Soul Contracts and Building Nova Earth | Steve Beckow By Steve Beckow,


June 15, 2022 (Golden Age of Gaia)


We share another volume in the Golden Age of Gaia Basic Library today.



This series is designed to cover what’s going on in the world from a global perspective, drawing on the evidence of channeled literature, and focusing on Ascension, accountability, Disclosure, and abundance.



This particular volume is on soul contracts, also often called life plans, sometimes soul design.

I’d like to address one particular point in starting out. Much of this evidence was gathered in the time period 2008-2013. Some of it traces back to 2003-4, etc. Some readers may think, oh, that’s so long ago.
我想在開始時解決一個特定的問題。大部分證據是在 2008-2013 年期間收集的。其中一些可以追溯到 2003-4 等。有些讀者可能會想,哦,那是很久以前的事了。

Things do change on the other side of the veil, to be sure, but the truth remains the same.

There is no time beyond the Third/Fourth Dimension. No fads and fashions.

But, even if there were, much of what is said here is timeless wisdom. So I have no qualms in studying material that was given, say, ten or twenty years ago – or a hundred years ago.


As a student of cross-cultural spirituality, I salivate to read material given two or three milennia ago, like Thoth, for instance, or Apollonius of Tyana, or his contemporary, a Jewish prophet named Jesus.


The part that is truth, rather than event-related, never grows old.


With that, here we look at what it is we lightworkers as a whole are here to do.


Download What is a Soul Contract? here:

⌘ Building Nova Earth ⌘

⌘ 建造新星地球 ⌘

Do lightworkers share a single mission?


God: In this lifetime, a universal desire is coming to the surface. It has been a desire long held. Now, you, in this lifetime, are seeing the beginning of a Return to Paradise, right here on Earth, an updated Paradise, yet Paradise nevertheless. Yes, this, too, is part of the Divine Plan and Free Will. Just think of it – Fulfillment of All Desires, that have been desired since the beginning of time. (1)
神:在這一生中,一個普遍的願望正在浮出水面。這是一個長久以來的願望。現在,在這一生中,你正在看到回歸天堂的開始,就在地球上,一個更新的天堂,但仍然是天堂。是的,這也是神聖計劃和自由意志的一部分。想一想——滿足所有的願望,這是從一開始就被渴望的。 (1)


Gaia: I, myself [Gaia], am connected with cosmic energies and forces who are assisting me, and, together, we feel that a new step in the evolution of humanity is happening. It is like the childlike part of humanity is now evolving and becoming wiser and more mature.
But the situation at this moment is quite critical, and at a certain point, children will have been allowed enough room to explore. It is time for them to surrender to a bigger truth which they already know in their hearts. …
蓋亞:我,我自己 [蓋亞],與幫助我的宇宙能量和力量相連,我們一起感到人類進化的新步驟正在發生。就好像人類幼稚的部分正在進化,變得更聰明、更成熟。


I am now telling you what your mission is on Earth – it is to be an angel on Earth.
You do not have to change the people around you; you do not have to get involved in politics, or that kind of activity. What you are meant to do here as a lightworker is to anchor a certain vibration. (2)
我現在告訴你,你在地球上的使命是什麼——成為地球上的天使。你不必改變你周圍的人;你不必參與政治或那種活動。作為光之工作者,你在這裡要做的就是錨定某種振動。 (2)


Matthew: For all that those activities down through the ages have enabled billions of souls to complete soul contracts and evolve, Gaia is weary of her planetary body being a karmic merry-go-round and dealing with the negativity this creates.

That is why you lightworkers volunteered to leave joy-filled lives in spiritually- and consciously-advanced civilizations and come to Earth. You knew that you would forget your homelands; your new dense bodies would be vulnerable to injury, illness and disease; you would live in a world of violence, fear, poverty, bigotry, greed and other darkness inherent in a third density civilization.


Yet, you came! Because you also knew when you volunteered that your love-light would show the people of Earth the way to halt that merry-go-round. (3)
然而,你來了!因為你也知道,當你自告奮勇時,你的愛之光會向地球人展示停止旋轉木馬的方法。 (3)

“Doing” in the sense of actions taken to make things better will continue for the majority for awhile yet, but you came prepared to serve from a higher level, in ways that could lift the three-dimensional belief system out of its continual need to fix, heal, correct, punish, and force change and into easier and more loving ways of living.


You incarnated to assist in opening dense and struggling states of consciousness to an awareness of Earth as being a spiritual universe peopled with sons [and daughters] of God. (4)
你化身來協助打開密集而掙扎的意識狀態,讓你意識到地球是一個充滿神之子女的精神/靈性宇宙。 (4)


What can our vision be for building Nova Earth?
我們對建造 Nova Earth 的願景是什麼?


The Council of Angels: You may tune in now to a vision we are showing the channel of all that we have outlined here today – a new society based on transparency; awareness within each being’s mind of your connection to Source, your origin from the higher dimensions, the existence of and connection to your higher self, and your tuning into your soul contracts and soul missions agreed to before coming into your lives on earth; and awareness of the existence of higher dimensional beings from other star systems and planets who wish for the successful creation of your higher dimensional societies so that transparent inter-galactic relations may exist between their kind and yours. (5)
天使委員會:你們現在可以觀想一個願景,我們正在展示今天在這裡概述的所有內容的渠道—— 一個基於透明度的新社會;在每個存有的頭腦中意識到你與源頭的連接,你來自更高維度的起源,你的更高自我的存在和連接,以及你在進入地球生活之前對你的靈魂契約和靈魂使命的調整; 並意識到來自其他恆星系統和行星更高維度存有的存在,他們希望成功地創建你們的更高維度社會,以便在他們和你們之間存在透明的星系間關係。 (5)


But how can we humans accomplish this?



Archangel Michael: Often we have said to you, in this life, and this incarnation, you have brought with you all talents, all abilities. Your complete soul design is anchored and you are ready to go forward.

If that does not imply and directly speak to mastery, then I do not know what does. So then you say to me, “Well, Lord, why have you not spoken of this before?” Because you weren’t ready. Period. Within that sense of lack of self-worth and the ego out of control, you weren’t ready to have this conversation. You weren’t ready to be in that place of the balance, which is the place that you create from. (6)
如果這並不意味著直接與掌握有關,那麼我不知道是什麼。於是你對我說:“哦,主啊,你以前為什麼不提這個?”因為你還沒有準備好。過程。在那種缺乏自我價值感和自我失控的感覺中,你還沒有準備好進行這次談話。你還沒有準備好進入平衡的那個地方,這是你創造的地方。 (6)


Ashira: The sacred purpose of every person – do not judge, do not start to quantify who is Illuminati, who is cabal, who is in containment, who is not in trust, who is the religious right, who is the fanatic – every person on your planet, billions and billions, all came with the fullness of their soul design, with the sacred soul purpose to be part of this Ascension and Shift. (7)
Ashira:每個人的神聖目的——不要評判,不要開始量化誰是光明,誰是陰謀集團,誰在收容中,誰不信任,誰是宗教權利,誰是狂熱者——每個人在你們的星球上,數十億人,都帶著他們完整的靈魂設計而來,帶著神聖的靈魂目標,成為這個揚升和轉變的一部分。 (7)


SaLuSa: Since you will always be in the right place for your continuing experience, do not fear what lies ahead. As long as you are fulfilling your life contract, you can rest easy and know that whatever you have planned is for your greater good. (8)
SaluSa:既然你總是在正確的地方繼續你的體驗,不要害怕未來的事情。只要你在履行你的人生契約,你就可以高枕無憂,並且知道你所計劃的一切都是為了你更大的利益。 (8)


I know I’m an angel, but I’m not aware that I’ve brought that through this lifetime.


Sanat Kumara: You are not simply a fragment of who you are above and we don’t know how many times we will have to say this, we will say it until it is firmly anchored within your knowing conscious self. In this lifetime, in this incarnation, you have brought the fullness of your soul design, the totality of your being, into form. …

And there are some of you that we listen to and we hear you say “Well, this is not perfection. This is not the way. I am sure it is not the way I appear in heaven.” The contents of the container are the same and the design is perfection, for what you wish to be a reflection of. And what you wish to communicate that will act as a catalyst not only for your Ascension, for your completion, for your jump, but also for others….
我們傾聽你們中的一些人,我們聽到你們說:“嗯,這不是完美的。 這不是辦法。 我確信這不是我出現在天堂的樣子。” 容器的內容是相同的,設計是完美的,因為你想成為一個反映。 你希望傳達的內容不僅會成為你揚升、完成、跳躍以及其他人的催化劑……。


The greatest obstacle that we face with you and that you face is you accepting how powerful you are, that you have this innate ability. That is why we speak of Universal Law, creation formulas, divine qualities; we are simply your memory joggers. We are your assistants. This is part of our service to the Mother because in her design what has occurred is that you are the embodiment. You, not Saint Germaine, not Saint Teresa, not myself, even as planetary logos – you are the embodiment of the fulfillment of Her plan. Each of you. (9)
我們和你面臨的最大障礙是--接受你有多麼強大,你有這種與生俱來的能力。這就是為什麼我們談論宇宙法則、創造公式、神聖品質的原因;我們只是你記憶的慢跑者。我們是你的助手。這是我們為母親服務的一部分,因為在她的設計中,你是化身。你,不是聖哲曼,不是聖特蕾莎,不是我自己,即使是行星的標誌——你是她計劃實現的體現。你們每個人。 (9)


Archangel; Michael: If the Mother designed or desired for what you think of as perfect beings to be in the forefront of this unfoldment, then she would have done so. Part of what you are doing is showing the willingness, demonstrating the commitment to step forward in what you perceive of as imperfection or even incompleteness and to do so on behalf of the Mother. …
大天使麥可:如果母親設計或希望你認為完美的存在處於這一展開的最前沿,那麼她會這樣做。你正在做的部分工作是表現出意願,表明承諾在你認為不完美、甚至不完整的事情上向前邁進,並代表母親這樣做。 …


So are you up for this challenge? This opportunity? This adventure? Of course you are. DO NOT WORRY. (10)
那麼你準備好迎接這個挑戰了嗎? 這次機會? 這次冒險? 你當然是。 不用擔心。 (10)


St. Germaine: Come with me! It is time to step forward, and it is time to be the fullness of your light, of your potential, of your soul design. (11)
聖哲曼:跟我來! 現在是向前邁進的時候了,是時候成為你的光、你的潛力、你的靈魂設計的充實。 (11)

Archangel Michael: You have the capacity, you have the wherewithal, you have absolutely what it takes to fully align with your power, your universal self, the totality of your full design, your abilities, in divine perfection of your divine authority, with the divine authority, with the love right now.


No more delays. (12)



By what process will my capabilities be brought through again?

Archangel Michael: You have brought the fullness of your soul design, your talents, your abilities, to this lifetime, in physicality, in your expanded self.


Now, in doing that, you also brought unresolved vasanas. Is this the end of the world? No, it is the beginning. And I know you are ready to address this. (13)
現在,在這樣做的過程中,你也帶來了未解決的 vasanas。這是世界末日嗎?不,這是開始。我知道你已經準備好解決這個問題了。 (13)

Archangel Gabrielle: There are things, that you have blocked, or denied, or simply haven’t opened as yet. So there are many rooms, many aspects within your design that perhaps you have stored away.


And I am not merely speaking about memory – you say well, Atlantis was horrific, so I have stored that memory away, so I do not have to re-live that tragedy – but often what has happened, in that storage process, is you have often stored away some of the talents and abilities that you also had, at that time.

Now we, Michael and I and the Mother, have said to you, repeatedly, that in this lifetime, you have brought with you, the fullness of your portrait, your kaleidoscope, and that you have anchored this, because, Dear Heart, for this lifetime, for this Ascension, you need, you want, you desire, but you knew that you would be using all of your talents, your abilities, your knowingness.


So what does that mean? It means that Codes – what we would call Creation Codes – that have not been activated or looked at, perhaps for hundreds of lifetimes, are being reactivated, brought back to the surface, so that you may call upon these energies to go forward in our co-creative partnership. (14)
那是什麼意思?這意味著代碼——我們稱之為創造代碼——可能數百生以來都沒有被激活或觀察,正在被重新激活,被帶回表面,這樣你就可以召喚這些能量在我們的生活中前進共創夥伴關係。 (14)



Why me? Why am I here?
為什麼是我? 為什麼我在這裡?


Hilarion: You are one who has never forgotten the Light that you are. There are many people in the world who have forgotten and need to be reminded and this is why you and others like you are here at this time. (15)
希拉靈:你是一個永遠不會忘記你所是的光的人。 世界上有很多人已經忘記並需要被提醒,這就是為什麼你和其他像你一樣的人此時在這裡。 (15)


Matthew: The difference between you who know you are lightworkers and the many millions who don’t know they are is your knowledge.


You know you are multidimensional immortal souls inseparably connected with each other and God, and all souls are the pure love-light essence of Creator. You know about soul contracts and pre-birth agreements, universal laws and planetary and personal ascension. You know there are countless souls in other civilizations, many of which are highly evolved spiritually, consciously and technologically, and some are your ancestors. And you know that during this unprecedented era of change throughout this universe, love-light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is vanquishing the vestiges of darkness on Earth. (16)
你知道你是多維不朽的靈魂,彼此和神密不可分,所有的靈魂都是造物主純粹的愛、光、本質。你知道靈魂契約和出生前協議、宇宙法則以及行星和個人提升。 你知道其他文明有無數的靈魂,其中許多在精神上、意識上和技術上都高度進化,有些是你的祖先。 你知道,在這個整個宇宙前所未有的變革時代,愛之光,宇宙中最強大的力量,正在征服地球上的黑暗遺跡。 (16)




(1) “Heavenletter #4797,” January 12, 2014, at

(2) “Earth Speaks: Your Mission on Earth,” through Pamela Kribbe, March 13, 2022, at
“地球說話:你在地球上的使命”,Pamela Kribbe

(3) Matthew’s Message, May 23, 2015, at

(4) The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, March 27, 2022, at
大角星群體,來自 Marilyn Raffaele

(5) “The Council of Angels: Transparency and Truth,” channeled by Goldenlight, November 22, 2013 at

(6) Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” April 10, 2013, at

(7) “Cmdr. Ashira of UFOG talks about the Universal Laws and how/when to use them…,” May 9, 2014, at

“指揮官。 UFOG 的 Ashira 談論宇宙法則以及如何/何時使用它們……”

(8) SaLuSa, Dec. 15, 2008, at

(9) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Above and Below, Part 1/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 27, 2013 at

(10) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 11, 2013.
大天使麥可通過 Linda Dillon 與 Steve Beckow 進行個人閱讀

(11) “St Germaine: Declare Yourselves Free!,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 4, 2013 at

(12) “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on the Source of Power and Authority, AHWAA, March 9, 2017,” at
(13) “Archangel Michael on Core Vasanas and the Constructed Self,” May 1, 2013, at

(14) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings: The 12 Divine Rays with Archangel Gabrielle,” channeled by Linda Dillon, February 18, 2014, at

(15) Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff, October 4, 2016.

(16) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2019.

Download What is a Soul Contract? here:



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