加百利- 進化是一件美好的事情
How much separation you choose between you and others can be indicative of a need for healing. For many of you distance equals safety. There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness. There is a difference between solitude and isolation.
So what do you do if you feel you are choosing separation due to unhealed wounds? Explore the space. What emotions are driving the need for distance? Why are you feeling afraid or disempowered?
Once you discern what the prevalent emotion is that is driving that need for space, send love to the the part of you that feels unsafe and then send love to distance itself. Make that space between you and others not a wall, but rather a buffer zone of love and healing that will positively affect everyone involved. As you fill in that distance with the safety and comfort of love and compassion, you will find it much easier to shift into being open to connectedness which is what your soul truly seeks.
Walls, while they often seem like a good idea, keep everything out. We want you to have the full experience of what you yearn for and deserve from connection, such as love, joy, support, encouragement, friendship and so much more! From a healed space you will be able to use your wisdom to let others in who will truly add to your life in the most wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your beliefs are what is true for you. They are how you create and evolve.
If you understand that, you might wish to examine your beliefs and see if they are in line with who you are energetically today, and if they are in line with where you wish to go. Do your beliefs encourage you or do they discourage you? Do they support growth and evolution or are they constraining and restrictive? Do they support unity and connection or separation? Do they bring you peace?
Evolution is a wonderful thing. It is what you are on the planet to do. That means that not only is it okay for your beliefs to evolve, it is a natural part of your journey and your purpose. So be curious. Be willing to explore. Pay attention to how you feel. Ask yourself if your beliefs empower everyone involved and support the creation of the new earth.
Be willing to allow the continual unfoldment of you, for that is exactly why you chose to come onto an ascending planet in physical form. Your evolution of beliefs is exactly what is driving the great shift of consciousness you are so beautifully participating in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Most of you have been raised in a critical world where you have been judged and corrected most of your lives. Your parents and your teachers thought they were doing well by pointing out what you were doing wrong, but in many cases this approach was out of balance and didn’t focus equally on everything that you were doing beautifully. If nothing was said you were doing ok, so you have become used to your only feedback being negative feedback.
As adults you have accepted this as the way to handle yourself and continue to do it to this day. You feel like you are doing a good job of managing yourself and your growth if you are always on high alert for what is wrong with you.
But the problem with this is being hard on yourself cannot get you where you wish to go. Berating yourself and constantly judging yourself only keeps you in a triggered and frozen state because you will constantly be feeding fear and doubt within yourself. It will erode your self confidence and make you want to contract rather than expand and grow.
The truly great influences on your life are the ones that see you in your truth and encourage you forward into your greatest potential. Isn’t it time you do that for yourself? If you realize that your harsh treatment of yourself simply cannot get you where you wish to go, isn’t it time to release that old, ineffective and cruel habit once and for all?
Isn’t it time to become a safe space for yourself so you can step forward with all the love and support you need to shift into your fullest expression of self? Isn’t it time to show the world how you deserve to be treated by holding the energy of self love, self acceptance, and self respect? Isn’t it time to be a teacher by example for your children so the old system of self abuse will never be carried forward into the next generations? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
It is a common experience during energetically active times to suddenly feel somewhat isolated or to not be able to hear or feel the guidance you normally are able to connect to. Please understand that in no way does this mean you have been abandoned! When you are in the process of integrating a specific energy you enter into an energetic space that prioritizes that download.
You might think of it as being placed in an isolation cone or tube that only contains the energy download you are receiving. This occurs to make sure the energy you receive is in its purest form. Rest assured you haven’t done anything wrong or lost your abilities. We are right next to you through this process, you just are temporarily unable to sense us. Once your download has completed things will be right back to how they have always been, and in many cases, our connection will even be enhanced.
So if you suddenly feel somewhat less connected than normal, you can rest easy in the knowing that you are in the process of yet another energetic upgrade. There is nothing to be concerned about and there is nothing for you to do than to follow the wisdom of your own body and allow the process to occur. All is well, Dear Ones, all is well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Do you realize that surrendering into the flow doesn’t just dramatically improve the amount of comfort and ease you have in your day to day lives, it profoundly supports your spiritual practices, as well. It allows you to move into a better alignment to deepen your meditation experiences, receive all forms of psychic information, and to run energy healing as a much clearer channel. It serves both your human and your spiritual lives in many more ways than you realize. It is the key to having a greatly enhanced experience as an enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young