Steve Rother


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